[BTS] Fpk file


Nov 28, 2020
Someone said that there should be 3-4 FPK files in Civ4 BTS, but I only found one named Art0.FPK(~300MB). Are there any other FPK I missed? Also, the CityLSystem references asian.nif and greco_roman.nif, both not present in Art0.FPK. I used PakBuild to unpack the FPK, and I have Steam version 3.19 of Civ4.
The art used by the game is the aggregate of all installed expansions, so there are also FPKs in Warlords and the base game.
I looked for FPK in:
  1. C:/Program Files(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword/Assets (Vanilla Folder)
  2. C:/Program Files(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword/Warlords/Assets (Warlords Folder)
  3. C:/Program Files(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword/Beyond the Sword/Assets (BtS Folder)
I only found FPK in the Vanilla folder. Warlords and BtS folder did not have FPK file.
Is that so? Have you looked into the uncompressed art folders? So Assets/Art?
Someone said that there should be 3-4 FPK files in Civ4 BTS, but I only found one named Art0.FPK(~300MB). Are there any other FPK I missed?
Yes and no. In my Civ4 Assets folder there are 4 FPK files from 0 to 3. Their total size is 326MB.
I have CD version, so looks like in the Steam version the FPK files were repacked into 1 single file. :)
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