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Don't worry, it grows on you: A personal moment of pure Civ


Death to Giant Robots
Feb 20, 2010
Yes, it is different. Yes, there are bugs (I had a ship-in-the-desert moment last night, but was too tired to remember to take a screenshot). Yes, things need to be tweaked. Yes, the AI sometimes plays silly buggers instead of war. Yes, there is not enough hard-core information. And yes, they forgot the graphs and map replay at the end. But even so, I'm enjoying the game more and more every time I play it. It grows on you.

See, I've been playing a bunch of small map, quick turn games to figure out how the game works, yields, economy, happiness, stuff like that. And last night, about one in the morning, I was about to go to bed, but then said to myself, hey, just how slow is huge and epic (my usual settings) with Lady Wu really? So I fired it up again, and, and, well ...

What happened is that Peking was beset by masses of barbarians (this was at Kings) who are too dumb to attack the city, but who gave my warriors hell and would have carried off my workers. Getting that second city out was a real brutal struggle. And to the west, where the Persians were, there was a long mountain range running roughly northwest to southeast, with three-hex gaps. I built that up as a defense line, plugging the gaps with citadels I earned with the blood of the unwashed screaming illiterates and my Chinese special ability. Seriously cool. On the east side of my empire, in the howling wastes, I had to beat the hords back to grab the only iron around, and -

Right. I'm an adult, this is only a game, and I can quit anytime I want to, and I, uh, just so happened to decide to quit at five in the morning. It wasn't even light out yet, so that's okay, right? That doesn't even count.

That was a moment of pure Civ. Forgetting time, gnawing your fingernail while agonizing over where to put that third city, rushing the settler to the chokehold before those bastards from Persia get his there (and beating him by one turn, ha!), having your warrior just barely survive that one battle that would have put you back so far you might as well quit ...

No, this isn't a game that you immediately like if you come from Civ IV. It took me a bunch of "test" games just to figure out the new mechanics even somewhat. And in it's current untweaked state, it is too slow with huge maps (I'm back to watching a movie in the background like on my old computer with Civ IV). But it is Civ, and it is great, and once they get the kinks out, it will be awesome. And I'll still be able to quit anytime I like. No, really.
I am a granny too and despiting few bugs and graphic glitches I like Civ V.

Usually I am a moaner and a serious judge on new games, especially when they are so different from previous series but, trust me, Civ V is really a solid strategic game.

I woke up last Sunday at 8 to play Civ V...... waking up so early on Sunday it didn't happened to me since a while :)
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