Endlessly looping 'We love the King'?


Aug 22, 2011
I looked through the confirmed bugs and didn't see this, so it's possible this isn't even a bug (since I imagine this one would have been found way before now), but:

In a recent game, I had my empire want Silver in nearly every city because all other luxes were already present in my empire (I was dominating nearly 80% of the map and just waiting on teching to Artillery to take the last capital, which had Great Wall and a fair number of units left). A silver tile was not too far off between me and the last AI, so I settled near it and connected it, and got the 'We love the king' bonus. All was normal for however many turns the bonus first lasted. Then, on the same turn it ended, all of my cities wanted silver again. Which I already had. Lo and behold, the next turn came and the bonus started again. The bonus even began a third time, and possibly a fourth, before I took the last AI capital and won.

Is this normal? I don't remember this happening before, although I've played a ton of CiV (~1,300 hrs according to steam :blush: ) and tend not to remember too many individual games anymore. In the past, I feel like connecting the last lux you didn't have and that your empire wanted would generate a single 'We love the king' bonus, then end, and the empire would be left not wanting anything unless I lost a lux.

I didn't take a screenshot and am not even sure I have a saved game, as I began another game not long afterwards.
Yeah, once you have all luxuries, your cities go into a WLKD loop. Better than plunking down a bunch of gold for Medical Labs (has anyone ever done that, BTW)?
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