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Et tu, Sid?


Nov 5, 2005
In the game I'm playing at the moment, the Barbarians are not only a fully fledged Civ, they're actually winning by a slim margin! O_o

They're acting very oddly though; For a very long time (until about 300AD), they were just normal barbs, wandering out of the fog of war every few turns to pillage improvements and whatnot, but in one of those wanderings, I suddenly got Sid pop up asking me to trade him Incense for Fur! Their capital is huge, and is very well developed, but I dont *think* they can build workers, as the surrounding area has not been improved at all (then again, they have horse archers, so they must have some way of acquiring resources). Weirder even, they are in a permanent state of... uh... "aggresive peace". We can trade and all, and Sid claims to just be "Cautious", but we're duking it out like nobody's business! and to make matters worse, he contacts me every. single. turn. urging me to adopt Slavery...

Has this happened to anyone else?
Now you know why you need to take them over before they can get too large. =)

I like killing Barbarians because of the free worker, and the extra bumload of cash.
Hmmm, there is a mod which makes Barbs playable as a minor Civ (with the Sid leaderhead), and people have said that he contacts them every turn.

Are you sure you haven't accidently installed this mod? Maybe it is just a glitch. Maybe it's an Easter Egg (I wonder when Sid's Birthday is)
FraggyFragbait said:
or the animals made a city...lol

Animal Farm! :lol:

(First post, waiting for new video card to arrive so can start playing, until then reading forums!)
I have seen them with developed tiles and also with a worker in a city before. Perhaps they captured it but I pretty clearly remember a worker being in one of their cities.
Barbarians can create Settlers and Workers.
anyone use the world editor to give barbs their own territory? I give em a few cities new my enemies for fun some times.
Dairuka said:
Barbarians can create Settlers and Workers.

I played the Terra map, and found a giant barbarian city(size 11) with complete terrain improvements, including Windmills. And I conquered it, giving me a nice city to start colonizing the continent from. :yeah:
Head Serf said:
It would be really awesome if the barbarians could actually win a game!

Or extremely funny when they tell you that they won't deal with unwashed barbarians.
As far as I know.

Barbarians are not restricted from cultural wonders, founding religions, earning great people, or building projects.

Therefore, I believe that if left to their own accord long enough. Barbarians could actually win the game.
Dairuka said:
As far as I know.

Barbarians are not restricted from cultural wonders, founding religions, earning great people, or building projects.

Therefore, I believe that if left to their own accord long enough. Barbarians could actually win the game.

I had a screwy game in a terra map, all the civ in the old world had wars going nonstop and the Barbs were apparently ahead of us and were the first ones to build the Manhattan Project. That scared me, I had to go over and stop them, I took a barb city and they nuked it. :mad: :mad: :mad:

-the Wolf
I was just playing a barbarian observation game... thought I'd post this screenshot crop. :scan:


  • liberalbarbs.jpg
    22.9 KB · Views: 471
In my last game the barbs had whole island to themselves with four rather large cities, they actually built the Hanging Gardens in their capital :)
If you activited the Minor barbarian civilization. It will happen. I was playing a Tera map when I dsicover that the "American" land mass was full of barbarians.

Also, if you let areas to be unsettled. the Barbarians will take it over.
burleigh said:
Liberal barbarians!!!!!!??????!!!!!

I know! Playing terra on higher levels can often yeild funny results! Freaking barbarians are more civilized than the rest of the world.
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