Every CIV VI Leader and Their Traits

So the madrasa no longer gives more science than the university :(
But +1 science for every foreign city following your religion and the worship building bonus is actually a percentage! Super huge!
Ah and Monty only "has a chance" to turn defeated army into builders... For some reason I thought it was 100%.

I commented on this somewhere recently. There seemed to be consensus on these forums that it is 100%, but they clearly say "may" in FL video, and I thought it is just a chance from the very beginning.
I commented on this somewhere recently. There seemed to be consensus on these forums that it is 100%, but they clearly say "may" in FL video, and I thought it is just a chance from the very beginning.
Hmm I don't know if the chance reduces as you progress to more advanced (and argument more civilized ) age. I was planning to keep a few non upgraded eagle warrior through out the game, for reasons lol.

Also, from the wording of the ability, does city states count as "other civilization" or not, I wonder...
There is no details on Germany and Greece's unique district, the description for Rome's bath district looks very mangled with the originally aqueduct description. And Lavra doesn't say that they provide all those extra great people points, hmmmmm
I know some of you are wondering where certain leaders/factions are. I am investigating further, because these are all the ones I can select in the full game right now.
Some of them are apparently not finished/polished. It says nothing meaningful about Hansa, they just forgot about it. Hopefully everything will be clear from Civilopedia.
Sure. Give me one moment.

What do you mean incorrect? They are screenshots from in-game...
they mentioned larva provides great people points to writer musician and artist in yesterday's battle royale video, so either that hasn't made it in the game yet , or the description is not updated accordingly.
Could you take a screenshot of Ghandi and Pedro if you have a chance?


Is Pedro's hair a touch lighter?
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