Does AI actually get smarter?


Jun 13, 2002
Treadin' trodden trails...
I've heard a lot about the starting bonuses of the AI on the higher difficulty levels, but I'm still not sure whether the AI actually gets smarter on the higher levels. Has anybody confirmed whether this is or is not the case?
i think they are about the same but they just are able to do more things because of the bonuses also they concentrate a lot on military
Smarter than what??

I hear a chicken is smarter than a turkey, but they're both pretty dumb.
I let a chicken beat me at tic-tac-toe once, and my wife won't let me forget it. Of course, all it had to do was peck at an enter key, and the computer did the rest. That's how smart the AI is in CivIII. :)
I think they run on the same process, it's just that on higher levels the AI has more resources to do it with.
Originally posted by Zouave
Smarter than what??

I hear a chicken is smarter than a turkey, but they're both pretty dumb.

Zouave....I guess this thread was pretty much a slow pitch softball for ya. Good point. :lol:
Yes it does get smarter, case in point
Here's a little excerp from negotiations with the AI

Me: how much for that iron
AI: 10 GPT
Me: how much for that coal
Me: how much for that iron AND coal

Now tell me, is that some smart negotiating???
sabo10: I wish i got that

Me: how much for that iron?
AI: can't have it
Me: :( how much for that coal?
AI: can't have that neither
Me: how about both iron AND coal?
AI: didn't you hear what i said? get outta here, you idiot!
The correct answer to this question, as some have noted, is that No, the AI does not get smarter. It is, however, able to do more as it has cheaper troops and cheaper infrastructure. For example, if attacking you the AI will send a SOD at you on the lower levels. On the higher levels, it can send two SOD's at you. I know, its a stupid example. However, using two SOD's gives far more options to the AI than using one so in effect is seems that the AI is doing things differently on the higher level when really it is not.
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