Originally posted by Rirse
By the way, is it possible to add a anicent or medival version of the marine? Like a pirate or sailor who can attack from the ships. I know the Vikings have the option to do this, but it annoying for the other nations have to wait forever to conquenor those tiny one square islands.
It's very easy to do using the civ3 editor.
1) Start the editor in the Conquests subdirectory of Civ3
2) click scenario -> custom rules
3) click edit -> units tab
4) change unit to medieval infantry (it will become your medieval age "marine")
5) lower left corner has a list with unit abilities. CTRL click the ability amphibious (CTRL is important because otherwise you'll deselect all other unit abilities of this unit)
6) Close unit edit window
7) save as medieval marine.bix in the scenario's folder
8) start the game and start the scenario: medieval marine
If you want to know more about the editor click the F1 button and you'll get lots of advice. For more specialized information you can ask questions in the Customization and Creation subforum.
In the unmodded game you can use a trick to conquer islands in the medieval age: when you've almost beaten an enemy except for a few continent cities and the problematic island city, get the island city in a peace treaty. Then defeat the rest of the continent cities (preferably after 20 turns of peace if you like a good reputation). If you forgot to ask the island city in a peace treaty. you can give the enemy a continent city, destroy some of its units and then ask for the island city in a peace treaty.