[Fan Concept] Beyond Earth 2 - Affinity Perks & Infrastructure

Dec 10, 2014
Honolulu, HI

Beyond Earth may well be one of my favorite science fiction settings in recent memory. I love the themes present, particularly the Affinities. Not many games choose to present multiple concurrent and diverging paths leading humanity into the future.

While I think we can all agree that Beyond Earth could have been a better game mechanically speaking. I still want to see a sequel title to BE. For that reason, I have been delving into the Affinities, trying to solidify their mechanical distinctions.
And so after countless delays, distractions, and writer’s blocks, I finally have a workable first draft of ideas for a theoretical Beyond Earth 2.

There are still plenty of gaps (especially where tech requirements are concerned) and segments of lesser quality flavor text. I have enabled Comment mode on this document if you have any suggestions. I am interested in hearing what supporters of each affinity think.


This document utilizes the Civ 6 Unstacked Cities framework for city building. With the planet being such a big focus with BE, I want to take advantage of the district system to help show how different Affinities interact with the planet.
This write-up makes a lot of assumptions, chief among them is the presence of all six Affinities; the three core and the three hybrids. I originally wasn’t sold on the introduction of hybrids, but I have grown quite fond of them and their aesthetics. Therefore, I wanted to include them to see how far they can be pushed, help create more playstyle options, and help highlight some more of the differences between the Affinities.

I want Affinities to be distinct; the mixture of aesthetics and perks of Rising Tide caused them to lack any meaningful narrative and mechanical weight. I would prefer if players needed to consciously commit to an Affinity and that each should have a thematic focus. They also **should** have a mechanical focus which informs the types of benefits they can get and provide options to cover various playstyles.

(Since I refuse to call the hybrids by both of their parents’ names, I have arrived at some pet names to make things easier.)

With this affinity, the planet itself becomes their ally. Miasma and other hazards become second thoughts. Other natural features, such as Alien Nests begin to provide benefits and the Aliens themselves come to answer your call.

[Ascendancy] Harmony+Purity
Named for the desire to ascend humanity to demi-godhood. This affinity specializes in genetic modification, upgrading organic resources and terraforming the planet. They idolize the human form and venerate great people.

This affinity focuses on preserving a genetically pure humanity. This is expressed through a Culture focus. Purity also features a terraforming specialization, cares about basic improvements, and has a light Artifact theme.

[Mastery] Purity+Supremacy
Named after the master and servant relationship they have with machinery, as well as the control and precision they possess. This affinity withdraws from the planet as much as it can, preferring to act through drone proxies. Their Cities are insular and benefit from tight placement and adjacency bonuses.

This affinity detaches itself from the world and even corporeal forms. Instead Supremacy focuses on it’s own city placement, creating intricate urban machines. It prefers to stack multiple specialists and utilizing satellites.

[Voracity] Supremacy+Harmony
Named for the intellectual and transhumanist hunger they possess. This highly adaptive Affinity excels at colonizing harsh terrain. To them everything has a niche, even Cities themselves can be specialized to provide powerful bonuses.

This is just my take on the Affinity specializations, I understand that there are a NUMBER of directions that one could take. This is merely the conclusion that I came to, in order to promote divergent abilities among the Affinities.


In order to give each affinity the same weight, I set some rules for myself with regards to the Affinity specific infrastructure and perks:

  • Each Affinity gets 12 progression perks, one for each level
  • Each Affinity gets 8 unique buildings tied to specialized district types
  • Each Affinity gets 2 Districts/Improvements
  • Affinity Districts/Improvements are shared between two Affinities
  • Affinity Improvements get 3 upgrades, unlocked through perk progression
  • Affinity Districts get 3 “buildings”, unlocked through tech
  • Domes are the exception getting only 2 “buildings”, unlocked through tech
Currently, I am also operating on the assumption that BE2 has BE’s Virtue System and Civ6 style Great People. Both of which have not been started.

I also tried to even out the military units. There are 4 Terrestrial Unique Units, 2 Aquatic Unique Units, 1 Support Unique Unit, and 1 Orbital Unique Unit. But they are not listed in this document.


Here’s a short glossary of concepts I added that are referenced in the Affinity Perks:

Alien Workers: Harmony (and to a lesser extent Ascendancy and Voracity) get access to Alien Workers. These are “Alien Civilian Units” that possess 1 build charge by default. Some buildings and level perks can increase this number.

Ascendant Points: A signature perk for Ascendancy. This is a pool of neutral “Great Person Points” that can be spent to rush great people, much like how you could use Faith or Gold in Civ 6.

Artificial Population: A signature perk of Mastery. These population units do not requiring housing and allow you to go past your housing soft cap with no penalties. They don’t require food either, but to offset this they do require Energy.

Extractor Stations: Mastery can build these remote stations on strategic resources outside of your territory. These take a number of Build Charges and cannot be built in enemy territory. They’re also not very durable, so they will need to be protected if you build too close to aliens or other sponsors.

Offworld Mining Missions: These are late game city projects unlocked with the Spaceport district. Once completed, you gain a large sum of a particular yield.

Organic & Mineral Resources: I have split all basic resources into two categories to serve as markers for certain Affinity based effects.
  • Organic Resources - Tubers, Chitin, Fiber, Resilin, Fungus, Eggs, Shells, Coral, Algae, Chelonia, Plankton
  • Mineral Resources - Basalt, Copper, Gold, Silica, Minerals, Vents
Specialization Projects: A Voracity signature effect. Once a city completes this projects,the yields of a particular type are boosted. Specializations can be replaced, but become take more time. The specializations are:
  • Agrarian (Food)
  • Industrial (Production)
  • Artistic (Culture)
  • Economic (Energy)
  • Research (Science)
  • Military (Military Production and Defense)
Terraformation Projects: While all affinities CAN terraform the planet using Builders and certain satellites, Purity can use their city production queue to alter nearby terrain directly.
  • Basic Terraformation Projects - Basic projects change features like terrain type and presence of features. Raise Terrain, Lower Terrain Add/Remove Forest, Add/Remove Reef.
  • Advanced Terraformation Projects - These mainly consist of alteration of climate. Create/Remove Grassland, Create/Remove Swamp, Create/Remove Desert, Create/Remove River?
Transcendi Specialists: A unique specialist type afforded only to Ascendancy. A throwback to Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, the Transcendi are offer +1 Food, Production, Culture, Energy, and Science. I tried to keep the number of Slots down, but try to offset this with ways to increase the yields the provide.
“In order for the Seeding to succeed, we must adopt one of these frameworks. We support the suggestion from Dr. Correm. Her ‘Path of Harmony” is the most conducive to a veridicality of solutions.”
- From the proceedings of the “Philosophical Conference on the Inflection Point”​

Harmony is the belief in, and practice of, adapting to the alien environment instead of vice versa. As such Harmony draws less from the strengths of Humanity because they align themselves heavily with aliens. But in doing so they gain new advantages from integrating the planet and its inhabitants into its society.

