Hi, I just noticed that some scenarios dont load because of this error msg:
I went to the dir and found the file to be named galleonfidget.flc, I renamed it to .wav and now I got the galleonfidget.flc whose missing, as you can guess I copied it and made 2 files, one whose .flc and the other .wav....still doesnt work and I'm getting mad since I cant even exchange the game (canada)...
Btw I also get the same error but only in scenarios that involve sea units, because the Sengoku Jidai scenario works perfectly...
Missing also: Battelship.wav, frigate.wav. I really dont understand since C3C worked perfectly on my comp b4 I had to format and the files are there anyway. Maybe the reg filepath is missing !?
I went to the dir and found the file to be named galleonfidget.flc, I renamed it to .wav and now I got the galleonfidget.flc whose missing, as you can guess I copied it and made 2 files, one whose .flc and the other .wav....still doesnt work and I'm getting mad since I cant even exchange the game (canada)...
Btw I also get the same error but only in scenarios that involve sea units, because the Sengoku Jidai scenario works perfectly...
Missing also: Battelship.wav, frigate.wav. I really dont understand since C3C worked perfectly on my comp b4 I had to format and the files are there anyway. Maybe the reg filepath is missing !?