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[MOD] Game of Thrones


Sep 24, 2015
Hello!I'm new here.
I'm a fun of FFH and [HBO]Game of Throne,after countless day and night spend on FFH, and several years chasing GoT.When 5th season GoT had ended,I got a idea,why not use FFH mod to create a GoT world for me and other funs to continue their sage.

Then this is it - Ciruela's Game of Thrones - a FFH scenario modmod.

I'm not a modder,just draw a map and make some flavor for you to play a different ffh game.So feel free to use this map to further modding if you like.
#update,how time flies,once a youngman now become a middle aged man,finally I become a python modder,and this one is from a single map to mod with many new features and scenarios.

This map is based on the maps within the first five book of Song of Ice and Fire, and later based on The Lands of Ice and Fire atlas.Also use Wikipedia as reference.

Game of Thrones Mod

you can download v1.00 mod from here

newest patch is v2.06, which contains changes in early patches,you can download from here.

Only need BTS v3.19 and download
Game_of_Thrones.rar then unzip to /Beyond the Sword/Mods/
then download newest Patch and unzip to /Beyond the Sword/Mods/Game of Thrones

Mod Description
This is a Song of Ice and Fire fiction world and [HBO]Game of Thrones adaptation mod created by Ciruela,Use Civilization IV Beyond the Sword 3.19, and famous Fall From Heaven II mod, More Naval AI v2.63 modmod as base frame.This mod countains:

1 new civilization which contains features below,see #4 for more detail
  • 9 new leaders
  • 1 new hero
  • 1 new palace
  • 3 new buildings
  • 1 new unit artstyle
  • 10 new units
  • 1 new promotion
39 new leaders for FFH2 civilizations,see #4 for more detail
68 new leaderheads,see here for more detail to some of them
new diplomacy/religion/backgroud sound,see here for more detail.
13 new Dragon units,see #4 for more detail.
12 new Nightwatch units,see #4 for more detail.
1 new Race
8 new Effects
2 new Traits
4 new Technologies for scenario use.
10 new Wonders,see #4 for more detail.
1 new Equipment and it's promotion
1 new Route
1 new Spell
10 new house flags.
4 new Promotions.
1 Standard Scenario with more detail and event come from A Song of Ice and Fire and [HBO]Game of Thrones, see #7 for more details:
  • GameofThrones Westeros
1 History Scenario which happens before the beginning of A Song of Ice and Fire, Based on GameofThrones Westeros, see #194 for more details:
  • Dance of the Dragons Westeros
1 Standard Scenario with more balance,see #5 and #6 for more detail:
  • GameofThrones V8.2
1 Standard Scenario with Advanced Technology and corresponding unit/building/improvement/wonder:
  • GameofThrones Advanced Tech
9 [HBO]Game of Thrones Scenarios one for each season(Season I - VII),Which setting is at beginning of that season,three for Season VIII Which Setting is at beginning,middle and aftermath of that season:
  • S01 Game of Thrones
  • S02 Game of Thrones
  • S03 Game of Thrones
  • S04 Game of Thrones
  • S05 Game of Thrones
  • S06 Game of Thrones
  • S07 Game of Thrones
  • S08 Game of Thrones,S0801 Game of Thrones
3 Theme Scenario give diversion of [HBO]Game of Thrones Scenarios:
  • TS00 Chaos is Ladder: Play as Petyr Baelish start with poor the Fingers city and Loki. Based on S01 Game of Thrones scenario
  • TS01 Winter is Coming: Play The Other or Wildling to conquer Westeros. Based on S02 Game of Thrones scenario.
  • TS02 The North Remembers: Lady Stoneheart's revenge. Base on S04 Game of Thrones scenario.
11 History Scenario which happens before the beginning of A Song of Ice and Fire.
  • HS01 Dawn Age: 12000BC First man immigrant to Westeros.
  • HS02 Age of Heros: 10000BC First man heros found their house and city.
  • HS03 Long Night: 8000BC Night Watch and Hyrkoon resist The Other and Lord of Night to save the world.
  • HS04 Andal Invasion: 6000BC Andal immigrant to Westeros and found of Valyria.
  • HS05 Ghiscari Wars: 5000BC Rising Valyria fight against old Ghiscar.
  • HS06 Rhoynar War: 950BC Volantis fight against Rhoynar.
  • HS07 Century of Blood: 100BC Fall of Valyria Freehold and Dothraki storm Essos.
  • HS08 Aegon's Conquest: 2BC-1AC Aegon the Conquerer invade Westeros.
  • HS09 The Dance of Dragons: 129-131AC Targaryen civil war between Aegon II and Rhaenrys I.
  • HS10 Robert's Rebellion: 282-283AC Robert and Eddard rebel Aerys II the Mad King's rule.
  • HS11 Greyjoy Rebellion: 289AC Balon Greyjoy challenge Robert Baratheon's rule and unite of wildling.
Scenario Setting:
Season System:
When no Globe Counter and no Plot Counter Game Option is off (turn off Long Summer and No season plot change game option),then new Season System will work,this new System replace old AC and Hell Terrain mechanic.AC will mark Season change clock when AC is higher,plot will become colder and colder.see here for more detail