[Biowell - District]
Unlocked With: ???
Provides the tile’s base yields
+1 Health
  • Does not count toward the city district cap
  • Multiple Biowells can be built. The cost increases with each Biowell.
  • Must be built on an organic resource
    • Tubers, Chitin, Fiber, Fruit, Resilin, Fungus
    • Eggs, Shells, Coral, Algae, Chelonia, Plankton
District Upgrades
  • Eco-Lodging: +0.5 Housing pet adjacent Forest or Reef
    • “Low impact auxiliary habitation units integrated into surrounding habitats.”
    • Unlocked With: ???
  • Healing Gardens: +1 Health, +2 if adjacent to a Forest or Reef
    • “Small gardens that a mix of plant life good for healing physical and emotional injuries.”
    • Unlocked With: ???
  • Miasmic Fertilizer: +1 Food. +1 Food to adjacent Plantations and Work Barges
    • “A system that condenses miasma into compounds useful for feeding crops.”
    • Unlocked With: ???
[Warren - District]
Unlocked With: Alien Ecology?

"Alien Nests are spawning dens for all manner of alien creatures. They are usually to be found on deposits of Xenomass -- a rich resource necessary to their larval development."
+ 3 Food
Provides Xenomass if present
  • Must be built on Xenomass, Chitin, Resilin, Chelonia, or Plantation
    • Production costs less if built on an Alien Nest
    • Production costs more if built on Chitin, Resilin, Chelonia, or Plankton
District Upgrades
  • Communal Formicaria: +2 Food, +1 Housing
    • “Living spaces shared with aliens.”
    • Unlocked With: ???
  • Xenonebulizer: +2 Health, Spreads Miasma to adjacent tile.
    • “A device that converts Xenomass into a mist that invigorates alien tissues.”
    • Unlocked With: ???
  • Larval Nursery: Periodically spawns an alien worker with 1 build charge.
    • Unlocked With: ???
    • “Spawning area for worker class aliens willing to aid humans.”

Campus District

Unlocked With: Alien Sciences
+2 Science from Xenomass
+10% Science
  • 1 Free Tech of your choice OR +3 Random Breakthroughs
<Existing entry found>

Communication District

[Mind Stem]
Unlocked With: Alien Ethics
+1 Diplomatic Capital for every improved organic resource.
  • +1 City Vision range OR Increases rate of border growth by 30%
<Existing entry found>
“Before Harmony advocates used the Mind Stems were used to awaken the Planetary Mind Flower, a smaller, more domesticated version of the system was created. In order to increase communication range without creating structures that could potentially disturb and harm native life, they turned to more experimental methods. By utilizing synthetic alien neuro-tissue, Harmony scientists were able to create a device that “rode” a naturally formed channel that would later be identified the latent planetary hive mind. Utilizing this discovery Harmony colonies were able to communicate with their outland infrastructure without disturbing habitats.
The Mind Stems are able to tap into the planet’s Hive Mind, using this we can increase our effective sensor range. This will allow us to either scout out the area around our borders or to coordinate our urban development.”

Security District

[Titan Lair]
Unlocked With: ???
+15 City Defense
Reduces the Food cost of Colossal Aliens by 50%
  • +10 City Defense per Alien Next this city controls OR +5 Strength for Alien Units on tiles this city controls
“As the coexistence between aliens and Harmony colonies grew, they sought ways to better support native ecosystems within the urban fabric of their cities. Perhaps the most well known form of these integrations were the Titan Lairs. These artificial dens are used to provide more comfortable habitation spaces for “titan” class aliens. Their construction also makes them suitable as bunkers for military functions or emergency shelters.”

Archive District

[Xeno Sanctuary]
Unlocked With: Alien Ethics
+2 Culture from Alien Nests
+1 Culture from Biowell and Warren districts
  • +3 Food for each Xenosanctuary with a garrisoned Alien unit OR +2 Science for each Xenosanctuary with a garrisoned Alien unit.
<Existing entry found>
“The Aliens seem eager to resume their normal foraging patterns, however when exposed to a field of supplementary food, they started cultivating the field by themselves. We can allow them to operate as workers inside of the Xeno Sanctuaries, cultivating nutrition sources. Alternatively, we can use this opportunity to further investigate their neurology, capability, and social behavior.”

Life Support District

[Miasma Vane]
Unlocked With: ???
+1 Housing
  • +1 Food from Farms this city controls OR +0.5 Science per Farm this city controls.
“Early colonial construction utilized much of the same materials as their Old Earth analogues. Meaning infrastructure was vulnerable to the corrosive properties of Miasma. Therefore, chief among early Harmonist adaptations to planetary climatic conditions was the ability to predict Miasma Blooms. This allowed colonies to evacuate their sectors much more reliably, minimizing injuries and speeding up repair processes. As building technology advanced and colonies became adapted to miasma clouds, the Vanes shifted to being used in domestic affairs.
Some agrarian scientists have shown interest in using the vanes to plan crop rotations, taking advantage of the the rapid growth of native plants under the effects of miasma. Others want to use the vanes to collect general climatic data to construct more accurate weather models that can simulate miasma.”

Industrial District

Unlocked With: Organics
+2 Production from Chitin, Resilin, Coral, and Shells
  • +1 Food from Chitin, Resilin, Coral, and Shells OR +1 Culture from Chitin, Resilin, Coral, and Shells
<Existing entry found>

Healthcare District

Unlocked With: Biology
+2 Food
+1 Health from Fungus and Algae
  • +2 Health OR +1 Health from Fungus and Algae
<Existing entry found>

Commercial District

[Xenofuel Plant]
Unlocked With: Alien Sciences
+3 Energy from Xenomass
  • +2 Energy from Xenomass OR +2 Production from Xenomass
<Existing entry found>


1 - Alien Communion: Alien opinion builds twice as fast and does not decay passively.
“Your colony has sought to understand the native creatures' needs and behaviors in order to placate them. This has minimized the chance of Alien attacks and sown the seeds of a mutual trust between man and alien.”
2 - Chitin Plated Convoys: Trader units are immune to miasma. Trade Routes can be made through miasma.
“Coating your trade units in chitin plating has granted them an immunity to miasma, allowing them to brave clouds of the otherwise caustic substance.”
3 - Adapted Agriculture: +1 Food from improved Organic resources. 10% of Food is carried over when population grows.
“Extensive research on and widespread adoption of local food sources has revolutionized your colony's food supply.”
4 - Miasmic Immunization: All of your Units gain Miasma immunity. (Only Unique units were immune before.)
“Your citizens have gone through the rigorous process of gene therapy, rendering all your colonies immune to the damaging effects of miasma.”
5 - Natural Bounty: +1 Food and +1 Energy from Forests and Reefs.
“Loathe to repeat the mistakes your predecessors made on Old Earth, your colonies limit their have developed methods to harvest renewable materials for their needs.”
6 - Pact of Coexistence: Cities can produce Colossal Aliens using food. Energy can be used to run production.
“The constant interaction your people have with the native life has developed into a strong connection. Through coaxing and non-invasive conditioning, even colossal aliens can be taught to understand your commands.”
7 - Alien Oriented Development: Alien Nests contribute to City Adjacency Bonuses. +1 Housing from Alien Nests.
“Your cities now integrate alien homes into their city planning. Your buildings weave their way effortless around nests and even provide habitable spaces for your citizens.”
8 - Pathfinders: Builders and Colonists ignore costs for difficult terrain. Increases Trade Route range by 50%.
“Your citizens are used to the rugged conditions of the planet and have learned to navigate its expenses.”
9 - The Greatest Teacher: +1 Science from Plantations, Paddocks, Work Barges, and Beds.
“Being constantly immersed in nature has opened the eyes of your citizens to new ways of perceiving the scientific world.”
10 - Nest Conversion: Colonists can settle inside Alien Nests, skipping the Outpost phase and providing a temporary boost in growth for X-turns, depending on game speed.
“Your colonists have developed methods build inside of nests and live with Aliens who are more than happy to share their nests with you.”
11 - Gift of the Planet: +1 Food to all tiles with Miasma. Alien and Civilians units you control heal +5 HP each turn when in Miasma.
“Hybridized and native crops flourish under the presence of Miasma. You now have the capacity to take full advantage of this incredibly gift of nature.”
12 - Alien Trade: Trade Routes can be sent to Alien Nests outside your territory, providing yields based on the nest tile and tiles adjacent to the nest.
“Your relationship with the aliens has progressed significantly. They readily provide your traders with resources from around their nests.”
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“We have proof that life exists outside our solar system. It may even be intelligent life. It doesn’t disprove the existence of a higher power. It doesn’t prove it either. Your argument is ridiculous. No, let me finish! How we deal with this knowledge is important.”
- From “They are There, Now What?” - The Documentary​

