First Game- Had a blast!


SOS Brigade Member
Apr 30, 2005
First completed game in Beyond the Sword, it was a pretty good game to say the least. I expanded myself to a pretty big empire, after conquering Ghenghis Khan (though he wouldn't capitulate even after driving him off pangea:()

Afterwards I had several hostile powers along my border, but then I played them off against each other and got them to fight a war amongst themselves, then I went in and conquered some of Mehmed's cities, although I was forced to stop after he showed up with a gigantic stack of units.

Afterwards Mehmed was left an independent state, the Khmer conquered the Netherlands and vassaled him and was then growing very hostile to me. Then Churchill declared war on me because he attacked my DP partner in Persia!:mad:

After beating him back (although I couldn't save Persia) I built up a nuclear arsenal because then Khmer declares war on me! He comes in with a MASSSIVE stack of 50 tanks:eek: Which I burn down with collateral damage and massive levels of unit drafting. Then Mehmed bandwagons against me. But I beat back the lot of them by firing tactical nuclear missiles at them both. And Khmer responds with his own tactical nukes. The battlefeild is left devestated as we both fire nukes at each other in a slugfest to acheive a breakthrough. Then Khmer vassals Mehmed, and then I declare peace with all three civs controlled by the Khmer. But no rest for the wicked!

Then Churchill declares war again and I have to beat back his stacks (although I did it without having gone nuclear on his ass:nuke:). Then a peroid of peace and me building spaceship components. This time in paranoia I build a massive arsenal of ICBMs and an SDI system to beat back Khmer because my spies tell me he is rearming himself with nukes and tanks. My paranoia is justified. On one turn he declared war and nuked me. But I reloaded and initiated a pre-emptive strike, I wiped out his stacks before they could deploy. This time I offered little mercy as I saturated Khmer and all the vassals with nuclear strikes on their major cities (they had no SDI:D).

Afterwards I declare peace and realise that time is running out as runaway global warming is wrecking the planet. So I hurry myself to get a spaceship. Although I still reprepare my nuclear arsenal because then

Churchill wants another go! This time I wiped out his massive stack with just one nuke and then I bomb Churchill with nuclear strikes until he sues for peace. Afterwards I realise Khmer is rearming again. But by then I finally launch my spaceship and I won the game.

What a game that was.:goodjob:


During the game a resolution constantly came up that demanded I return a city I stole from the Mongols. It was still under their cultural influence. But I constantly defied the resolution:lol:
During the game a resolution constantly came up that demanded I return a city I stole from the Mongols. It was still under their cultural influence. But I constantly defied the resolution:lol:

don't try this at higher difficulties, or you lose all your cities due to unhappiness ;) (or at least their population)
I liked it all the way until you did the reloading. =P I would have gone with the pre-emptive strike even if I didn't know for sure what he would try.
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