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Education of soldier


Mar 3, 2009
I cannot educate a colon (indian or regular...) into a veteran soldier even with a university and a soldier who is working in the city...
If you can help me
It's not possible to train them, veterans are only available in Europe.

[Well, without a mod it's not possible.]
All right then..
So, my next question is hwo can you beat the king?! When I buy the soldiers in Europe the king adds an army..
I havent' finished a party yet...
You should buy a few veteran soldiers, and make sure that they get the Great General unit attached so you can take advantage of the double experience points Veterans get from the Leadership promotion, allowing you to get powerful specialized units such as the triple Forest or Hills fighting promotion. But, the price of Veterans escalates rapidly, so once it gets expensive relative to buying ordinary units such as Fishermen or Farmers, you should switch to buying those cheap units to act as militia. (But wait until after declaring independence before you start buying pure cannon fodder units, since each unit you buy knocks back your overall Rebel Sentiment, delaying the DoI and allowing the REF to grow bigger.)
I trained veteran soldiers before, I downloaded the patch for it though
Do several things:
- Equip a few colonists with guns to be soldiers, perhaps one or two per city. This will dissuade the natives from attacking you, and hopefully allow your cities to survive if and when they do get fed up and attack.
- Equip a few colonists with guns and horses to become dragoons. This will allow you to react more effectively if and when the natives decide to declare war.
- Buy a couple of veteran soldiers from Europe, and always choose them when they are ready to appear on your dock. You won't get very many this way, but a couple of them can really help.
- Stockpile as many guns and horses as you can, both in your colonies' warehouses, and in extra wagons.
- As soon as you declare independence, transform as many colonists as you can spare into soldiers and dragoons. Fortify the soliders, especially in your coastal cities and in hills or woods (or better yet, wooded hills) adjacent to your coastal cities. Be ready to send groups of 4 to 5 or more dragoons to attack any of the King's armies that land.

That's pretty much it. Produce as many guns and horses as you can!

Cheers, --- Wheldrake
- As soon as you declare independence, transform as many colonists as you can spare into soldiers and dragoons. Fortify the soliders, especially in your coastal cities and in hills or woods (or better yet, wooded hills) adjacent to your coastal cities.

You may want to fortify some of those soldiers before you declare independence so some have time to gain the full 25% fortification bonus.
I've been training veteran soldiers all day. Take a veteran and put him to work generating crosses or hammers, or something. As long as you have one in your colony, you will be able to select (and pay) for the student to become one when they graduate.

I've got the patch installed, so if you're unable to do this without running the patch, then it's probably something that they fixed.
Wow. That is a huge huge undocumented change. I was totally unaware they had done that. It will change my gameplay considerably. A totally veteran army :). Bring on the REF!
of course it really isn't that much of a change, all it means is that you need less xp to upgrade your units, its not like they have higher strength or movement.
That 'less xp' is quite a significant advantage. It means they will gain supremacy over the King's men much faster so you take fewer losses in battle.

But the most important feature of veterans is that they have way cooler uniforms :)
that is true, they do have much cooler uniforms
The official patch for Colonization, they changed a lot of things and now instead of what seemed like just a mod for Civ 4 now its an actual stand alone game
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