The Ascendancy Affinity is the belief in human evolution through the combination of Alien and Human genomes; the synthesis of a superhuman lifeform. Ascendancy strives to improve humanity to its peak potential.

[Biowell - District]
Unlocked With: ???
Provides the tile’s base yields
+1 Health
  • Does not count toward the city district cap
  • Multiple Biowells can be built. The cost increases with each Biowell.
  • Must be built on an organic resource
    • (Tubers, Chitin, Fiber, Fruit, Resilin, Fungus)
    • (Eggs, Shells, Coral, Algae, Chelonia, Plankton)
District Upgrades
  • Meditation Chambers: +1 Ascendant Great People points per turn
    • “Contemplative spaces where citizens can hone mind and body.”
    • Unlocked With: Cognition
  • Archology Agriculture: +1 Housing. +2 Grower Specialist slots.
    • “Upgrades the Biowell’s farming capacity.”
    • Unlocked With: Organics
  • Expert’s Workshop: Transcendi Specialists provide additional yields based on the Biowell’s resource.
    • “Workspace for city specialists that utilize local resources.”
    • Unlocked With: Euthenics
      • +2 Food from Tubers and Eggs
      • +2 Production from Chitin and Shells
      • +2 Culture from Fiber and Coral
      • +3 Energy from Fruit and Algae
      • +2 Science from Resilin and Chelonia
      • +1 Health from Fungus and Plankton
[Terrascape - Improvement]
Unlocked With: Terraforming
+2 Food
+2 Culture
-3 Energy
  • Can be built on any unoccupied land tile
  • Replaces the tile yields and features of this tile
Cost: 3 Build Charges

  • Materia Harvesters: +2 Production from Terrascapes
  • Uplifting Expertise: Builders can now “Uplift” Forests and Reefs into Terrascapes using one build charges. (Allows Terrascapes to be built in water although they cannot be built manually)
  • Self-Sufficient Organisms: Terrascapes cost 1 less Energy Maintenance per adjacent Terrascape.

Campus District

[Progenitor Garden]
Unlocked With: Artificial Evolution?
+5% Science
+1 Transcendi specialist slot
  • Gain Science whenever this city’s population grows OR +1 Science. +3 Science if the city is healthy
<Existing entry found>

Communication District

[Cloud Temple]
Unlocked With: Human Idealism?
Doubles the yields of specialist in this district
Can be built over any non-City Center district
Can be moved to new locations via city production
  • +10% Energy OR +20% Diplomatic Capital
“A temple to knowledge, this floating research facility that stores all matter of data aiding in various projects across an Ascendant colony. We can choose to use the Cloud Temple as an attraction for domestic and foreign visitors or treat it as a spiritual haven.”

Security District

[Halls of Valor] Idea By: Galgus
Unlocked With: Civil Support?
+10 City Defense
+2 Ascendant Great People points per turn
  • +20% Great People point generation when garrisoned with a military unit OR +15% Production when training Military Units
“Ascendant colonies venerate individuals who exemplify human capability and Great People have come to be known as Heroes. To honor these individuals, the Halls of Valor were created. Some of the most lavish arcology units in any Ascendant colony dedicated to heroic figures present and retired. The Halls also serve as a museum commemorating humanity’s progress and is curated by military officials, artists, scientist, and engineers alike.
The Halls of Valor can be used as a means to inspire our citizens either in domestic or military affairs. The choice is up to you.”

Archive District

[Eidos Shard]
Unlocked With: Biospheres?
+1 Culture
+1 Transcendi Specialists slot
  • +5% Culture for each specialized district OR +1 Culture from Forests and Reefs
“Eidos Shards are as much a tool and an art piece. Each shard is unique, reflecting the personality and ecology of the individual colony while also serving as a work space for specialists. They combine traditional, contemporary and even experimental medium (such as holograms and extrasensory relay).
Do you want to showcase art from the individual city districts or would you rather use the Shards as a monument to the planet’s habitats.”

Life Support District

[Sanctum Concordia]
Unlocked With: ???
+2 Housing
+1 Ascendant Great Person points per turn
  • +1 Health from external Trade Routes OR +1 Ascendant Great Person points per turn from external Trade Routes
“The Sanctum Concordia are arcology complexes combining elements of a resort, spa, convention center, along with living quarters. The Sanctums are hubs of intracolonial and intercolonial activity, frequently used as a location for month long summits for various professions.
While we may not agree with the directions of other sponsors, they can offer a number of goods and services to our cities. Do you want to import luxury goods from foreign colonies or do you want to establish collaborative projects?“

Industrial District

[Orichalcum Smelter] Idea By: GenEngineer
Unlocked With: ???
+2 Production from Engineer and Transcendi specialists
+1 Transcendi specialist slot
  • +2 Engineer Specialist Slots OR +1 Production from improved organic resources
“Orichalcum Smelters are a named in honor of the mythological material from ancient lore. These facilities combine metal and organic xenomaterials to create a malleable substance great for military applications and civilian endeavours. A decision must be made on how to best utilize these foundries, we can either grant city industrialists reign over the Smeltery, or use it to support the various craftsmen around your colonies.”

Healthcare District

[Somatic Academy]
Unlocked With: ???
+1 Physician Specialist Slot
Physician Specialists in this city do not cost Maintenance.
  • +2 Health from Biowells OR +2 Physician Specialist Slots
“Somatic Academies are a combination of Hospital, Fitness Center, and College combined into one complex. These academies seek to understand the human body in its entirety. The Physicians have offered two proposals to share their services. They are would like to establish clinics inside of your colonial Biowells, providing permanent places for them to work out of. Alternatively, they are willing to set up a system of on-call doctors.”

Commercial District

[Gaian Well]
Unlocked With: Terraforming
+3 Food
+3 Energy
  • +2 Food from Grower Specialists OR +1 Energy from Plantations and Work Barges
<Existing entry found>
“Gaian Wells represent a shift in building philosophy, a transition to using the terrain itself as the basis of programmatic functions. We can elect to hire biologists who specialize the biofuel technology, producing high yield fuels using the Gaian Well’s biomass or we can generalize the technology to make domestic biofuels readily available.”


