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Game Diary: Fast Lucian rushing and Charadon beastliness (On diety, Tholal's)

Work is a pain nowadays while Charadon is itching to get back into action.

Anyway, as our main melee stack approaches the enemy's capital and we plunder mines, more beast men are streaming in:

Would you look at that, we are ahead in score :p

The number of defenders did not increase much, a bunch of beastmen (ugh,ugh:trouble:) suicide into the city provoking damage (hurrah for city attack bonus) and our better troops finish it off:spank::

Lol, we get the brewing house from the enemy's capital and at the same time the fail gold. Got to love that.
Arturus gets RoK pretty late.

We must maneuver to conquer the last two cities before too many Soks are built.

I love getting Khazad workers:

*Lucian Report: Level 7:

where the hell did that giant spider come from?:

Anyway more crashing of Beastmen and:

Funny Stuff:

No, Charadon shall never lead the civilized. He will destroy your pathetic nation in its squalor.

We know our next target.

Btw, Halowell is the Khazad second city, right? I wasn't remembering that. We found it with just one population which means that they had some barbarian problems... kind of explains the slow development.
But hey, most of the barbarians (there's a lot of fog) that were supposed to harass me (if not being a barbarian leader), the Grigori and the Freaks went towards him. So, yeah... lol
Let's get on with it.

It's no good to defend a city with only scouts:


That was a city defended by a Hill giant also (the heck?:confused:):

I gamble on some 75% shots instead of allowing Decius the time to reinforce:

He actually had some bronze warriors everywhere but whatever:

The silly orcs turn against us and now we are the ones that have to deal with the swarm:

I have no idea why they think that we are civilized, though.
I mean, seriously...

It's time to take over the barb cities:

Oh boy, Orthus leads the hordes:cowboy::

We reinforce in time:

As you may guess we didn't have much trouble dealing with that:popcorn:.

What happened next? I finished up the game but I lost my screenshots for some reason.

Anyways, the wars were very straightforward and dull, so whatever, I can do a summary.

The challenge was just not ending up in strike while trying to keep everything since after conquering 2 civs the game was already won.
Close to turn 150 (before Flauros and Hannah) I had about 22 cities (and I had to found one to get copper, believe it or not...:crazyeye:), 28 workers, 51 beastmen and the mean guys.
I don't know about you but that sounds pretty hardcore to me:lol:.
City States, Markets, Merchants, Late cottages - and a lot of consistent pillage money:D.
I'm still surprised that I didn't go broke, though. Trying to handle that was fun and the numbers are pretty much a record for me:w00t:.

Tech path from the beginning (with crafting from the hut) was (I think) exploration, cartography, agriculture, calendar, ancient chants, festivals, mining, education, fishing, animal husbandry, bronze working, warfare.

I went fishing and animal husbandry because I felt like having all the cities working the good tiles for whatever reason.

I should have just went exploration, cartography, agriculture, calendar, ancient chants, festivals, education, mining, bronze working, warfare.
Another mistake was not having enough workers when I finished researching education and wasn't able to lay down cottages as fast as I should have. Auto beastmen brainless build non stop. It's tough to deal with so many cities so early. It was good enough though.

When I was just running out of money I was able to do a trade mission to research the last turn of bronze working and to research warfare in just a few turns (I had already a good amount of commerce for plenty of 100% beakers, the problem was the maintenance).
I was also able to upgrade veteran beastmen (after all Charadon upgrades the melee like a normal ingenuity leader (beastmen to Sons for 40 gold), let's not forget that).

MS gave us some free units to help us out and all of a sudden all the cities were pumping Sons like crazy. That was quite a sight, let me tell you.

Smashing Flauros and Hannah (with Minister Koun) (the 3 already in a long war) was a formality although I did lose a ton of units breaking the last hilled city of Hannah defended by veteran archers and walls.

I believe Lucian almost reached level 9 and I remember perfectly well that a Wolf rider reached level 11.

I had about 70 sons on the last turn of the game, and a big chunk of them didn't even reach the enemy territory.

the game ended on turn 180 with about 29 cities, I think. so I pretty much accomplished the goal of having a very good number of cities in a decent fast time period (feel free to beat that).

Only Sheelba can get close to this on diety for sure, but she needs to get lucky to conquer 2 civs as fast as we did without beastmen and Lucian.

