
What should the settings for the next G-Minor be?

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Still hatin' on Khan
Hall of Fame Staff
Jan 5, 2003
The Farm
Okay, it's time to vote on the settings for G-Minor2 which will start. Multiple choice voting is obviously enabled.
Dianthus said:
What does "Genghis Kahn rules" mean?
:lol: I should know better than use American slang on an international forum. In this sense it would mean he rocks, he's the bomb, he's ultracool, he's kicking your bosses butt all over a huge deity map, he's "own"ing me. Does that help?

I guess I threw that option in as the HOF equivalent of OT's radioactive monkeys....
superslug said:
:lol: I should know better than use American slang on an international forum. In this sense it would mean he rocks, he's the bomb, he's ultracool, he's kicking your bosses butt all over a huge deity map, he's "own"ing me. Does that help?
Not sure. I'm familiar with the slang, but it didn't seem to fit the context. I was originally thinking it was a rule relating to Genghis Kahn, I.e. that one of the opponents must be the Mongols. Now I just don't know what checking that box is supposed to mean!
Dianthus said:
Now I just don't know what checking that box is supposed to mean!
I see what you mean now, but no, there aren't 'Khan rules'. What that option is really there for is so someone can see the poll results everytime they look at the thread without actually voting in the poll. It saves them a click everytime.
The 20k was me. I've always been fascinated by the idea of defeating the game with a single city, regardless of overall empire size. I didn't vote for mapsize or difficulty though, as I'm not sure Lulthyme's dates can be beat!
I can't make my mind up :blush: Sorry!

I do know what I don't want though: 100K or any Chieftain. I might be able to face a 20K in a few weeks but at the moment it's just too much work IMO. And Chieftain is just so weak.

I do like these domination/conquest games. I've only played a few before to gain QM status-please feel free to target one of my slots (if I have any in the tiny-standard catagory) as I'm sure that they are less than optimal.

If we go for 20K, maybe I'll go PtW so that I can wage wars in the hunt for GLs rather than rely on SGLs in C3C.

I'll try and make my mind up overnight and vote tomorrow.
Eh, I forgot to put a timer on the poll, but it'll "close" with the next update Saturday.
superslug said:
The 20k was me. I've always been fascinated by the idea of defeating the game with a single city, regardless of overall empire size. I didn't vote for mapsize or difficulty though, as I'm not sure Lulthyme's dates can be beat!
as soon as some players really tried, the dates went down fast.
(see Moonsinger's game, and the Deity spot :))
I voted small 20K but domination or space would be cool as well. There are a couple categories that look pretty good at the emperor and below level:

20K small regent-emperor- best date is 1430 by Sandman2003 at regent.

space small regent-emperor- not a lot of entries in any of the categories.

dom small warlord-emperor- moonsinger has some good dates to beat.
LulThyme said:
as soon as some players really tried, the dates went down fast.
(see Moonsinger's game, and the Deity spot :))
I recently had a go at your Regent date. I thought early on that I was onto a winner but the SGLs dried up and I fell eight turns short. Your dates are really hard to beat, LulThyme!

This thread and it's associated voting will be closed in about twelve hours.

If at the end of voting a tie occurs, then the voted settings of the current G-Minor champion shall be instituted. If that player did not vote, the voted settings of the second place player shall be instituted, etc, etc.

If in the event (in future votes) that no previous competitors vote, the preferred settings of the player with the most cumulative HOF points will be instituted, although such circumstances are extremely unlikely.
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