1 - New Frontiers: Explorers gain experience 100% faster. +0.5 Science per Basic Resource type you control.
“Understanding this world and humanity’s place in it is a priority. Our pioneers are eager to explore it.”
2 - Path to Enlightenment: Gain +1 Ascendant points per turn. Ascendant points go into a neutral pool that can be used to rush great people.
“You have set your colonies down a path guided by the greatest minds among your people.”
3 - Landscape Artistry: +0.5 Housing from Organic Resources. Worked Organic resources increases alien opinion per turn.
“Your understanding of native lifeforms has progressed. Through careful husbandry of flora and fauna, your colonies have increased the availability of organic resources and decreased hostile responses from aliens.”
4 - Materia Harvesters: +2 Production from Terrascapes.
“Utilizing intelligently designed machinery, the hybrid plants from your terrascapes now provide a valuable source of building material.”
5 - Paragon’s Legacy: 25% of your Great Person points are refunded when you recruit them.
“The heroes and innovators of your society are venerated and use this influence to inspire future generations.”
6 - Miasmic Immunization: Your units are immune to Miasma.
“Extensive research has been conducted on the harmful aspects of miasma. With careful genetic engineering, your citizens are now free to explore the wonders of new world.”
7 - Self Sufficient Organisms: -1 Energy maintenance for Terrascapes per adjacent Terrascape.
“Through experience in genetic modification and ecology, your terrascapes can now support themselves with proper density.”

8 - Loyal Companions: Cities can train Alien Workers with 1 build charge. +2 Grower Specialist slot in the City Center per Alien Nest this city controls.
“Domesticated Alien life have become to common aids and companions for workers. Their devotion and high intelligence make them very helpful for agrarian and civil projects.”

9 - Genetic Tailoring: Organic resources can be improved a second time, doubling their yields and providing
“Your mastery of cytogenetic engineering now allows you to uplift native resource, drastically increasing their productivity, quality, and vibrancy.”
10 - Terrascape Expertise: Allows Builders to Uplift Forests and Reefs into Terrascapes for 1 build charge.
“Using advanced techniques in ecological succession and genetic modification, your colonies are able to transform existing ecosystems into fully functioning Terrascapes.”

11 - Physician’s Care: +1 Health from Physician and Transcendi Specialists.
“Your physicians are renown in the study of all areas regarding genetics and physiology.”
12 - Worldshapers: Training Terraforming Satellites produce two units instead of one.
“Terraforming and genetic technologies allows your colonies to sculpt the world into something better, feats that would have seemed like miracles in the past.”
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“I’m just a comedian. I don’t know anything about politics or science or any of that. I’m just one person trying to make people laugh. Do I have to be an expert on something? OK then, um, what about… me?”
- Interview with Carlos O’Flanagan

The Purity Affinity is the conservation of human nature, and the belief that human embodiment is the ideal form of humanity. History and Nostalgia are the hallmarks of Purist society. They seek to change the planet into the image of Old Earth.

[Dome - District]
Unlocked With: Fabrication
Can be built over any City district
Provides bonus yields based on the district type
-2 Energy

District Upgrades
  • Reinforced Superstructure: +5 City Health per Dome
    • “Upgrades the Dome’s hull to be much more durable.”
    • Unlocked With: Metamaterials
  • Pristine Promenade: +1 Culture from Domes with a Military Garrison.
    • “???.”
    • Unlocked With: ???
[Terrascape - Improvement]
Unlocked With: Terraforming
+2 Food
+2 Culture
-4 Energy
  • Can be built on any unoccupied land tile
  • Replaces the tile yields and features of this tile
  • Cost: 3 Build Charges
District Upgrades
  • Inspiring Vistas: +2 Culture for adjacent non-Terrascape tiles
  • Terran Reprieve: +1 Health from Terrascapes adjacent to a District. +2 Health if the District is the City Center.
  • New Eden Initiative: Farms, Mines, and Generators adjacent to a Terrascape provide +1 of their respective yield.

Campus District

[Conservator’s Athenaeum] Idea By: Galgus
Unlocked With: ???
+2 Science
Gain 20% of this City’s Culture as Science
  • +2 Science from Archive districts OR +1 Culture from Academy improvements
“The Conservator's Athenaeum is an institution where gifted historians called Conservators are dedicated to the study of history. With prodigious memories (and rumors of psychic ability), Conservators disseminate stories and lessons of the past. The institution has been established, but we must consider what our stance will be moving forward. Should we devote this study to sociology and how these historic lessons affect us in the present? Or should we focus our research on reviving historical technological achievements in a new light?“

Communication District

[Old Voice Broadcast]
Unlocked With: ???
+1 Diplomatic Capital
+15% Production when producing buildings that provide Culture
  • +1 Culture for every 4 population OR +1 Production for every 4 population
“In their efforts to perpetuate the humanity’s arts from Old Earth, the Old Voice Broadcast was created. It is a public access program that plays the music, stories, and historical media that were able to be preserved after the Great Mistake. Educators have asked that we create dedicat a time slot for emulatable informational program in order to teach children and adults valuable skills. The question remains, do you want to teach them crafts or technical skills?”

Security District

[Mechatronics Facility]
Unlocked With: Servomachinery
+15% Production for Purity Unique Units.
+15% Production for Builders
  • Builders trained in this City get +1 build charges OR Explorers trained in this city get +2 excavation charges
“A type of factory dedicated to producing and assembling the various electro-mechanical components required in Purist engineering projects.
Streamlining our production lines means that we can better outfit our construction or exploration teams. ”

Archive District

Unlocked With: Social Dynamics
+5 City Defense
+1% Culture for each Artifact you have recovered
  • Gain Energy for each Artifact you recover OR Gain Diplomatic Capital for each Artifact you recover
<Existing entry found>

Life Support District

[Terran Landscaping] Idea By: Galgus
Unlocked With: Biospheres
+1 Housing for each specialized district.
  • +1 Food for each Dome in this City OR +1 Culture for each Dome in this City
“Terran Landscaping projects use extensive urban terraforming to bring promote the growth of Old Earth vegetation in colonial sectors. With the addition of Domes, we have received two proposals from the planning committee. One proposal suggests that we create conditions that are more conducive to growing Old Earth crops, drastically increasing our food supply.” Another suggests we recreate climates from Old Earth a testament to our technology and a chance to celebrate historical building techniques.

Industrial District

[LEV Plant]
Unlocked With: Mechatronics?
+3 Production from improved Floatstone
+10% Production
  • +50% Production when producing Traders OR +0.25 Production per Min
<Existing entry found>
“Focus on LEV engines for commerce or improve extraction technology for mines.”

Healthcare District

[Gene Garden]
Unlocked With: Genetic Design
+2 Health
+1 Science
  • +1 Health per 3 Farms being worked by this city OR +0.25 Health in this city for each virtue synergy
<Existing entry found>
“The Gene Gardens will allow us to create higher quality food for your citizens or we can focus the Gene Garden on their original intent and remove harmful genetic defects.”

Commercial District

Unlocked With: Planetary Engineering
Must be built next to Geothermal or a Canyon
(Discount if built next to Geothermal)
+5 Energy
  • -1 Energy Maintenance for Terrascapes in this City OR -1 Energy Maintenance for Domes in this City
<Existing entry found>
“The additional energy provided by our Boreholes could further support our superstructures. However there is an argument over whether the power should be used for our dome power systems or dedicated to maintaining our Terrascapes.“​


1 - Human Resourcefulness: +50% experience gain for Military Units. +50% Yields from Terrain Clear and Harvest Feature actions.
“Ready to tackle the challenges of the new world, your military forces and workers have devised methods to help humanity survive.”

