It's a model so far, not a unit. Presumably it can be broken into parts - with a hack saw, if necessary - and each of those parts could be married to a layer of the space race. If it were a spaceship model, and we were trying to design a new space race for the vanilla game, I'd suggest the same thing. We already have a working teleportation device (the Tardis). What we need is a good space race - the Time Machine. We only need the finished model to be big enough to fit into that drawing at the top of your desktop there; the rest is graphics work, highlighting the parts as they are built. Perhaps the machine could "appear" on the desktop as it is built; that might require redesign (of the desktop), but it could work*... Wyrmshadow is welcome to build the time machine as a unit as well, but that's not exactly what we need for this particular project, wonderful as the prospect may be..
*And there's precedent: Wells' time traveler built a working miniature of the machine in the story, to demonstrate the possibility of the larger one.