Difficulty level & Barbarians


Nov 1, 2023
Hi, everyone! Got some questions after playing Vox Populi for a bit.
1. Deity level is extremely difficult for me to play, although Immortal seems easy. Is there any chance to play something in between? Before VP I used to edit handicapinfos file :)
2. I usually play with BarbariansEvolved mod. In comparison with older versions of the game, in VP barbarians seem so harmless, their camps spawn so reluctantly and they can not even conquer a foreign city (except for city states). How can I strengthen them?
There is an advanced option : raging barbarians.
To be fair, it is still kinda easy to manage them if you go Authority. Especially when playing the Aztecs.
I had a city conquered by barbs before! but it was a bug.
(barbarian came from the fog of war and disembarked right next to my city. trade route moved into the barbarian, which spawned another barbarian. the spawned barbarian spawned ON the city (this is the bug) which conquered it instantly)

as for your question, it's still possible for you to edit the handicaps. They are in (2) Vox Populi\Database Changes\Difficulty\DifficultyChanges.xml
Hi, everyone! Got some questions after playing Vox Populi for a bit.
1. Deity level is extremely difficult for me to play, although Immortal seems easy. Is there any chance to play something in between? Before VP I used to edit handicapinfos file :)
2. I usually play with BarbariansEvolved mod. In comparison with older versions of the game, in VP barbarians seem so harmless, their camps spawn so reluctantly and they can not even conquer a foreign city (except for city states). How can I strengthen them?
1. Fine-tuning the variables will get you there, or at least much closer to what you desire.
2. What settings do you play with for BarbariansEvolved? It seemed to break the game when I used it to tune for just barbarian alterations. I'd always find an unkillable barbarian leader scout roaming the map and the subseqount threat of doom pop-up with the civ part turned off. The rest of the mod was fine as far as I can recall.
1. Fine-tuning the variables will get you there, or at least much closer to what you desire.
2. What settings do you play with for BarbariansEvolved? It seemed to break the game when I used it to tune for just barbarian alterations. I'd always find an unkillable barbarian leader scout roaming the map and the subseqount threat of doom pop-up with the civ part turned off. The rest of the mod was fine as far as I can recall.

Without any additional settings and without barbarian leader. Just love to see how barbarians smash one civilization, conquering their cities one by one :)
Barbarians don't have scouts.
It was perhaps an earlier version than the latest, however the mod BarbariansEvolved does have an 'Infiltrator' as a late game unit (Manhattan Project pre-req)

I had to jog my memory by looking up the mod again, it is this unit that uses the scout icon and unit model.

I will have to try out the mod again, I always enjoyed it without the civ part.
I play Communitu_79a map two continents with everyone starts in old continent setting with raging barbarians options. When I discover the new continent I found that 3 city states were captured by barbars. Now this screen makes feel like I'm in a Zombie movie that all the zombies try to catch me.

In the very first world congress I proposed Cassus Belli and everyone is thankful for my choice. This is very unusual game for my standards.
Screenshot 2023-12-19 143406.png
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I play Communitu_79a map two continents with everyone starts in old continent setting with raging barbarians options. When I discover the new continent I found that 3 city states were captured by barbars. Now this screen makes feel like I'm in a Zombie movie that all the zombies try to catch me.

In the very first world congress I proposed Cassus Belli and everyone is thankful for my choice. This is very unusual game for my standards.
View attachment 680083
That's so cool. An Island that slowly devolved into anarchy, I wish they made barbarians stronger and more sophisticated over time, making them an actual threat to every player in a game, someone should make a mod for that.
Barbarian GDRs anyone?
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