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Divine Intervention III: RagnarReign of Terror

Behold! I am Ludd, god of Crass, whose followers are called Luddites and are crass, but usually just ludicrous. Ludd gets nothing except stuck with the mead bill.

(Figger if I'm going to watch, I should at least have fun with it)
After she graciously allowed me to borrow her Laptop, I forgot to sign out of Elona's account.

Anyways, VRA, I think you may have missed out on the fact that the gods are editing each others' saves, and there is no giant mess to fix.

But thanks for the effort! :D

-- Got it
I have watched our King sleep - there is no rest. He churns and he growls and he twists and he turns, but when he awakens his eyes are always filled with purpose.

Ragnar awoke today, and he charged out of his Palace and called a council with the other chiefs. It was revealed to him that all that he had slept had come true. A boat, crewed by sea spirits, had requested a navigator to guide them around the continent. A new island had lifted itself from the sea, and it is controlled by Barbarians. Rumors say it goes by the name of Churchillton. Catherine and Willem are now at each other's throats.

Ragnar nodded, and set to work.


Catherine is getting too brave.

Spoiler :

She is demanding things of us. We refuse, and she threatens war. We kill her messenger and send it back with the body dragged by a chariot. Russia and the Netherlands cease their war and Catherine declares war on us!

Quickly we defeat their advance troops and press into Russia Northeast of Nidaros.

Rostov falls, and we focus our warfare up north as Russian troops push into the land near Uppsala. Meanwhile, in this age of violence and combat, our King Ragnar has set forth a Code of Laws to govern the ever-growing nation. In concurrance with this, we formally accept the religion of the Dutch, but in our cities it is clear that this is just a diplomatic move: the Eldar faith, founded in Eldarion, is the prime religion of the Land.

Spoiler :

The Happy Wanderer had departed, and Ragnar's inquisitions turned to the whereabouts.


Upon the Happy Wanderer, the crew has realized a problem - they cannot take to the open sea, and the coast is owned by Russia. A vote is held, and it was decided that it would be better to risk the ire of Russia than the consequences of the Sea god.

Spoiler :

Luckily, they make a break through Russian lands and complete the circuit. Our troops stationed in Rostov cheer as the Happy Wanderer stops by briefly, heading home finally to Eldarion

Spoiler :


Meanwhile, back home, King Ragnar leads our troops to victory in northern Russia.

Spoiler :

World Recap:
Spoiler :

What secrets do the gods hold for tomorrow?


  • DivIntervention3.CivBeyondSwordSave
    240.3 KB · Views: 70
Got it!

*gets to his subtle ways*

Awaken does the subtle one, this time in a new world. He views the world, and sees his old friend, the one from before. The one who took off to space before the child of the Earth, Liberi, went to sleep again. To him, he grants a challenge. And then, a scrap of paper seems to flutter to every capital in the world...

Find my island. Defeat they who live there, raze there cities, and claim it for your own. Only then will I give you my true blessings

Spoiler :
For kicks, I blasted Hannibal's main cities off the continent. This won't count against the Happy Wayfarer's task, as you seem to have completed that one before I went at that. He's still around, just less connected now...

Also, an island has risen from the sea by my blessing. Find it, and you will be rewarded. Don't find it, and you don't get the reward. WARNING: Barbs have out-of-current era troops, as you cannot find the island pre-Optics, and cannot take the island pre-Astro
I like the idea for this series, but it's hard to follow without links to each segment on the first page, and without consistent screenshots of the empire, highlighting changes that have been made.
Ragnar dreamt he stood atop the cliffs of Eldarion, looking out at a calm ocean. From beneath the dark blue waters came forth a great leviathan, bearing on its back a mermaid of great beauty and regal aspect. As she paused to speak, the noise of the waves grew softer still, while her eyes sparkled with gentle charm. "You have earned the favour of our lord. May your nets be full with his bounty, your harbours safe from his wrath, and may the tears of your foes be as rivers to his realm".

Spoiler :
*Turned the Happy Wanderer into a Trireme with C1+2+3, Blitz, Nav1+2, and Morale.

*Gave Eldarion a fish and nets.

*Washed out all of Cathy's coast-side improvements.

*Weakened Cathy's units near Upsala, and changed the tile to ice.


  • DivInt WH2.CivBeyondSwordSave
    242 KB · Views: 62
Got it.

I will edit it after Breakfast. HOpefully I won't have ANOTHER stupid 1.5 hour chore (I doubt it :p)

[Edit]If someone can do an edit within... 30 minutes, feel free. But if you can't, don't touch it yet :p[/Edit]


Ragnar was dreaming of many great things, things that all respectable leaders thought of. Paperwork... organising military actions, managing the economy. Those sorts of things. The fact that the papers were almost naked women, the military leaders were almost naked women, and the economists were... almost naked woman had nothing to do with it. After all... it was just a dream, and thankfully, no mortal could read dreams. But his dream was disturbed by a moaning noise. He woke up, and walked to his trophy cupboard. Although he knew he was getting closer, as his ears told him the noise came from this place, the noise never got louder, almost as if it was in his head.

He found the source of the noise. An ivory elephant, given to the Vikings by the Portuguese. It moaned one last time:

"Lonely. Oh, so lonely. So many millenia, stuck in this damp... in this dark place. Perpetual moaning, groaning...

But, if this world was simaler to the millions of previous era's before it, this time, I will be released soon. And whoever frees me from these bindings... they will be blessed beyond all knowledge.