Advance start: Each civilization has settled several city and researched early tech already

Low Magic: the only mana resource is your civilization's start mana,although you can still get mana from wonder,ritual, world improvement and your vassal/permanent alliance

No Settler and can't raze city: you should conquer other city to enlarge your territory,although you can still get settler from immigrant event. Not like other civilization has fix city from beginning,Dothiraki has 1 city and 3 settler start, because their khalasars always move around and not permanent settle,but Dothraki are always fight their civil war.more barbarian city to conquer,and barbarian will spawn city as time goes by.

Adventure:there are some place to explore and challenge
Shadow Land: Dragon/treasure
Beyond the Wall: Frostling and Undead/mana node and resource
Eastern Essos: Orthus/AC unit/barbarian world/dungeon
Valyria Ruins: Hellborn champion/Diseased Corpse/unique dungeon

Other setting list

Special Thanks:
George R. R. Martin for A Song Of Ice And Fire and The Lands of Ice and Fire atlas
HBO for Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon
Kael and FFH design team for Fall From Heaven mod
Tholal for More Naval AI modmod
Isenchine for forum guidance and trouble shooting
MagisterCultuum for Worldeditor bug fix
Schargiel's Game of Thrones modmod based on MagisterCultuum modmod
King Bulrush for play feedback
And many people who provide help or encourage on this post
Wikipedia for Book and TV Drama Information
http://gameofthrones.wikia.com/wiki/Game_of_Thrones_Wiki for Book and TV Drama Information
http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Main_Page for Book and TV Drama Information

Art Copyright
Amok,Marc Simonetti,Mathia Arkoniel,Jordi Gonzalez Escamilla,zippo514,Felicia Chris Dien,René Aigner,Karen Petrasko and Magali Villeneuve's Art use as Leaderhead and Leaderhead button
Black Rose's art of house flag
SaibotLieh's female unit art
Sandara Tang for White Raven
reneaigner for Fall of Harrenhal

Sound Copyright
Ramin Djawadi for Game of Thrones Original Sound Track.
David Byrne for The Last Emperor
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Stand alone scenarios:
Here also provide stand alone Scenario for vanilla FFH2 v0.41o and More Naval AI modmod v2.63,If these scenario works for other modmod please tell me.

Stand alone scenarios Download Description:
GameofThrones.rar is for ffh2 0.41o vanilla or FFH2 with More Naval AI modmod

GameofThrones with banner.rar is for ffh2 0.41o vanilla or FFH2 with More Naval AI modmod with black_rose's flag art
after download,you should unzip Teamcolor.rar and copy all the dds into
\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Fall from Heaven 2\Assets\Art\Interface\TeamColor

Stand alone scenarios latest version is V8.2 and this is final version. New version scenarios need this mod to play.

And here has more stand alone scenarios for [HBO] Game of Thrones TV Series adaptation.
Each Season has one scenario which setting base on the beginning of that Season
you can download from links below:
[HBO] Game of Thrones TV Series adaptation stand alone Scenario
Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07

Stand alone Theme Scenario based on GoT Scenarios:
Winter is Coming Theme Scenario 01: Play as The Other or Wildling to conquer the Wall and southern warmer lands
The North Remembers Theme Scenario 02: Play as Lady Stoneheart to do her revenge!

Stand alone History Scenarios,which happens before A Song of Ice and Fire
12000BC Dawn Age Historic Scenario 01
10000BC Age of Heroes Historic Scenario 02
8000BC Long Night Historic Scenario 03
6000BC Andal Invasion Historic Scenario 04
5000BC Ghiscari Wars Historic Scenario 05
950BC Rhoynar War Historic Scenario 06
100BC Century of Blood Historic Scenario 07
2BC-1AC Aegon's Conquest Historic Scenario 08
129-131AC The Dance of Dragons Historic Scenario 09
282-283AC Robert's Rebellion Historic Scenario 10
289AC Greyjoy Rebellion Historic Scenario 11

Stand alone Advanced Tech Version
Advanced Tech Another Version of Game of Thrones FFH2 Scenario,each civ has more techs\units\buildings\improvements from game start.

