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Double use of luxury icon in MesoAmerican Scenario


the Counsellor
Nov 8, 2002
The Netherlands
This bug is observed with 1.00, but I see no indication that the scenarios are modified in any of the beta patches.

Description of problem: In the MesoAmerican scenario, the icon used for the luxury resource "furs" is also used for the strategic resource "guinea pigs".
Observed result: On the map, one cannot distinguish between the luxury resource and the strategic recourse other than by right-clicking on it. Also, this makes it impossible to mod the graphics to add the property icons to it.
Expected result: Kind request to the developers to use a different icon for different resources. The civilopedia already contains a nice 32x32 image for the guinea pig that could be used on the map, too:

(although I couldn't find the file reference for it, this image is clipped from the Civilopedia in the MesoAmerican scenario)
...searching for a carrot :-D
In that case, the bug is that the guinea pigs are described in the civilopedia and are present in the scenario, without being a part of the game.

I had no idea they weren't on the map since I haven't examined the whole map yet, and since they shared the same image with furs, ...

In the next patch, please remove the guinea pigs from the scenario.

... I suppose we could also qualify this as easter egg. :hmm:
They are part of the game. They are what prevents certain worker actions. You need Guinea Pigs in your empire to do the actions (say, build railroads, build radar towers, etc.) and since there are no GPs on the map...
Originally posted by warpstorm
They are part of the game. They are what prevents certain worker actions. You need Guinea Pigs in your empire to do the actions (say, build railroads, build radar towers, etc.) and since there are no GPs on the map...

... so these little nice guys are already on the red list of most endangered animals? ;)
Warpstorm is right. They are a required strategic resource for railroad, plant forest, airfield, radar tower and barricade. It's entirely logical that the scenario designer doesn't want to have those actions available in a meso-American scenario.

A more elegant (and less confusing) way of doing the same would naturally be to simply uncheck these worker actions from the worker in the editor. However, a peculiar design choice isn't a bug, really, so a kind moderator may close this thread with the famous acronym NAB.
Originally posted by Mercade
A more elegant (and less confusing) way of doing the same would naturally be to simply uncheck these worker actions from the worker in the editor. However, a peculiar design choice isn't a bug, really, so a kind moderator may close this thread with the famous acronym NAB.

A worker who doesn't have all the actions checked can't get the terraform AI strategy. Units without that flag don't terraform at all.
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