2 - Virtuous Convictions: +5 Strength when Defending against Alien units. Virtue synergy requirements reduced by 1.
“You are unshaken in your mission on maintaining a pure humanity, safeguarding its history and its legacy.”

3 - Inspiring Vistas: +2 Culture for adjacent non-Terrascape tiles.
“Constructed using flora from Old Earth, Terrascapes are a symbol of home that inspires your colonists.”

4 - Monumental Architecture: +1 Production and +1 Culture from improved Floatstone, Gold, Copper, and Minerals.
“Using the materials of this new world, our colonies are now being constructed in the styles of our homeworld. Paying homage to the techniques of our ancestors.”

5 - Visions of Renaissance: +1 Food from Farms adjacent to two other Farms. Cities can conduct terraforming projects.
“A revival of Old Earth perspectives combined with state of the art terraforming technology, creating new agrarian and landscaping techniques.”

6- Skilled Excavators: +33% excavation speed for Explorer units. Increases the quality of recovered Artifacts.
“Efforts to preserve relics from Old Earth have led to the development of highly skilled archeological teams.”

7 - Terran Reprieve: +1 Health if a Terrascape is adjacent to a district. +2 Health is the district is the City Center.
“Terrascapes have become useful in maintaining clean air for your colonies, improving the quality of life for your citizens.”

8 - Principles of Society: +1% Culture in each of your cities for every virtue synergy. Newly founded cities start with an Old Earth Relic.
“A new understanding of ethics and values has caused a significant societal shift to occur in your colonies.”

9 - Geotectonic Engineers: +1 Energy from Generators next to Canyons or Geothermal.
“Through the intensive use of your terraforming technology, your colonies are able to extract thermal energy from the planet.”

10 - New Eden Initiative: Farms, Mines, and Generators adjacent to a Terrascape provide +1 of their respective yield.
“Terrascapes have become an essential part of our colonial fabric, our core infrastructure benefits from having access to their maintenance tools.”

11 - Bastion of Hope: -30% Production cost for all Defensive buildings. Buildings that provide City Defense also provide +1 Culture.
“The protection and perpetuation of humanity has always been our primary mission. Our colonies celebrate the institutions that keep them safe.”

12 - Road to Renewal: Doubles the speed of terraforming actions for Builders and Cities.
“Using all of your cultural and technological advancements, your colonies are making preparations for utilizing this knowledge to restore Old Earth to its former glory.”
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“He is imperfect, and beautiful. Fix him, by not fixing him.”
- From the Galatea Doctrine​

Mastery is the ethos of the primacy of human life supported by the fruits of human labor. Unlike Supremacists, followers of this Affinity integrate technology into society, rather than directly into humanity itself. As such, Mastery uses its expertise in technology to protect and foster human prosperity. Drawing strength from the connections and synthesis of machine with society.

[Dome - District]
Unlocked With: Autonomous Systems
Can be built over any City district
Provides bonus yields based on the district type
-2 Energy

District Upgrades
  • Holodome: +0.5 Housing per Dome. Unworked population does not generate additional Negative Health.
    • “Incorporating holographic technology into the domes to simulate environments, preventing cabin fever.”
    • Unlocked With: Euthenics
  • Security Precepts: Reduces the effectiveness of enemy spies in this city. Each Negative Health source is reduced by 1.
    • “A vast collection of ethical coding that is responsible for protecting domed sectors.”
    • Unlocked With: Defense Grid
[Node - District]
Unlocked With: Autonomous Systems
Provides a full additional adjacency bonuses to adjacent districts
-2 Energy

District Upgrades
  • Control Node: Allows this city to work 2 additional tiles adjacent to this Node
    • “Short range transmitters that lets drones work nearby sectors.”
    • Unlocked With: Tactical Robotics
  • Drone Command: Allows this city to work 1 additional tile
    • “Long ranged transmitters allow for remote direction of drones anywhere within city limits.”
    • Unlocked With: Synthetic Thought
  • Constructor Relay: -40% Energy Cost for purchasing Builder units in this city.
    • “???”
    • Unlocked With: ???

Campus District

[Replicant Laboratories] Idea By: Galgus
Unlocked With: ???
+1 Science
This City can work 1 additional tile
  • +2 Science, +15% Science OR This City can work 1 more additional tile.
“Replicant Laboratories are . Do you want the labs to focus on theoretical research or use it as a test bed to conduct field studies?”

Communication District

Unlocked With: ???
+0.5 Diplomatic Capital for each building in this city
  • +0.25 Energy for each building in this city OR +1 Diplomatic Capital per specialized district in this city
“Datamasts are building sized communication arrays capable of transmitting and receiving on every signal Mastery can manage. A hub of information and management, Datamasts have become an integral part of communication and information management. We can integrate all buildings into the Mast network individually to create a , or create specialized data centers within each city sector broadening our network as a whole.”

Security District

[Watchtower] Idea By: Galgus
Unlocked With: ???
+10 City Defense
This City can work an additional tile as long as it has a Garrison
  • -15% cost for purchasing Military Units with energy OR +5 Combat Strength for units on district tiles.
“As Mastery colonies steadily began increasing the autonomy of artificial frames, they remained wary of the potential threats that rogue drones and artificial intelligence pose. To combat this, they instituted the Watchtowers to identify and apprehend these offending frames. As ethical protocols and safeties also improved, dependable replicants began to become incorporated into the protective Watchtower forces, protecting citizens from their rampant counterparts. When not on alert, the Watchtower’s administrative systems were used to help coordinate civilian projects.

As it turns out, the engineers were able to miniaturize one of the core Watchtower systems, leaving us with additional space. Watchtower officers have petitioned for upgrades to fill this new vacancy, however, they are at an impasse. They ask that you decide for them; do you wish to the Watchtowers as a recruitment center or would you rather upgrade their sensors to better coordinate our troops during urban combat.”

Archive District

[Urban Theater]
Unlocked With: ???
+1 Culture for each adjacent district
+2 Culture if the district is the CIty Center
  • Reduces negative health in this city by -10% OR +10% Culture
“Mastery adherents are constantly seeking for ways to incorporate technology into society rather than humanity itself. In the case of the Urban Theater, is a massive installation of holomatrix technology integrated into the urban fabric of the colony that transforms an entire district into a stage. Festivals, parades, advertisements, speeches, even mundane info displays are within the Theater’s power.

With so many options, it fall upon you what you want to use this for. Do you wish to use it to use it raise comfort and morale or do you want to use it to enrich people’s lives.“

Life Support District

[Haven Complex]
Unlocked With: ???
+3 Housing
Gain 1 Artificial Population in this city
  • +0.5 Culture for each Artificial Population in this City OR +1 Energy for each Artificial Population in this City
“The Haven Complexes are incredibly dense domicile facilities. However this does not preclude comfort, style, and cutting edge design expected of Mastery infrastructure, the miniaturization and streamlining of systems makes it very difficult to see the echoes of post-Mistake archology design. The Havens are the realization of the ambitions held by pre-Mistake architects and civil engineers.

The Haven complexes are staffed by large contingents of basic automatons and later employing humanoid replicants. We can choose to use these replicants as either entertainers or as vendors.”