Stand alone scenario version history
Spoiler :

V8 Version History
Spoiler :
V8.2 Changelogs(Jul. 13th, 2016)
Spoiler :
change landmark Howing Hills to Howling Hills
change civ name Whaler of Ibeen to Whaler of Ibben
change city name White Harber to White Harbor

add gameoption COMPLETE_KILLS
add Channeling1 to character who has Sphere 1 spell such as Thoros of Myr,Pyromancer,Qyburn

change land where Oldstone is to marsh
add river near Faros
Add banana near ruin of Gorosh
add deer near Ice River
add toad near neck
change High Heart to a hill with a held spec named Ghost of High Heart
change city Antler River name to Ice River and move it west of Ice River,for move room then move Frozen Shore south
change Giant's Stair to Rune religion
add King's Landing Elder Council
add Old Town Library
add Qohor Forge
Add Jason Mallister to Riverrun
add free Merchant as Master of Coins(Petyr/Tyrion)
add free sciencist as Samwise Tarly
add JADE_TORC to Melisandre
change Ramsay to bloodpet and change his pomotion Withered to Fear
change Bran to lightbringer
remove Grand Maester Pycell,Maester Aemon,add HERBALIST building to their city
remove Black Dragon from Shadow Land
name three the sand snakes as Obara Sand,Nymeria Sand,Tyene Sand respectively

Additional Change for certain scenarios:
change Astapor training to arena
early scenario add Old Town elder council building as a replacement to library,move Dragon Bone to Shadowland
change Fishman of Valyria to Shepherd of Valyria
add Planar and Grove building to Valyrian cities in order to make them summon Manticore(Dragon) early
add City Greywater Watch,Last Hearth
change the Other city conquer route,due to Ice River city's move
change House Manderly Civ type to Ljosalfar
for Season IV and Theme Scenario II,add new playable House Baelish of Harrenhal
for HS8 Andal Invasion, add Valyria as additional Playable civ,add City Si Qo for Yi Ti

V8.1 Changelogs(Feb. 17th, 2016)
Spoiler :
Rename Qhoin Halfhand to Qhorin Halfhand
remove Pyromancer Held due to unable to cast spells
set The Other state religion to the Ashen Veil from start to avoid Meshabber of Dis lossing

add character some promotion according to his origion
add homeland to Thoros of Myr
add Remnants Khalasar Horselord,Weak,Combat1,Commando
add Melisandre potency,spellstaff,change to lv 3
add Daario Naharis Commando,Combat1
add Jaqen H'ghar Magic_Resistance
add Maester Aemon,Grand Maester Pycelle Potency,Mobility1
add Jorah Mormont Commando,City_Raider1,change to lv 3
add Organizations some promotion
add Unsullied Courage,Loyalty
add Grand Maester Blessed
add Night Watch Loyalty
add Mercenary/Brotherhood without banners/Brave Companions Bounty_Hunter
add Kingsguard/Queensguard/Rainbow Guard Guardsman,Loyalty,their Lord Commander get additional Defensive
add Jorah Mormont Guardsman,Loyalty
move Loras Tyrell to King's Landing,change it to Radiant Guard,remove Drill3-4,change lv3
use GOLDEN_HAMMER promotion/item as Valyrian Steel
add to Jon Snow(Longclaw),Brienne of Tarth(Oathkeeper),King's Landing(Widow's Wail),Randyll Tarly(Heartsbane)
Character Change
add Qhorin Halfhand: lv 1 hunter to Castle Black
remove Nymeria,Benjen Stark
rename Pyromancer to Hallyne the Pyromancer
add Spirit_Guide to Bran Stark
add Jaime Lannister Weak,Heroic_Defense
add Beric Dondarrion Light
add several scenarios season corresponding to details of Book
Autumn:Game of Thrones Season V
Winter:Game of Thrones Season VI
End of Winter:HS II Robert's Rebellion
Autumn:HS III Dance of Dragons
Minor Change
Start Civilization Relation modifier change
add Lannister openborder to Tyrell
add Castle Black Leave,Octopus,Rune religion

