Espionage mods? (possible suggestion)


Nov 14, 2011
ok, well first of all I am curious if there are any decent espionage mods out there. I haven't seen any, so this is why I started this thread.

Ok so I was thinking that we could implement some kind of spy/assassin unit, expensive to build and only one allowed per civ at a time. It could do things like kill certain units without being found out (perhaps invisible). I was thinking this could come in handy when using the city state mod and being able to kill diplomats without going to war. You would have a certain chance of success and a certain chance of being found out, and if you are found out it would negatively impact your relations with whoever you failed to carry it out on. If you build a certain building, it will give your spys better chance of completing their mission. If he is found out he is killed and must be built again, but more expensive the next time. I just had a few ideas in my head, if anyone else has any other ideas feel free to share them :)
The reason you don't see any "espionage" mods is that doing anything of the sort almost definitely requires DLL-level access. Which we don't have. Until we do (and there's no ETA at present), there's no point in even talking about it.
The reason you don't see any "espionage" mods is that doing anything of the sort almost definitely requires DLL-level access. Which we don't have. Until we do (and there's no ETA at present), there's no point in even talking about it.

oh ok, i guess that makes sense. thanks for the info
Once we do get the DLL, I'm sure you'll see plenty of mods overhauling diplomacy and espionage. It's just that without it, we can't teach the AI to operate spy units correctly, which is a pretty critical part of the process. Likewise, we can't currently alter empire-on-empire relationships, which is absolutely essential to anything like this.

A lot of folks, myself included, are already planning things along these lines, but we just can't do what's necessary until we're given the tools to do so. And when the DLL DOES get released, it'll still be a little while before you see any playable mods along these lines, as it'll take time to parse through the source code to find the hooks we need. So don't expect this sort of mod to be complete any time soon.

Now, in the interim, some of us have found other ways to do a few things along these lines. In my own mod, I have a series of national wonders that give you a small chance of stealing technologies from other empires; that sort of non-interactive "espionage" is perfectly workable without DLLs. Similarly, the "City-State Diplomacy" mod allows you to build ambassador units that change relationships with city-states. But for the classic unit-based spy systems usable against other major empires, you'll just have to wait a while.
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