There’s a thread on Reddit where the FXS Devs discuss the AI and other issues. Link
here. You can find some other quotes searching the Dev’s profile.
Some quotes below:
“Both of these changes would fall into a camp of feature that I've tried to avoid with all of my work on Civ 6: they would be features that do absolutely nothing when used on a human player.
This is something I avoid for two reasons: 1, the obvious multiplayer implications of the game containing features that simply don't apply in that context. 2, the fact that it gives the player more tools than the AI has.
Your comment about Civ being singleplayer, with multiplayer slapped on top, is sadly kind of true. But it's something that we're trying to shy away from: we want multiplayer Civ to be as well-supported as singleplayer Civ. This is why more concrete effects have been added to systems that in base game were only for manipulating the AI: diplomatic visibility now affecting combat, alliances now having strong in-game effects beyond locking in your diplomatic state with the AI, etc.