So save me... save me from this watery doom, someone. Find me. I have made something that, by all rights, should be totally impossible... surely someone will notice me. And if they do... they will have the powers of the most destructive force in the land"

Spoiler Not for Forests Eyes :
Well... I think, officially, I have done the LEAST changes of anyone. I created 2 whaling boats, and 1 source of whales (Did you know that the other continent has no whales? Shocking isn't it!!). And... thats it. This is how this will work.
The civilisations that capture the sources of whales + Whaling boats (ATM, that will likely be Portugal, and probably Native America, or the barbs), will gain my favor. When they do, they will gain 6 War Elephants, in thier capital (for the case of the Barbs, it will be the city with the cultural influence over the tile). They will also gain a second source of whales in thier capital.

And that is what I will do ;) This post was needed for the basis of the roleplaying. Also, most future quests will involve this post in some way.
((Think I still have you beat, Digit... this will make my fourth post affecting the story without touching the save. :p Holding off on direct impact on the mortal realm until my quest is completed.))

Eldarion smiled - the Viking warriors were a ferocious lot, as deadly in their strike as a bolt of lightning, as tenacious as the howling wind. More, their intense worship of him in the city built in his honor pleased him greatly. His statue would be coming... of this he had little doubt. And a god could bide his time while awaiting the affairs of mortals.

The affairs of other gods, however... that was another matter altogether. The Runner god had tipped the balance. The foul Russian wench was already being dealt with, but the arrogant leader of the Carthaginians would be another matter altogether. Already, the mortal considered himself a god. It would fall to the Vikings to cut him down to size. Eldarion chuckled mirthlessly at the thought of the robed king bending to kiss the blood-stained hand of the helmed warrior.

Startled out of his reverie by a sudden burst of divine power, Eldarion glanced once more upon the mortal realm. Liberi, the subtle one, had awakened, and upon seeing what he had done to the realm of Carthage, Eldarion threw back his head and laughed. It was an excellent beginning, but it was not sufficient.

"He is as mercurial as a summer storm," he murmured. "Mayhap a good ally in the days to come." So too, Winston, god of the sea, had aided in the war against the Russian menace. And Elona... her garden remained usurped, but perhaps not for long. Might too the nature goddess consider allegiance with the gods of sea and storm?

"Perhaps there is a means by which all of us can achieve our goals. This mortal seems far more capable than the others - if we align our purposes, then who in the mortal realm is capable of opposing us?"

Eldarion sent his message to the gods and goddess three. "Meet me on the isle of Liberi... let us palaver regarding this Viking leader."
Actually nevermind. I have to leave now and I didn't finish doing my stuff
...Meanwhile, back home, King Ragnar leads our troops to victory in northern Russia.


...To celebrate his victory (and because Russians were two squares away from sacking the Capital...), Ragnar gathered the army`s home guards for a meast! (And, dispite what you may hear, I, the Great `Od of Ice is the one who invented this word nary five minutes ago...)

Standing up to make a cheer, Ragnar bellowed...`Join me for lunch men: Tomorrow we may die, but today ... we MEAST!`

About to dig into dinner, a Scout from an oberservance party north of the capital burst into the Hall - Shouted `The Ice is Coming!` before collpasing, dead.

Unfortunately, as the distance ran was a mere 24.84 miles, the people were, in the end, not overly inspired.

Sending another messenger out a more leasurely pace, it seemed that the following had occured.

- A spring gushed up.
- Spring formed pool of water in desert area.
- River exploded down and joined the main river west of the Capital.
- Side Pool promptly froze over.

Apprently a diety then spoke in a freezing blast of wind - sound like Errrbbbrrr...(oh mabye that was the scouts bones)...that the diety had, noticing the actions of the rest of the Pantheon, that he (for it was a he!) will be getting involved as well, favouring all those who have ice as part of their territory.

Apprently, he then muttered that if the Norsemen used his gifts to bring out of Ignorance the people of the West he would be rewarded...but it must be done soon, for he could not hold back the waters for long...if the task was done, Ragnar would be rewarded, but failure would bri-....

Demanding the rest of the message, Ragnar was told at that point a massive ray of sun and warm wind exploded and drove the cold away...a wind accompanied by the sweet smell of summer grass, and heavy with a woman`s sorrow.

Spoiler :

Made New Lake with Ice, and added river by Nidaros.

Gave Ragnar a scout.

Added a Beaver to one Ice square per Civ with one in their borders, and gave Ragnar one as well...under the Russian Army feet.

Made a Land Route to the other continent within the Pack Ice...which will slowly refreeze over the next 100 turns. At that point, any square WITHOUT a UNIT OR CITY in it will be lost to the sea or be surrounded by Pack Ice.

If Ragnar trades with the Western Civs before the 50th turn, he will be rewarded...



  • TheForestAuro BC-0305.CivBeyondSwordSave
    242.7 KB · Views: 64
It seems no-one is above forgetting the most important of things...

You forgot the save :p

Hardly :p

I was in the middle of editing it in with the spoiler, wanted to get the Creative part up there safe first so I KNOW it`s there. Not easy or fun to rewrite it.
Once again, Ragnar found himself somewhere he didn't understand. This time, he found himself in a long hall with large devices of some sort. They glowed and hummed in a manner far too spooky for his taste.

"Ragnar." Ragnar turned around. Even if the being didn't block to glow of the devices, he would have felt the individual's presence, and the three voices with which the being spoke told him who.

"Lord of Shadows." He paused. "Where am I? What are these things?"

"Follow me."

With that, the Lord of Shadows departed down the corridor. After twisting and turning around the great maze for several minutes, they passed through a doorway, and Ragnar found himself standing in a great library.

"This is my realm," the Lord of Shadows finally explained. "I created it for my servants. This is the library."

Once again, they departed, twisting down the great maze of shelves before coming to another set of doors.

"You have seen the library I created for my servants. Now, I task you to create a library of your own, for your people."

Spoiler safe :
Quest: Build the Great Library.
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