Frequently Asked Questions - Civ3, Play The World, & Conquests
Civilization 3: Frequently Asked Questions Introduction This FAQ seeks to provide answers for a variety of questions related to Civilization 3. It contains information for basic issues such as setup and simple strategies, yet also answers deeper issues like corruption, culture, and more. The...
The FAQ states that the anarchy duration of non-religious tribes in C3C can take values between 3 und 9 turns. That is correct.
It does however also claim that at a given amount of settlements there are only 4 different values allowed. If i open up the Napoleon scenario of Conquests as France at Emperor i can get 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 turns of anarchy. So there are 5 different values, not just 4.
Small empires incur 3 to 7 turns of anarchy, mid sized empires 4 to 8 turns and larger empires 5 to 9 turns.
Religious tribes always incur 2 turns of anarchy. The later even overwrites reduced anarchy durations for AI at higher dificulty setttings. This makes them "easy" targets at Sid, when anarchy duration for most AIs is zero. For AIs the maximum anarchy duration is zero at Sid, one at Deity, two at Demigod, three at Emperor and four at King. At regent and below the anarchy duration rules for AI are the same as for the human player.
When switching to anarchy after finishing a new tech the old turn does still count towards the total turns of the anarchy despite commerce still having been calculated under the old government.