Industrial District

Unlocked With: Astrodynamics
+15% Production when producing districts or buildings in adjacent tiles
+15% Production when producing buildings in the City Center
  • +3 Production per OR +1 Production per Trade Route in this cit
<Existing entry found>

Healthcare District

[Safeguard System]
Unlocked With: ???
+0.5 Health per Dome
  • +1 Science from Manufactory improvements OR +2 Diplomatic Capital per Academy
“The Safeguard System is an automated system of servitor drones that that monitors thousands of data points to ensure the safety of its citizens. Primarily used to stop disasters such as fires or mechanical malfunctions, the Safeguard System is also the first responder for injuries providing emergency aid as it alerts and waits for human medics. Entrepreneurs and Educators alike are eager to apply this technology to their fields. We can choose to back one of these groups, do we apply the safety system to our industrial facilities or make it a part of academic study?”

Commercial District

[MAG Dynamo]
Unlocked With: ???
+2 Energy
Free Energy maintenance for adjacent districts
  • +0.5 Production per adjacent district OR +0.5 Science per adjacent district
“MAG Dynamos utilize amalgamated Floatstone-Firaxite crystals to catalyze a massive generator that encircles an entire district. Its size and structure make it ideal for powering the bulk of functions in adjacent sectors. Utilizing a feedback loop, engineers may be able to overclock the machinery in adjacent districts, improving our production capabilities. The other option is to pour this extra power into our data centers to increase our research speed.”


1 - Densification Algorithms: Cities can build 1 additional districts. +2 Energy in each city.
“Mathematical studies have improved the planning capabilities of your cities, allowing them to build more effectively while saving energy.”

2 - Reciprocal Trade: Internal Trade routes provide the yields to both cities. +25% Energy from External Trade Routes.
“Supply lines have been predominantly automated, making them exponentially more effective for both internal and external trade routes.”

3 - Strategic Urban Planning: +15% Production when building a district next to an existing completed district. Districts do not destroy resources and provide access to strategic resources (Represented by unique Dome art. You get the resources but not the yield.)
“Better core infrastructure means that cities can be expanded much more effectively. Additional extraction facilities can be incorporated into the base layers of districts.”

4 - Modular Construction: Builders can be used to rush City Districts.
“Modular building construction allows for the rapid development of urban sectors.”

5 - Drone Attendants: Cities can work 1 additional tile per 8 population.
“Automated servitor drones have become commonplace, aiding your citizens with day to day tasks and drastically increasing your colonial labor.”

6 - Remote Stations: Extractor Stations can be built on strategic resources outside of your territory. (You get the resource, but not the yields.) Costs 5 Build charges.
“Your engineers have developed remotely managed and automated factories that can harvest and refine strategic assets outside the scope of conventional colonial logistics.”

7 - Dome System Synergy: Domes cost 5% less production for each adjacent Dome.
“By applying modular construction methods, existing Dome structures can be used to accelerate production of new Domes.”

8 - Origin Foundry: Your cities can build Artificial Population with Production. Energy can be used to speed up production.
“Your colonies are now able to construct believable human facsimiles, due to breakthroughs in Replicant technologies.”

9 - Automated Supply Lines: Your first three internal trade routes do not use a trader slot.
“Autofactory lines in conjunction with self-navigating convoys, have streamlined internal commercial operations within your colonies.”

10 - SMART Reactors: Generators provide +1 Energy when next to at least two other Generators.
“Through an intricate system of self regulating computers combined with Firaxite-Floatstone accelerant, Colonial reactors have been increased in output.”

11 - Offworld Excavators: +75% Increased yields from Offworld Mining Missions.
“A concerted effort has to establish reliable methods for acquiring offworld resources; achieved through impeccable designs and specialized automatons.”

12 - Cities of Ivory: Cities are not restricted by city district cap. +1 Energy for each District in this city.
“Your colonies have become experts in the sculpting of cities. Masterful planning and management allow for rapid and efficient construction of urban environments.”
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“Create not with the mind, but with time. The mind decays. Time is anaclastic and ontal.”
- From The Exodus Sutra I:1​

The Supremacy Affinity is evolution of humanity to an elevated existence in capacity, thought, and order. Efficiency and effectiveness are the core design goals of Supremacy. As such their cities form into a living assembly line. A network of digital colonies as they transition from physical to virtual bodies.

[Nanofarm - Improvement]
Unlocked With: Nanotechnology?
+2 Production
+2 Energy
  • Can be built on any unoccupied land tile
  • Sets the tile yields
  • Cost: 1 Build Charge
“Nanofarms are a breakthrough in nanotechnology. They use nanites to collect mineral elements, forming crystalline masses suitable for construction purposes. The addition of further instructions can enable the Nanofarms to perform functions for other sectors .”

District Upgrades
  • Data Farming: +2 Science from Nanofarms adjacent to a Node district.
  • Nano Accelerants: +1 Production if adjacent to two other Nanofarms
  • Energetic Condensation: + 2 Energy from Nanofarms adjacent to non-Node districts.
[Node - District]
Unlocked With: Autonomous Systems
Provides a full additional adjacency bonuses to adjacent districts
-2 Energy

District Upgrades
  • Hypergeometric Marketplace: Specialists in districts within 8 tiles produce +1 of their respective yield.
    • “Digital marketplaces allow specialists to share resources and sell their products.”
    • Unlocked With: ???
  • Dreamworld Simulation: +1 Housing for city centers within 8 tiles.
    • “A simulation occupied by virtual and uploaded corporeal
    • Unlocked With: ???
  • Providence Protocol: Manufactory improvements within 4 tiles automatically provide half their yields as long as the Node is worked.
    • “Automation protocols now operate manufactories at baseline capacity.”
    • Unlocked With: ???

Campus District

Unlocked With: Hypercomputing
+10% Science
+2 Scientist Specialist Slots
  • +1 Science per each other city you control within 8 tiles OR +1 Production per each other city you control within 8 tiles
<Existing entry found>

Communication District

[Feedsite Hub]
Unlocked With: Communications
+1 Diplomatic Capital
+1 Diplomatic Capital for other cities within 8 tiles
  • +2 Science for external trade routes OR +2 Culture for external trade routes
<Existing entry found>

Security District

[Tacnet Base]
Unlocked With: ???
+10% City Defense
Provides a free Tacnet Hub every X turns. (Based on game speed.)
  • +5 Strength for units within 3 tiles OR Increase the rate of Tacnet Hub Spawns
<Existing entry found>

Archive District

[CEL Cradle]
Unlocked With: Artificial Intelligence
+2 Culture
+4 Artist Slots
  • +1 Culture for every 4 Specialist this city is working. OR +1 Culture from tiles within orbital coverage of a satellite
<Existing entry found>

Life Support District

Unlocked With: Cognition
Worked Specialist slots do not require Housing.
  • +2 Housing if the city center or the Life Support district is under orbital coverage. OR +0.5 Housing from Academy improvements
<Existing entry found>

“Spreading use of Neurolabs have given rise to a project of that intends to use orbital units to create simulated environments populated by AI and interfaced corporeal colonists (both organic and cybernetic). We can choose to authorize this project or we can integrate this technology into our Academies, providing more habitation space without the need for dedicated channels for orbital uplinks.

