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Enough Tanks!

As I've said when I started this thread: It was not meant to be offensive to anyone. If you want to make tanks, be my guests.
I just feel that people rarely use these units as there are far too many out there, and unless the creators use the units themselves, they spend hours animating the tanks which very few people use.

And I repeat myself: This thread is not meant to be offensive to anyone, but rather an expersion of my opinion and an attempt to tell tank creators how much their units are appreciated.

No hard feelings I hope.
And I think we are all just trying to express to you that your view of how often these tanks are downloaded and implemented is a bit off the mark.

I have incorporated many of the new tank animations in my own mod, and my understanding is that my mod is played by a fairly large community. So just with the number of people who download and play my mod, not to mention all the other great mods that are already out there and those that are currently in production, I think there are probably a large percentage of the community playing with these new tanks.

And I too, would like to express that I am not trying to pick a fight with anybody, just trying to voice an alternative opinion to that of the intitial post.
Until some of you people start making units I suggest you dont complain about what others are making, heres a plan, you want more infantry and ancient units get off your lazy .... and make some. Not to be rude or anything ;)
I think that tanks are ok as long as long as they font make so many of almost the same tank... Make them a little different..
I don't use many modern tanks. One would need scenarios to use them now anyway.

But I don't mind people doing tanks. They seem easier but hell, as Kal-El said, the more flavor units the better.

Now if unit creators are facing the choice of making armors OR more ancient units (remember the legionary ? ;) ) then PLEASE do the more ancient ones.

As long as Civfanatics does not complain about the storage, well, people do what they want.

And as someone mentionned in a previous post, why don't everybody try to make one of his choice. I am crap at graphics (and someone is helping me turning it into Civ3 FLC) but I tried using Kinboat model to do an Egyptian spearman. It is not great but it is my little stone.
If every "poster" in this forum did one unit, well, we would have enough choice I guess.

So my conclusion would be : do not yell at people who make things even if you do not use them. 1. At least they do something 2. Nobody forces you to use them. 3. It sure is not wasted time since they wanted these units done and I sure hope at least one person is gonna use every last one of them. 4. Just try to initiate some moves towards other units (Utahjazz did a treasure chest, Embryodead did the dhow, someone did the Chin spearman at Kal-El's request) and be thankful as I am (for I could not have done them myself). 5. Try to contribute.
Mwhahahah!! You can never have enough tanks!!

But seriously, the 20th century saw the fastest advancement in military technology of any period in history, for any scenario set in the 20th century you need a full progression of units, just having one tank for each nation in your scenario doesn't cut it. Also there is the difficulty of different types of tanks and armoured vehicles.... O.k so in the standard game of civ III there is room for perhaps three tanks for each civ at max, but where you realy need the variety is in scenarios; Each extra unit in a scenario adds extra fun and tactical options (something very much missing in civIII) and thats the fun of scenarios, because you have to start with unfarmiliar units and develop new tactics- its not the same as just playing a regular game of CIV.

Each custom unit is an extra option, an extra colour in your paint set.. Don't complain, you are getting near proffesional qualitry animations for free.
Infantry units are much more difficult to do than tanks- (and air units) so the temptation is always going to be there to go with the easier option. Personaly I love modeling machines; tanks, guns, planes, ships, buildings etc... You can have so much more creative input than making people; the human figure always looks like a human figure- all you as the designer can do is dress them up, but a machine can look like almost anything; You are only bound by function and use ( a tank has to have armour, a plane has to have some way of making itself airbourne etc..).
Frankly, I've downloaded every unit posted here at Civ Fanatics. The way I see it, I never know what type of unit I might need for a scenario.

Personally, I think we are particularly deficient in fantasy units and I would always like to see more futuristic units. But as far as I'm concerned make tanks if you want, because I will certainly download them...and I'll find a use for them eventually. :)

To all the unit creators out there, keep up the excellent work!
well guys if u give me a day or 2 i'll post all the allied ww2 tanks and stuff i've been working on for kento's new mod " Storm Over Europe " over at CDG. all i'll post is the previews for now. after the mod has been released for 2 or 3 weeks then i'll post them seperate for those who don't have PTW.
no more game related units! Everyone should just make futuristic and fantasy units.... too many historical units have been created! :p
Originally posted by Vdog
heres a plan, you want more infantry and ancient units get off your lazy .... and make some.

Great Plan!:) Pretty much anybody can make cut and paste units. (even I made one and I'm in the prosses of making another)
Originally posted by Vdog
Until some of you people start making units I suggest you dont complain about what others are making, heres a plan, you want more infantry and ancient units get off your lazy .... and make some. Not to be rude or anything ;)

You're missing the point of why I started this thread:

First of all: I wasn't complaing that too many tanks are being made, but rather stating my opinion about whether or not people use them.

And second of all: I already got off my lazy... and made some ancient/fantasy units (Sorceror, Death Knight, Tribal Warrior, and Centaur).

My 100th post (and still spamming :))
Flavor units are always good, please keep the tanks coming (even though I can't distinguish the different tanks... I am a tank idiot :lol: ).

But I also agree that there should be a stronger focus on the ancient/medieval era.
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