Designing the Time Machine

Thanks for the links, guys. I'll follow up on all of them. The drawings you've posted show a couple of useful things, but a lot of it is too mundane. I want really eccentric parts. Like these:


Most are either patents for perpetual motion devices, or modern spoofs thereof. Note the eccentrically weighted wheels & shafts in the center bottom. I intend something like that, with some teslaic additions for the round centerpiece of the motive array. The upper left is a (non-functional) model of the Keely Hydro-Pneumatic Pulsating Vacuo-Engine (original built circa 1884). Amongst other things it uses tuning forks to entrain the engine to aetheric vibrations.

"With our present knowledge no definition can be given of the latent force, which, possessing all the conditions of attraction and repulsion associated with it, is free of magnetism. If it is a condition of electricity, robbed of all electrical phenomena, or a magnetic force, repellant to the phenomena associated with magnetic development, the only philosophical conclusion I can arrive at is that this indefinable element is the soul of matter." - J. W. Keely

Sounds like time machine material to me.
are you guys in need of a TIME Machine unit too?

Because I have of model of this entire thing.
Or, even better, find a way to break it down into ten different parts, so that we can highlight each as its part is built in the Time Machine Imperative (Space Race). We could then match each part up with a diagram piece on the desktop....
Now how would a unit function like that?
It's a model so far, not a unit. Presumably it can be broken into parts - with a hack saw, if necessary - and each of those parts could be married to a layer of the space race. If it were a spaceship model, and we were trying to design a new space race for the vanilla game, I'd suggest the same thing. We already have a working teleportation device (the Tardis). What we need is a good space race - the Time Machine. We only need the finished model to be big enough to fit into that drawing at the top of your desktop there; the rest is graphics work, highlighting the parts as they are built. Perhaps the machine could "appear" on the desktop as it is built; that might require redesign (of the desktop), but it could work*... Wyrmshadow is welcome to build the time machine as a unit as well, but that's not exactly what we need for this particular project, wonderful as the prospect may be..

*And there's precedent: Wells' time traveler built a working miniature of the machine in the story, to demonstrate the possibility of the larger one.
okay, i didn't realize what the whole thread was about. I dont have the time to do what you want.
What a shame. Could you then provide us with the time machine model, so that we could use it to finish our space race?

PM me an email I can send it to as I don't want to post the model on the forum directly.


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Just to be clear as I gather potential pieces & start to lay out the graphics -
In game terms there are 10 pieces to be built.
For example "ebony plates" is one piece; not something the player must build multiple times.

Do I understand correctly your intent?
Hi. I just popped by this project a little while ago and was wowed. Completely wowed. Making a steampunk mod is really great.

What I was thinking would be really great would be if you changed the movie after the time machine was constructed to show a clip from one of the numerous movies based on the H. G. Wells novel (there are like twenty of them I swear, I even saw a version in legos). I dodn't know which clip would be good, but if you got your grubby little paws on a clip of the time taveler warping a way that would be pretty damn consmarmy.

I've never changed one of the cinematics, but I think it would be farely easy, correct me if I'm worng, but I think you'd just make a Movie file in the Art subfolder for the scenario and then name it "race."

Check out these clips: Trailer For 1960's Film

These two could be spliced to get the prescise clips that you would want, I think the this one would be a bit more useful than the this one, the second simply contains the model that the time traveler shows to the gentlmen, but the first one contains the scene of the time traveler's departure. (Quite well done for the sixties I might add.) Yeah. Just an idea.
Those clips remind me of why they added the spinning wheel to the time machine in the first place; because time passing is a really dull visual. Try it; sit perfectly still for a minute and watch time pass. So they added a colorful wheel to the machine. In the 2002 version of the film the time travel sequences (>here<) are predictably escalated (I'd lop off the slow beginning and cut it at 3:00, myself). What we end up wanting will depend in any case on what Blue Monkey does with the time machine (keep watching this thread for updates!)

By the way, welcome to Creation & Customization, Cerunnos. You're an example of why the input of newbies isn't always unpleasant. I haven't thought about the Civ movies in a while.
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