Industrial District

[Bioglass Furnace]
Unlocked With: Bioengineering
+1 Production from each Engineer Specialist in this city.
+2 Engineer specialist slots
  • +0.5 Production per specialized district OR +0.25 Production per Nanofarm within 3 tiles.
<Existing entry found>

Healthcare District

[Optical Surgery]
Unlocked With: Mechatronics
+1 Health
Increases city vision range by 2 tiles.
  • +0.25 Health per Specialist being worked in this city. OR +1 Health per District tile within orbital coverage
<Existing entry found>
“The advent of Optical Surgeries and similar augmentation facilities represents a shift in Supremacist culture, where cybernetic implants are rapidly becoming commonplace. We are offered a choice, we can choose to invest in a program that makes optic implants accessible to workforce increasing their quality of life or we can leave the private sector explore widespread orbital uplinks.”

Commercial District

[Financing Clouds]
Unlocked With: ???
+2 Energy
+1 Trader Specialists slot per Manufactory this City controls.
  • All specialists provide +1 Energy OR +3 Energy from Trader specialists
“A massive cloud of economic data, including investment information, demographics, current trends, and numerous filters and crossanalystical options. By linking all city Manufactory facilities to the Financing Clouds industrialists to better analyze the market. We need to make a choice; do we open up this resource to all entrepreneurs, allowing them to share in this resource or do we want to keep it to a whitelist of screened traders.”


1 - Engineering Corps: +1 Engineer specialist slot in each city. Consecutive Builders do not increase the cost of Builders.
“To accommodate the constant need for problem solving and repairs around your colonies, an engineering program was established.”

2 - Guidance from Above: Doubles the tile yields provided by Weather Controller, Orbital Fabricator, Holomatrix, Solar Collector, and Deep Space Telescope satellites.
“Once, humanity looked to the Skies for guidance. Now orbital technologies are being used to propel your colonies into a better future.”

3 - Data Farming: Nanofarms provide +2 Science if next to a Node.
“Using the processing power of node and the natural networking capabilities of nanofarms, you can now use them to calculate vast computations.”

4 - Cybernetic Revolution: 10% of your Production is converted into Food when calculating city growth. Roads no longer cost maintenance.
“A technological and social breakthrough has occurred with bionics, causing beneficial cybernetic implants to become increasingly commonplace.”

5 - In Pursuit of Knowledge: Reduces the cost of Academy improvements from 3 to 1 build charge.
“Your colonists believe the development of human technology is the true path to progress. Technology enabled the Seeding to happen in the first place and it is by technology that humanity will continue to grow.”

6 - Augmented Populace: Manufactory improvements no longer generates Negative Health.
“Numerous cybernetic augmentations have further acclimated your colonists to the physical and psychological side effects of your heavy industrial facilities.”

7 - Nano Accelerants: Nanofarms get +1 Production if adjacent to two other Nanofarms.
“The addition of material, energetic and programmatic catalysts to your nanofarms make them more effective at synthesizing crystalline structures for use in industrial manufacturing.”

8 - Uploading Pioneers: 30% of your Production is converted into Food when calculating city growth. Mag-rails no longer cost maintenance.
“New discoveries are bridging the gap between the biological and digital. Some individuals are volunteering to help crack the secrets of true Neural Uploading.”

9 - Remote Uplinks: Gain orbital range over and adjacent to Firaxite deposits.
“Utilizing an array of wave-manipulation technologies, your colonies are able to remotely access and control your orbital units using the conductive and resonant properties of Firaxite.”

10 - Grand Schema: Specialized districts cost 10% less Production per each district of that type already constructed. (Max 50%)
“Experts in analysis, calculation and planning, your colonies become increasingly effective at constructing urban infrastructure with each iteration, weaving a massive tapestry made from your cities themselves.”

11 - Energetic Condensation: +2 Energy from Nanofarms adjacent to a non-Node district.
“By directly linking nanofarms to existing infrastructure, they are now able to be used as high efficiency capacitors for your colonies.”

12 - Virtual Apotheosis: 50% of your Production is converted into Food when calculating city growth. City yields increased by +1% per Specialist of that type being worked.
“Your colonies have transcended the limitations of physical form. A sizable portion of your population have committed to the virtualization process, becoming beings of pure thought and data.”
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“Harmonious thought
Starlight is a dance of war.
The past is a lie.”

- Hiro Goto, Campfire Sonata​

The Voracity Affinity is about improving humanity by any means necessary, applying radical transformations to human physiology and psychology via alien or technological augmentation and extension. Voracity is about diversity, innovation, and adaptation. They make the most of everything and strive toward being the best with what they have available.

[Nanofarm - Improvement]
Unlocked With: ???
+2 Production
+2 Energy
  • Can be built on any unoccupied land tile
  • Sets the tile yields
“Nanofarms are a breakthrough in nanotechnology. They use nanites to collect mineral elements, forming crystalline masses suitable for construction purposes. The addition of further precepts can enable the Nanofarms to perform functions for other sectors.”

  • Photoactive Cultures: +2 Food on Swamp. +3 Energy on Desert.
  • Amphibious Nanomachines: Nanofarms can now be built on Coast tiles. +1 Food and +2 Energy from Coast.
  • Cryophilic Organisms: Nanofarms produce +1 Production and +1 Energy on Tundra. +2 Science on Snow.
[Warren - District]
Unlocked With: Nanotechnology?
Provides the tile’s base yields
+1 Health
  • Does not count toward the city district cap
  • Multiple Biowells can be built. The cost increases with each Biowell.
  • Must be built on an organic resource
    • Tubers, Chitin, Fiber, Fruit, Resilin, Fungus
    • Eggs, Shells, Coral, Algae, Chelonia, Plankton
"An adaptation of Alien Nests, are spawning dens for all manner of alien creatures. They are usually to be found on deposits of Xenomass -- a rich resource necessary to their larval development."

District Upgrades

  • Worker Pools: +1 Production. Alien Workers purchased in this city spawn with 1 additional build charge.
    • “A more heavy handed version of the Harmony spawning pools.”
    • Unlocked With: ???
  • Resonant Chamber: +1 Culture. Increases Alien Opinion over time.
    • “Utilizing alternative approaches to ultrasonic technology, these chambers improve the mood of aliens, in addition to being a musical spectacle.”
    • Unlocked With: ???
  • Hypha-Lattice: +1 Science. Claims adjacent tiles upon completion.
    • “Tapping into the underlying organic root network, to collect data.”
    • Unlocked With: ???

Campus District

[Molecular Forge]
Unlocked With: Bioengineering
+2 Science
+10% Science
  • +0.5 Science per Mineral Resource being worked by this city OR +2 Science from Strategic Resources
<Existing entry found>

Communication District

[Worm Rail]
Unlocked With: Geoscaping
+1 Trade Route slot
Allows you to instantly transport a unit to another city with a Worm Rail
  • +1% Culture for each city with a Worm Rail OR + 1% Energy for each city with a Worm Rail
“Geovores and Worm Rails share their origins in the directed use of Siege Worms for excavation projects. If deep enough, the massive tunnels carved by these beasts are geologically stable and have an uncanny consistency. Adding high speed rail transportation turns these tunnels into a valuable commercial asset. We can outfit the stations to be important hubs of community or gear them to transfer freight.”

Security District

Unlocked With: Augmentation
+5 City Defense
+5% Food, Production, Culture, Science, and Energy
  • Military units trained in this city start with a free promotion OR +5% Additional Food, Production, Culture, Science, and Energy when Healthy
<Existing entry found>

“We can could use the Augmentery to further enhance our military units, alternatively we can open up up the facility to our civilian population, making them more suited to the wilderness.”

