• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Elemental: War of Magic (Stardock's fantasy game) announced!

"Steam eats the souls of little gamers!!!" Ah it was Steam? I thought it was Shogun 2 i bought, team of its devs looked typical for ppl who may eat souls. Well, shall try to torrent it and play again - hope be the same thing as pirated version of Windows being much less scary than official one. They should pay us money for using their "protected" "products", daily payment per soulpower drained hehe.

More closely to the topic:
- am i correct to conclude that "Fallen Enchantress" should be read as a "Failed Enchanters" and a pun towards froggy team who got troll'd and exhausted before finish?

- had Kael been strong or hidden well enough to overcome this threat? Paradoxians are gray and dangerous, you know or not...

- for graphics: replace most of them with 2D sprites painted by the same man who did those... mosaics?.. fresques?.. which were flickering with beauty; those "3d" "trees" to the bin.

- hexagonal board?.. No?.. thought so... hoorray to tetris cities then.

- hopefully "plot" shall not shine with that blatant stupidity as those "meaningful quests" from WoM.

- delete the whole constant database and start stat values from scratch.

- was that 'thing' i saw in demo movie a dire hamster??? :eek:
i kinda lost the thread here ... are the last two posts referring to some earlier posts?
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