Food Distribution

MoAR food! nom nom nom :3
Can't anyone like, settle a city where there are only plain hills with mines, redirect food to it so it can use those hills and then post a screen shot?
There should be some kind of modifier for distance though. I can't ship tons of food half way around the world in the medieval era without some of it spoiling.

Good point. You could have the distance modifier itself modified by techs or resources. Historically, before the advent of refrigeration food was preserved with spices.

So access to spices would more easily allow transport of food over longer distances. And eventually, researching Refrigeration would allow even longer transport. Just a thought.
This looks interesting.

Might I suggest than rather than having cities be bale to import or export up to 4 food all the time that different techs increase the limit? In the early game most settlements would have to be self sufficient, while in the modern era a rural breadbasket could support metropoles elsewhere.
This looks interesting.

Might I suggest than rather than having cities be bale to import or export up to 4 food all the time that different techs increase the limit? In the early game most settlements would have to be self sufficient, while in the modern era a rural breadbasket could support metropoles elsewhere.

Excellent idea, especially when combined with the distance modifier.

Seems like CIV II's caravans could take food to other cities or something like that. Anyone remember?
This importing/ exporting of food/ production/ commerce is something that should have originally been in this game. I really hope this idea evolves.
Very nice idea, definitely don't give up and keep building this idea. You could team up or ask for python assistance with some of the gurus around here, I'm sure they'd be interested in this also. I'm not one of those gurus, unfortunately.
Wow, this is a *really* cool idea, Jupin, & a really amazing start. It would be so great to see some refinements to this mod, beyond getting the AI to use it. For instance, making the maximum food export per city (either total or number of food exporting trade routes) tech dependent. Also, it would be good to see this work for hammers as well.

Anyway, just some more ideas to consider, and keep up the fantastic work :).

Thanks all for comments and cheering me up. i'm still around here but this month i'm dedicating my free time to boring stuff like exams :(

The idea is fantastic... Just it doesn't work with my BTS.
What I've done was overwriting the original files in BTS subdirectories with yours and simply starting a new game - the old saved games can't be opened now as the game crushes. So to hurry everything I just added few cities in the Worldbuilder, added some improvements around some cities, added some technologies and tried to send some food.
CTRL+X doesn't work at all (while I'm in the city screen and out of it).
Am I missing something?
My BTS is 3.19 version.
How do you control who gets the food and how much? Because 1. trade routes hand out bonuses and are not directly used to control what the cities can import or export. 2. you can't control which cities have trade routes. What if it turned out the city is exporting food to a city from another civ?

with trableble food among civs that would be easier with something like food pool ( there is some modcomp which incorporated this feature )

My More Trade Routes mod had this. You can store food and hammers in a national storage and directly give it to a city. This is easy to use and easy to teach the AI.
How do you control who gets the food and how much? Because 1. trade routes hand out bonuses and are not directly used to control what the cities can import or export. 2. you can't control which cities have trade routes. What if it turned out the city is exporting food to a city from another civ?

My More Trade Routes mod had this. You can store food and hammers in a national storage and directly give it to a city. This is easy to use and easy to teach the AI.

I would love to see your More Trade Routes for BTS, but it's way out of date.
I would love to see your More Trade Routes for BTS, but it's way out of date.

My avatar reveals a glimpse of the food and hammer storage system found in the modpack. Also, I have uploaded the source code that you can dig through, if you have the patience and diligence. Alas, I don't have BTS.

The idea is fantastic... Just it doesn't work with my BTS.
What I've done was overwriting the original files in BTS subdirectories with yours and simply starting a new game - the old saved games can't be opened now as the game crushes. So to hurry everything I just added few cities in the Worldbuilder, added some improvements around some cities, added some technologies and tried to send some food.
CTRL+X doesn't work at all (while I'm in the city screen and out of it).
Am I missing something?
My BTS is 3.19 version.

:facepalm: You aren't supposed to overwrite your original files. Best thing to do is to reinstall Beyond the Sword. There's a reason BtS has a Mods folder.
Loaded the mod and, um, how do I use it? I'm not finding any controls. There doesn't appear to be anything new in the city screen or any menus. :confused:
I just came across this and wanted to try it out, and if anyone else is having the problem that some earlier comments mentioned: You need to put the dll as well as the python and xml folders into a folder called "Assets" - the folder structure as in the download can't be loaded as a mod as-is.

Also, very cool mod, I want to see if it can be refined a bit :D
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