Archive District

[Bionics Lab]
Unlocked With: Bionics
+0.5 Culture per Organic resource being worked by this city
  • +1 Culture from Lumber Mills and Pontoons OR +0.25 Health per worked organic resource.
<Existing entry found>

“Artist have taken to creating machines that mimic the form and replicate the neurological behavior of native life.“

Life Support District

[Cloning Plant]
Unlocked With: Genetic Design
+2 Housing
Each time a city gains population, its borders expand.
  • Colonists trained in this city do not consume a Population OR +0.5 Housing from worked Nanofarms.
<Existing entry found>

Industrial District

[Microbial Mine]
Unlocked With: Synergistics
+1 Production from Mines and Canyons
  • +2 Food per Improved Firaxite OR +1 Science per Improved Firaxite
<Existing entry found>

“Testing shows that we can use Microbial technology to remove impurities from Firaxite. These impurities are actually trace minerals useful for growing vegetation. Alternatively, we can extract rare earth metals frequently found near Firaxite deposits for study.”

Healthcare District

[Organ Printer]
Unlocked With: ???
+10% Health
Units in this district heal an additional +5HP per turn
  • +1 Health for every 6 population OR+0.5 Health per worked Nanofarm.
<Existing entry found>

Commercial District

Unlocked With: ???
+2 Energy per adjacent Forest
+1 Energy per adjacent Nanofarm
  • +3 Energy from Alien Nests and Warren Districts OR +1 Energy from improved Basic resources
“Among the most impressive and controversial of Voracious creations, Bio-Inductors tap into the planet’s web of fibers and draw power from its latent hive mind. The Inductor can either be tuned to tap the bioelectricity of Nests scale alien dwellings or siphon power from sectors with local wildlife.”


1 - Adaptive Colonization: Cities gain bonus Housing when founded on Desert, Tundra, and Snow.
"Eager to make the most of your territory, colonists and cities have developed methods to survive in more extreme climates.”

2 - Photoactive Cultures: Nanofarms provide +2 Food on Swamp. Nanofarms provide +3 Energy on Desert.
“Improvements in photonanotechnology have allowed Nanofarms to better process insolation, resulting in greater yields when used to produced food and fuels.”

3 - Urban-Niche Theory: Unlocks “Specialization Projects” which boost specific yield upon completion. The Specializations are: Agrarian, Industrial, Economic, Cultural, Scientific, and Military.
“The opportunity offered by this new world has lead to groundbreaking adaptations and discoveries in city building.”

4 - Alien Workforce: Cities can purchase Alien Workers with 1 build charge using Energy. Builders can “Migrate Aliens”, clearing an alien nest without generating negative option and spawning an Alien Worker in a nearby city you control.
“Trained aliens have become a valuable form of labor among your colonies.”

5 - Amphibious Nanomachines: Allows Nanofarms to be built on Coast tiles. Nanofarms provide +1 Food and +1 Energy on Coast.
“Maritime nanotechnology allows for edible and energy producing crops to be produced by Nanofarms.”

6 - Miasmic Immunization: Your units gain miasma immunity.
“Integrating native biomass and genetics into our construction and populace has rendered our colonies immune to the effect of miasma.”

7 - Interdependence Program: +100% Trade Route range. Specialized cities can send unique Trade Routes providing a +50% boost of their specialized yield to their destination city.
“We have devised a synergistic logistics system to fulfill the needs of our specialized cities.”

8 - Cryophilic Organisms: Nanofarms provide +1 Production and +1 Science on Tundra. Nanofarms provide +2 Science on Snow.
“Adapting your technologies to the challenges of frigid climates has challenged the way you think about agriculture and nanosciences.”

9 - Alien Conscription: Alien units purchased with Energy provide 3 units instead of 1.
“Methods to develop alien larva has improved drastically. Worker broods and warrior broods alike can now be spawned much more rapidly.”

10 - Unconventional Habitation: +3 Housing from Mountains. +1 Housing from Canyons. +1 Housing from Warren Districts
“To avoid overcrowding, your colonies have turned to unusual ways of creating living spaces for your colonists.”

11 - Living Cities: City Specializations can be upgraded, increasing their benefits.
“Combining biotechnology and self-adaptive building materials has revolutionized infrastructure, allowing for the creation of cities that actively react to their environment, true living cities.”

12 - Harness the Hunger: Strategic resources provide an additional copy. Specialized cities get double yields from strategic resources.
“With your incredible city adaptations, nothing goes to waste in your cities. All resources are used to their maximum potential.”
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I was thinking why 5 affinities and why not 4 affinities? Then I started drawing an affinity wheel. Pure affinities could be friendlier toward the affinities that are beside them and less friendlier toward the 2 affinities that lie opposite. Whereas hybrid affinities would only be less friendly toward the pure affinity that lies opposite it.

Maybe the pure affinities could have some advantage like requiring less affinity points to advance in the one affinity? Then they could lose this advantage if they hybridize?
This is an excellent compilation of ideas to expand the Affinities of Beyond Earth into the greater potential the system has always had. I can see many of my own thoughts and ideas reflected here, in further detail than I had yet developed! Having just finished reading the forum posts here, I am now looking through the linked document. I would love to contribute, and possible use these designs myself.

See, I have gradually been working on an overhaul mod for Beyond Earth in an attempt to reinvigorate the game and realize the potential I believe it could have reached, had Firaxis continued development. I hope to eventually replicate various systems from CiVI, many of which seem to me quite feasible, though requiring substantial effort to achieve. This includes Districts, tile-based Wonders, housing, and so on. Assuming success in implementing these, I would love to use this document in my development of this overhaul mod.
This is an excellent compilation of ideas to expand the Affinities of Beyond Earth into the greater potential the system has always had. I can see many of my own thoughts and ideas reflected here, in further detail than I had yet developed! Having just finished reading the forum posts here, I am now looking through the linked document. I would love to contribute, and possible use these designs myself.

See, I have gradually been working on an overhaul mod for Beyond Earth in an attempt to reinvigorate the game and realize the potential I believe it could have reached, had Firaxis continued development. I hope to eventually replicate various systems from CiVI, many of which seem to me quite feasible, though requiring substantial effort to achieve. This includes Districts, tile-based Wonders, housing, and so on. Assuming success in implementing these, I would love to use this document in my development of this overhaul mod.

I apologize that its taken so long for me to reply. I've been taking a break from this project due to burnout. I'm very glad to have another person to discuss ideas for BE. I'll openly admit that these are still really rough ideas. I've tried my best, but there's still a lot of work to do in distinguishing the affinities both mechanically and in terms of flavor.

I agree that Civ 6 has a lot of mechanics that would be really good fits for BE's setting. Using Districts and Wonders being on the map seem like natural choices to me because Affinities have differing interactions with the planet. As I wrote in my post and document I think that Harmony wants to care about natural features, Ascendancy wants to uplift those natural features, Purity wants to change those features, Mastery just wants to withdraw from the planet and pack each individual city tightly, Supremacy wants to focus on getting multiple cities near each other, and Voracity can adapt to any type of terrain.

The whole point of this project was to generate interest in the potential of a BE sequel, so if you want to use this as a spring-board for your project, by all means; I'd love to hear about your take on the affinities. I'm always willing to discuss the matter.
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