Game crashes if you use Civ3CopyTool


Nov 11, 2001
Spearfish, SD
I need some help. Every time I use the Civ3CopyTool OR the fixed civ3edit that allows you to add extra civs, I get a few errors

FIRST: When you enter diplomatic negotiations with the new civ, their opening statement will be non existent, or something like "; $GET1 = what AI wants from player.", or you will see no opening statement at all

SECOND: After you meet the new civilization, go to the foreign advisor. The game is sure to crash with an illegal operation.

MAYBE this is just me and the way I added the one civilization (Spanish) that I felt shouldn't have been deleted.

Has anyone else got this? Has anyone successfully created a new civ that didnt replace a pre-existing one, enter flawless negotiations, and still be able to go to the foreign advisor?

If I can't figure this out and get the spanish created flaswlessly, Civ 3 will NEVER be the same . . . :P

Thanks in advance.
The problem you mention can be solved by editing diplomacy.txt
some of the message are civ-specific so if you add a civ you must add an entry to each civ-specific message in the diplomacy file.
you will note that i asked that on November 11th. I have had the question answered for quite awhile now, but thanks anyway :P
oh well
i didn't see any other posts and never looked at the date.
glad to hear you got it workin
Yeha the only problem I am having now is the fact that my new unit (canoe) can ONLY be built if you randomize a map. If you use the world map that comes with the bic, you cant build it

Why? I havent the slightest.
The foreign advisor problem can't be fixed as long as the graphics for it aren't read from pediaicons.txt
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