Galleonfidget.wav missing !


Feb 12, 2002
Hi, I just noticed that some scenarios dont load because of this error msg:


I went to the dir and found the file to be named galleonfidget.flc, I renamed it to .wav and now I got the galleonfidget.flc whose missing, as you can guess I copied it and made 2 files, one whose .flc and the other .wav....still doesnt work and I'm getting mad since I cant even exchange the game (canada)...

Btw I also get the same error but only in scenarios that involve sea units, because the Sengoku Jidai scenario works perfectly...

Missing also: Battelship.wav, frigate.wav. I really dont understand since C3C worked perfectly on my comp b4 I had to format and the files are there anyway. Maybe the reg filepath is missing !?
nope I didnt and I followed your hint and now it works ! Thanks a lot ;)

Btw How come the lastest expansion doesnt install the newest patches for the main game !?
Hi, I get the same "missing" message, but in fact the file (wav) IS there... I don't know about patches... would that help me in this case?
Depends on what you're playing. If you're playing Civ3 Complete, then patching won't help.

Also, if you start your game, look in the lower left hand side and report back what it says. It'll be something like 1.00 or 1.22. And which game are you playing?
thanks for responding - yes, I'm playing CIV3 play the world... is there a solution to my problem for this version?

Is the file named exactly as the error message? If not, change the name of the file to what's in the error message and see if that helps.

And what version of Civ3:pTW are you playing?
Could you post a scenerio your playing? Name or file.
It doesn't give a version - just says "expansion pack multi player + 8 new civilisations" and "OK 3+ elspa"...

but now it won't start at all as it can't find binkw32.dll!
Oh. One of those ones. Have you ever done any modding and have you reinstalled the game yet?
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