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Future Age(s) in Civ4 or not?

Future Ages or Not?

  • One and only one

    Votes: 26 50.0%
  • Two

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • Three

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Four

    Votes: 3 5.8%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • Not only no but hell no!

    Votes: 18 34.6%

  • Total voters
two or more I feel would be a little too much IMHO.

Only One, IF that, I don't think it should go too far into Future tech, just the relatively near future with techs. It's a "Make your own History" game, not a "let's play with lasers and Hyperdrive" game.

If you want Future-Civ, play SMAC, if you want Future-Civ III petition for SMAC 2.
Urgh, I don't like the idea at all. Civ is about the history of civilization (obviously) from it's origin to the present day. If you want to go further, there's always SMAC or if you feel bold enough, CtP.

Although I suppose I don't mind a LITTLE into the future, but no more than what it's done. Example: Cure for Cancer and SDI are not in existence yet, but they're both real possibilies. And a few laser-wielding foot soldiers wouldn't go amiss, ooh, and hover tanks - that would be fun :p.
I agree one wouldn't be too bad. The idea of reserching pointless "future techs" after you hit your limit bothers me. But moving to far into the future would take away from what makes this game great.
I think there should be more future techs with future units and improvements and wonders.
I'd like to see one, with the option to turn it off (For you whiners. Did I say that out loud? I meant people who don't like the idea :D ;) Just kidding about the whining part)

I'd also like to see ages be more moddable in the editor.
Future Age as an Expansion only - that way those who want to play a 'historical' Civ are ok, and those who want a 'next age' Civ can have theirs too. :beer:
I prefer no Future Age, and I would mind it even if optional.

If the games seen as too short, simply stretch the current game periods. The post-Ancient pre-Gunpowder period, for instance, is quite compressed in the game.
There should be specific future technologies, like they had in Civ2. Not just FT1, FT2, but nanotech, GM, nuke fusion, etc.
i think there should be a prehistoric age, when you couldnt make towns and only have a warrior and a barb like camp. there shou;ld then be things such as attakcs from wild animals, and they should do damage. then, ive you survive, you camn then research "civilization" tech, which will allow you to setle and begin the game as we do now. before, its a game of survival, from then on its winning.
I get the impression that about half the people responding to this
thread don't want Civilization to move into the future.
That's ok; but I would like to see it, myself.

This is the form I would like to see it take:

I think that Firaxis should create an interface making it possible to combine civ3 maps. This interface could take the form of a solar system map.

How it would work is this. You pick a scenario map or go to the Civ3 editor and create one. Next, you go to the solar system interface editor and link your chosen scenario to the solar system map. More than one scenario map could be linked to the solar system map.

The linked scenario map would appear in the solar system map as a planet. A space ships could then travel across the solar system map to one of several planets. On arrival in orbit, the player would be presented with a land option button. The land button would swtich to the Civ3 scenario map and allow the player to choose a landing site. After that, the game would play as it does now on planet.

If the player decided to return to space; the space ships should have a launch control(button) available. Furthermore, the solar system map should be a playable scenario in it's own right. Space ships should be able to engage in combat, blockades, stealth missions, troop transport, space piracy, etc.

Ultimately; there should be something like a worm hole or jump point in the outer reaches of the solar system that would allow transition to other solar system maps.

Since this solar system interface would use Vanilla Civ3 and Civ4 PTW scenarios; it would be completely customizable. Anything that works with these versions would work with the interface. Customizers would have a whole galaxy of new possibilities: space ships, alien creatures, alien races, alien artifacts.

This could make Civ4 truely great not just more units and Civs.

For those of you who don't want to move into the future; just don't build space ships.
I prefer no Future Age, and I would mind it even if optional.

How about having the editor give you the option of ADDING an age? Makes everyone happy.

Those that want to play with little green men are happy, because they can have their fun by adding their own 'Future age' with the editor (or waiting for other modmakers to make the scenarios for them).

And there would be no option to turn off, for those of us who like the game as it is now (no 'fantasy' technologies).
I broke the tie between 1 and no. My vote goes to no. We don't want the Civ series to be like CTP, do we?
Exactly. Any 'future ages' should be moddable additions. Not explansions - just user created.
If they would give us the ability to add ages, that would solve a lot of problems. You would have to add city graphics, though. But it would be worth the trouble so the forums aren't bombarded with requests for Future Ages. Perhaps they'll improve the editor in Civ4
Originally posted by Bamspeedy

How about having the editor give you the option of ADDING an age? Makes everyone happy.

Perfectly fine by me.

At least one Firaxian has deemed it an "unfortunate" decision to hard code the number of eras, and I tend to agree. There's no good reason I can see to limit modders' freedoom in that regard. (Notice, tho, that in practice you can easily decrease the effective number of eras, should you wish; simply edit all civs starting era to #2 or whatever you feel like.)
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