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Foxy Joan de Arc

To Die For?

  • Joan (French)

    Votes: 59 80.8%
  • Catherine (Russian)

    Votes: 4 5.5%
  • Elizabeth (English)

    Votes: 10 13.7%

  • Total voters


I Am 007
Jun 2, 2001
Virginia Beach, VA, USA
How do u guyz (and girlz?) feel about this::crazyeyes

I cant play a game without Joan of Arc:love:

In fact I cant live a day without civing with Joan and paying frequent visits to the foreign policy board:crazyeyes

Im in lurve...:D


PS: Im dead serious...she's hot and cool...
OMG! This must be the fifth thread about Joan of Arc! In Civ2 we had people in love with the foreign advisor, and in Civ3 its Joan of Arc. :lol:

What's wrong with you people? :confused: :crazyeyes :D
Yea espesioly in the modern age when she goes bald ;)
But despite my sarcasam she is the best looking foreign leader :lol:
oh yea ed you need to get out more :rolleyes:
Hmm,well Cleo looked rather well on the poster with blueish background,wish my gf had eyes like that...so am gonna vote for Cleo...AHHH!

Let´s face it,most of them don´t look like much,heard someone making a Kate Moss mod,now wouldn´t mind having a model as an advisor... ;)

"World Peace" :goodjob:
I am the one person who voted for Catherine of Russia. What a hot babe, those lovely slim features and she smells of borscht too, which makes her twice as enticing!
It is Elizabeth with me...even if she had only 1 warrior unit and I had 100 she would still demand tech/money and maps from me...and would I deny her that small trifle :love:
Joan during the Industrial era is a real cutie. Love that pageboy haircut and Napoleonic uniform.

Is it just my imagingation, or does Cleopatra during the Modern era look like she's wearing the curtains on her head?
Originally posted by Jimcat
Joan during the Industrial era is a real cutie. Love that pageboy haircut and Napoleonic uniform.

Is it just my imagingation, or does Cleopatra during the Modern era look like she's wearing the curtains on her head?

Little Bo Peep?
ahhh I rather enjoy the barbaric fur clad Joan with that hint o'cleavage showing. :crazyeyes:

and how could you remove Cleo from the poll entirely? - is blue eyeshadow so gauche? lol

and yea, that damn civ2 foreign advisor... not too shabby. :)
Sorry Guyz:rolleyes:

I couldn 't stand the possibility of some of u mugz choosing sultry Cleo over Jaon de spark!:p

So I left her out of the pole entirely and put in two dogz:lol:

As for Joan, someone said something about a pageboy haircut, which I totally agree with (it drives me crazy-freaky-styley:love: :love: )

Anyway last night me and Joan met in her bedchambers and discussed her geography over wines and incence...

:king: ed
Unless you're playing a mod that has Leelee Sobieski playing the role of Joan d'Arc I don't know what you're talking about.

Now Lady Diedre on the other hand... wow, I wouldn't mind swearing a pact to serve her.:whipped:
Carver, about Dierdre, you've got it the wrong way around, man, the wrong way around.
She doesn't look too good after the English captured and burned her, serves her right too the evil witch.

(Well what did you expect me to say, I'm English?)

Liz is the babe for me all the way. (Virgin Queen....yeah right...)
Last night I was surrounded...Aztecs on my rear; Zululand to my right...:cry:

Then suddenly it struck me...:eek:

Hastily and bleary-eyed...I fumbled with my mouse clicking frantically:scan:

Then there she was...decked to the hilt in sultry androgny on my foreign advisor screen



There was only one thing to do...

I showed her my coal, and traded my rubber...:eek:

She spilled forth her spice:smoke:

Suddenly my scientists, possessed by a renewed sense of vigor, leaped four techs, discovered mobile warfare and blew them anti-Euro's back to Neolithic times:nuke:

Jean is my ONE:love2:

Originally posted by Dinorius R.
I am the one person who voted for Catherine of Russia. What a hot babe, those lovely slim features and she smells of borscht too, which makes her twice as enticing!

I recall seeing the portraits of her in the Hermitage (back when St Petersburg was called Leningrad) and she was quite a looker with a cute smile in her younger days.

Mind you if the rumours surrounding her demise are true, unless you have four legs, mane, tail and hooves you're probably not her type ;) ;)
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