• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

forum reoganization for next game

I still think the city threads should be placed in the government sub-fourm. However, the citizens section should be okay.

I'd be glad to sponser this change, and present it to the cabinet.
i second octavian with the city threads.
someone should ask tf about a 4th subforum. this would then hold provinces, city threads and senate as well as map-thread and stats-thread
the government forum should hold departments and offices (except stats and geographical) as well as elections
where do all our offices go in the proposal? the government thread will be really crowded.

we also should make it a rule someone looks regularly thru threads and get obsolete threads closed (like ended polls, old department threads)... another office needed? like forum office with helpers?
I've posted an informational poll about using a Discussion Registry. LINK

@disorganizer - We'll get the election polls when we clean up after the elections. For other obsolete threads, they'll either fall to the back pages or people can post in Needed Stuff if they are annoying or dangerous.

I like the idea of a 4th subforum for non-elected officials (mayors, et al) but from what I understand it is not likely we will be able to get one. I will ask TF.
I'd really be suprised if we got a fourth. We should consider ourselves lucky that we even have subforums. Just look at Apolytonia...

A seperate forum for non-elected positions would be nice, though. What would we name it?
danke: it is propably a office thread going to government subforum

i would not use it only for unelected officials.
we have a kind of "domestic adinistration" here with provinces+senate (both sticky) and cities (unsticky). to fit, maybe even the map-thread (geo-society) could go there.
this will make room in the government thread for the departments (sticky) and the offices (unsticky) as well as the elections (unsticky except a election index).

another idea for election is in there:
we should have an election-index as well as a nomination index.
there shouldbe the links to the elections/nominations together with a daily updated standing (for nominations a list of accepted, nominated and declined persons for each position).
this way a citizen could get a quick 1 thread overview of the standings in the elections.
We need to use a logical set of groupings. I've proposed a 4th sub-forum to Thunderfall for the RPG game. This could house the RPG Index and threads, mayoral and other unelected offices, etc. Items that are part of the RPG but do not directly affect the running of the game itself.

Open to discussion, of course. I'm goin to wait until I hear back from TF before I speculate further.
the logical separation of my post:
2.)domestic affairs

as the domestic affairs will propably boom due to the rpg, i think a own forum would maybe be good. but i second we wait till we hear from tf.
COS A.	Forum Organization 
1.	Main Forum - Game play related information 
	A.	Intro Thread
	B.	Chat Turn Registry (President only is allowed to post.)
	C.	Constitution 
	D.	Judicial Log 
	E.	Citizen Registry
	F.	Needed Stuff 
	G.	Province Map (Geographic Society?)
	H.	Nomination index (seasonal)
	I.	Chat Turn threads
	J.	Election threads (nominations, polls) 
	K.	Only mods should open threads here. A through H are sticky.
2.	Government Sub-forum - Government related information 
	A.	Government Thread Index (all branches)
	B.	Budget 
	C.	Government Threads 
	D.	Province Threads 
	E.	Citizens are allowed to post, but not to open their own
		threads. All discussion should be spawned to the citizen
		forum with only a link in the governmental forum to avoid
		clutter. The result of the discussion should be brought
		back to the government forum thereafter. A and B are
3.	Citizen Sub-forum - Citizen related information 
	A.	Citizen group Index & Registry
	B.	City Index & Registry
	C.	Discussion Registry
	D.	Citizen groups 
	E.	Discussions 
	F.	City threads 
	G.	A through C are sticky 
4.	Poll Sub-forum - Polls 
	A.	Poll Registry 
	B.	Citizen Polls 
	C.	Legislative Votes 
	D.	Council Votes 
	E.	A is sticky.
5.	RPG Sub-forum - Role Playing Game related information
	A.	RPG Index & Registry
	B.	Heritage Index & Registry
	C.	Offices Index (appointed/created positions)
	D.	RPG Threads
	E.	Heritage threads 
		1.	Examples: Cultural Art thread, Newspaper thread, etc. 
	F.	Office Threads
	G.	A thorugh C are sticky.
quick compilation (not complete, just for the idea):
S* departmental threads 
U* offices 
U* turn-chat threads 
U* elections 

S* senate 
S* provinces 
S* census office
U* counties 
U* cities 

* index to citizen groups
* index to important discussion
* judical request thread (reviews and pi-requests)
* citizen honours hall of fame

S* citizen registry
S* geographical office (maps)
S* turn-chat index
S* governmental index (links to departments and provinces and constitution)
S* news thread
S* nomination index 
S* election index
i think the offices dont fit into the rpg thread, as they belong to the governmental positions.

also, the separation of the provincial thread could help the citizens focus on being a city improover or a national politician ;-)
I can't believe TF let us have a new sub-forum [party]
Just a change to make, go ahead and get rid of the question mark in section one, paragraph G. Change it to something like:
G. Maps

Otherwise, I like what Shaitan has now.
after thinking more about it, im COMPLETELY AND FURIOUSLY against seperating the rpg from the citizen forum. the rpg stuff is what we have the citizen forum for!
every discussion which is not leader-initiated is automatically a rpg (as rpg will stand for non-game-related) discussion!
seperating the rpg stuff will soon trigger calls to only have game-related discussion in the citizen forum, which will totally spoil the fun for some (maybe most?) persons.
the citizen forum will then never be visited by me again.
the roleplay part (and i throw together the rpg and the rolepaying in the threads here on purpose!) of this game is what makes it different from a succession game or a normal multiplayer game. the demogame can only survive ptw when we enhance this feature, as all people only wanting to play civ3 will soon turn to ptw and leave the demogame (see civ2-demogames for an example).
we should use the 4th subforum for organizing our administrational things and leave the citizen forum alone.

if someone wants a reference for all game-related discussion, we could implement a discussion index for game-related and one for non-game related discussions.
The object is to make the RPG portion transparent and optional. How about you finishing up your option and we'll poll for which one to implement? Let the people decide as it's all about them in any case.
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