In the case that someone thinks that we are bullhorsehockying, here are the last extracts of the replay:

*bonus game alert* *bonus game alert* *bonus game alert*

A very fast summary of a very fast game to compensate the lack of screenshots for the last part of the other game.

I'm replaying the same map with a different strategy. This time we have no regard for the number of cities.

Smashing the Grigori (you know how it was):

We're only going to keep those Grigori cities, all of the rest will be razed:

Calendar and festivals are done. We run Pacifism and merchants. We choke Decius (Only two wolf riders but some veteran beastmen):

Promotions for the win:

We are going to get horseback riding in a fine timing don't you think?
Arturus, my boy, what's up?:

Five strength poison and aggressive wolf riders with three movement and some withdrawal for only 60 gold. What a sick deal:lol::

That's nothing, after a trade mission in a barbarian city, the fun can truly now begin:

Arturus had more cities this time, but so what?:

Guess who's next:

Well, thank you very much. The Orthus' axe and more money for more hiring:

We call up the wolfs and BAM a huge stack beaten down:

I love spanking Hannah, the brat:

That's a full conquest at turn 103 when usually the game starts to pick up (where is the FfH Hall of Fame?):

The power graph:

This was only possible because I already knew the map and what to do, but isn't it funny how much overpowering stuff there is in this game?:lol:

So, next time you think of saying "Charadon sucks. He's just terrible, plain and simple", you actually must say "Charadon sucks. He's just terrible, plain and simple. But dude, Charadon actually got 29 cities at turn 180 in this diety game, and then in another game he smashes through everything and ends it up at turn 103. What. the. hell!"

Holy fudge... That's stunning, Horatius. Thank you for sharing! Your games are always such a delight to read.
Updated the second post with some tips about Charadon early rushing. I got lazy but much is not needed to be said if you know how to play the early game well, anyway;)

BTW, would anyone care for a Mahala game?
I forgot to talk about a trick that you can sometimes do with Charadon and only he. It's not for every game but it's amusing when you pull it off.

Buy as many goblins as you can (read: a lot) and train some (a few at least, but you can get away without them sometimes) better troops of your own as well.
Go attack someone that went hunting and are spamming hunters. If the AI is high level they should have subdue animal.
Go for a not strongly defended city or hunter stack. Hit your world spell. Slam the wolves. Smash the hunters with your good troops. Jump with the goblins on all the captured wolves.

- Enjoy all your 30 gold wolfriders without teching horsebackriding :lol:
I forgot to talk about a trick that you can sometimes do with Charadon and only he. It's not for every game but it's amusing when you pull it off.

Buy as many goblins as you can (read: a lot) and train some (a few at least, but you can get away without them sometimes) better troops of your own as well.
Go attack someone that went hunting and are spamming hunters. If the AI is high level they should have subdue animal.
Go for a not strongly defended city or hunter stack. Hit your world spell. Slam the wolves. Smash the hunters with your good troops. Jump with the goblins on all the captured wolves.

- Enjoy all your 30 gold wolfriders without teching horsebackriding :lol:

Wonderfully EVIL trick!!

Best wishes,

So, next time you think of saying "Charadon sucks. He's just terrible, plain and simple", you actually must say "Charadon sucks. He's just terrible, plain and simple. But dude, Charadon actually got 29 cities at turn 180 in this diety game, and then in another game he smashes through everything and ends it up at turn 103. What. the. hell!"

I don't know. Without the Goblin Fort, that game doesn't happen. And fine, Goblin Fort hiring is a legitimate strength of the Barbarian trait but it is not something that can be relied upon.

How does Charadon play without Goblin back up?
I don't know. Without the Goblin Fort, that game doesn't happen. And fine, Goblin Fort hiring is a legitimate strength of the Barbarian trait but it is not something that can be relied upon.

How does Charadon play without Goblin back up?

The Goblin Fort is nice for diety, since using only beastmen is dicey at that difficulty. Below that playing Charadon makes the game a complete joke since you can always conquer a couple of civs pretty early.
Lucian is bad ass. Sometimes things just work out and you never lose to those 5% odds.:)

Perfecting the art of Charadon rushing is fun.

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Lol, I can hardly believe I had 78 beastmen at turn 92. Those were some fun games...
Whats up Horatius.
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