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Aug 19, 2009
The changing Dark Continent
What is the difference between Features and FakeFeatures?
Under what circumstances do we use each alternate?
Modiki is very silent on this.
FakeFeatures don't really exist on the map, they are used only for civilopedia purposes.
Thanks for quick reply. But these include both Rivers and Lakes as below:

Spoiler :


I know I'm missing something here, please be more expansive if possible. The only diff. I see is that they don't have an <ArtDefineTag> entry like the normal Features.

2) Does this mean that if I want to put another Feature in the game, that is invisible it's better to include it here?
While rivers and lakes certainly exist on maps, they are not Features (like forests, atolls, etc). The FakeFeatures table exists only for the Civilopedia to be able to create entries for them in the features section.
Rivers and Lakes are not features. They are displayed as features only in the civilopedia, as a way to inform the player about the effects of rivers and lakes in the game.

It's not important if the features are invisible or not. If you add an invisible feature to the game, it should be a Feature, not a Fake Feature.
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