OK I started once more.
Here is our start... Nice food bonus with the flood plains and plenty of mountains.
Turn 01 (4000BC) - I dont move my worker, we settle on the spot. Goody hut gives us BW and we will have silk in range after expansion. Also as you can see in the minimap we are possibly on the west coast. No horses in sight though. Worker moves to irrigate the flood plain and we start a warrior. We start 100% research on pottery, due in 12 and a warrior due in 10.
Turn 02 (3950BC) - Worker starts irrigation.
Turn 03 (3900BC) - Yawn.
Turn 04 (3850BC) - Yawn.
Turn 05 (3800BC) - Yawn.
Turn 06 (3750BC) - Worker completes irrigation starts road.
Turn 07 (3700BC) - Yawn.
Turn 07 (3650BC) - Yawn.
Turn 07 (3600BC) - We reach size 2, warrior completes, start another. Worker finishes road, moves to next flood plain to irrigate. warrior goes south onto the Mountain.
Turn 08 (3550BC) - Warrior goes east and spots a cow.
Turn 09 (3500BC) - Border expansion. warrior goes se onto the mountain nearest the cow. Possible first city site spotted. Kyoto switched to settler. Science to 50%, pottery next turn.
Turn 10 (3450BC) - Pottery -> warrior code. research back to 100%. warrior goes south.
Turn 11 (3400BC) - Warrior continues south and spots more silks.
Turn 12 (3350BC) - Warrior goes west onto a mountain and spots a goody hut. worker completes irrigation and starts road.
Turn 13 (3300BC) - Kyoto size 3. 10% lux. Warrior pops hut and gets 25gold.
Turn 14 (3250BC) - Warrior goes west onto mountain and sees more western coast, seems like we have a peninsula to ourselves.
Turn 15 (3200BC) - Worker completes road, starts the road to the silks. warrior goes south.
Turn 16 (3150BC) - Warrior goes se onto the mountain and spots two more silks and horses to the east, they are far to far away from our capial methinks.
Turn 17 (3100BC) - Warrior goes east, hmm water to the east, we may have an easily defensible choke point here.
Turn 18 (3050BC) - Warrior goes east, mountains in the way of a better view.
Turn 19 (3000BC) - Warrior goes north east onto a mountain and in turns out to be a 1 tile lake

. Research to 80%, warrior code next turn.
Turn 20 (2950BC) - Warrior code -> iron working research back to 90%. Kyoto builds settler as it expands to size 4. Kyoto size 2 now. Little pop-up tells us we are the most advanced in the world. Other civs are Greece, Babylon, England, Rome, Aztecs and India. Hope we dont meet the Greeks, Babs, Romans or Indians any time soon

Settler heads for sw and south of the cow. This is on a river and will have the cow and another silk in range after expansion. Warrior goes north to view more of the settlers prospective site and reveals desert and forest to the east of the site. Research set to 100%.
And that was that, no contact, no wars and plenty of tech.
I'm sure I dont need to add that we need to get our three cities up quickly and we cannot aford to let Kyoto riot at all. If it hits size three, it will riot atm so watch out
Roster is
Melifluous (Just Played)
Andvruss (Up Now)
Sir Bugsy (On Deck)
Lets 'ave it