Here's a post halfway through my turns.
Pre-turn 2510 BC Check cities Both look good, no MM needed. Looking good at this point, thanks andvruss.

IW due in 6 turns. Hit enter.
(1) 2470 BC Worker finishes road >mine BG. Warrior heading west towards future city site.
(2) 2430 BC Kyoto grows to pop 4. Check happiness of Kyoto and we wont need to adjust slider. Set new pop to work BG. Settler in 5 turns. Warrior continues west.
(3) 2390 BC - Move warrior SW. I think I will place city #3 on the hill which will give a defensive bonus, have access to the coast , and not have too much jungle to cut down. IW due in 2 turns. Check slider but cant reduce yet.
(4) 250 BC IW due in one. Adjust slider to 90% for +1gpt. Move warrior onto hill. Heres the view.
(5) 2310 BC IW comes in. Go for Masonry in 7 turns at 100%. Can you says city walls! And we have iron on the hill directly east of Kyoto!!
If any one has any comments on city placement, please comment. I will hold off building the city for a couple of hours.