Does the AI build or use Nukes?


Crash-test dummy
Dec 27, 2001
Athens of the North (Edinburgh)
Does the AI use or even build nukes?

I've never seen the AI use or build nukes in any of the 10 games I've managed to complete so far. Does anyone have any experience to the contrary?
i have never seen it happen, i heard that if given nukes ( ie in world builder ) they can use them, but other than that i dunno
I never had the AI build nukes, I always gave them nukes to kill each other because I applied the MAD nukes mod. Its fun!!
Well, this looks like being a shortcoming of the AI. I build the Manhattan, and the AI doesn't build nukes leaving a relatively happy go lucky player to nuke away to their heart's content. :/
Yeah I don't think AI build nukes. Which is stupid really, because you never really feel that threat. It would be quite an insentive to keep relationships sweet with warmongering bastards like Toku. Can you imagine how devastated you'd be if the AI suddenly nuked the **** out of your civ...
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