Funny Screenshots

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Poor Barbarian Archer, stuck between water and a mountain. He's doing a good job defending that marble though.


  • StuckBarb.JPG
    49 KB · Views: 14,287
WTH!!!! :eek:
That barb archer is set. I'd like to see you kill him any time soon.
How did he get there in the first place???:crazyeye:
Thanks to all those people who are keeping us entertained.:goodjob:
Keep em coming.
Isn't it funny that elvis is blonde? I thought he had black hair.

P.S. I know its not ACTUALLY elvis.


  • Civ4ScreenShot0002.JPG
    189.5 KB · Views: 13,761
still better than the city drinking radioactive water I had lately...
Cr*p, Denniz I was going to post this:


and thought it would be original but you posted that an hour before me. I guess the townspeople must of felt the pigs were getting thirsty so they set up an aqueduct for them.

Oh yeah, I forgot. 100th post!!! :dance: :banana: :dance: Yeah! :band:
X Marks the SPOT!
I found this vaguely humerous - something wacky's going on with the culture between Huamanga and Tiwanaku.

I still say that I'd pay to live in that city where the aquaduct flows from the vinyards. It would make taking a shower interesting, that's for sure.
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