V8 Changelogs(Feb. 8th, 2016)
Spoiler :
Watch Neutral Politics and Kingdoms Eternal War:
Add Permanent War or Peace to certain Civ,such as Watch keep Neutral to Westeros.
According to Scenarios,Certain Kingdoms will be at War with another kingdoms or never made war to another kingdoms from start.
Add Civ:
add Jogos Nhai as Hippus with Rhoanna leader
add Leng as Svartalfar with Rivanna leader
add Hyrkoon as Elohim with Thessalonica leader
Add City:
add Lonely Light city to Greyjoy and remove 1 settler
add The Arbor city to Tyrell
add The Frozen Shore,Antler River city to Wildling
add Yi Ti 2 settlers
change Morosh Owner to Lorath,remove 1 settler from Lorath
change Port Yhos to Qarth
change Tiqui to Yi Ti
change Leng ma,Asabhad to Barbarian
break Summer Isle to Barbarian,only leave Tall Tree Town
remove Hardhome city and change as a ruin
Civ and LeaderChange:
make Wildling Majorciv,but penalty for diplomacy to Westeros.
change Bolton to Calabim with ALEXIS leader
change Frey to Clan of Embers with Sheelba leader
change Lorath to Sheaim with GOSEA leader
change Summer Isle to Ljosalfar with Amelanchier leader
change Tyrell leader to ARENDEL
change Karstark leader to CHARADON
impassable swamp and Sand:
change Moat Cailin and south area to swamp
Add Ice Feature to Great Sand Sea/Shrinking Sea/Dry Deep & Five Forts/Neck/North Volantis area swamp,make them impassable,so Moat Cailin become the only passable route by land to North
Religion Change:
Use Leaves And Rune as Old God,Order as The Faith of Seven,Esus as several minor God
change all north/wildling cities except White harber to Leave religion,Winterfell is Leaves Holy city
remove all Tyrell cities Leave religion
move Order Holycity to King's Landing
remove Empyrean from King's Landing and All Dorne Cities
add Order to All Dorne Cities
add Order to Braavos
add Empyrean to Pentos,Braavos,Lys,Tyrosh

add missing cottage to Westeros
Fair Isle mark wrong plot
change Qai mark to Qal
remove 1 more Gogossos mark
rename Lotus Port to Lotus Point
rename Samyriana to Shamyriana

Geograph Change
move Dragonstone east 1 square
move God's Eye landmark,add Isle of Faces,move Seven Pine to Isle of Faces
use river to divide small isle from mainland such as Esterment,Qal etc
now World can sail to Hardhome directly
change Tarth cottage to Marble
add razorweed to ghost grass
add Gems to Leng,Summer Isle
add Wine to Yi Ti
add Gold to Asshai
change Yunkai,Valysar,Volon Therys to Village
change Kingsgrave into a tower
Character Change
add Aeron Greyjoy to Pyke
add sand snakes to Sunspear
add Ramsay Snow to Dreadfort
add Randyll Tarly to Highgarden
add Paxter Redwyne to The Arbor
add Kevan Lannister to Casterly Rock
add Alliser Thorne to Castle Black
add Daario Naharis to Yunkai
add Thoros of Myr Enchantment1,Enchanted_Blade pomotion
change Melisandre to Asshai Wizard
change Mountain that Ride to Orc
City Change
change some cities population,Largely increase pop of Five Cities in Westeros
add Shipyard to The Arbor,Dragonstone,Pyke
change a warrior to Unsullied with held to Qohor
add Guarding Vine with Held to Highgarden
add scorpion with Held to Dorne
rename Wildling city
add Dancing Bear to Norvos
change White Harber Beastmen to Elven Warrior due to Manderly Reach Origin
Minor Change
name Royel/Redwyne/Iron Fleet to Dragonstone/Arbor/Pyke ship
rename Free Cities Leader
add Cave of Three-eyed Crow as barbarian and dungeon
change Grand Maester Pycelle to Disciple of Runes as his support to Lannister
Change Arryn Mountain Clans to Barbarian move left 1,add Warrior to Eyrie
add Mountain Clans to 3 North of Winterfell,add 1 lizard scout to neck
minor map and religion change

V7 Version History
Spoiler :

V7.5a Changelogs(Nov. 8th, 2015)
Spoiler :
add missing word of wilding/other capital name
add missing Esus religion to some Essos cities.

add 3 hawks to Summer Isles
add 4 hawks to Wildling
add 1 lion to Casterly Rock
add 1 Hawk to The Eyrie
add king's landing oo,empyrean religion
change Qyburn to disciple of Kilmorph with Body I
change Pyromancer to disciple of Kilmorph with Fire I
change Thoros of Myr to disciple of Order with bounty hunter,Life I,Sun I
make Grand Maester Pycelle held
add Asha Greyjoy to Pyke
add Victarion Greyjoy to Pyke
add Brynden Tully to Riverrun
change Pentos religion to Esus
change warrior at Highgarden to Loras Tyrell

V7.5 Changelogs(Nov. 1st, 2015):
Spoiler :
change Esus holycity to Braavos due to version confuse

delete Stark Widow's Watch city
add one city to Summer Isle,Volantis,Qarth,Lhaza

Rename V7 new created city,change some plot,add more landmark according to the maps from the Land of Ice and Fire
Move the Other and Wildling capital

V7.4 Changelogs(Oct. 27th, 2015)
Spoiler :
Change Braavos Mithril Golem to Iron Golem due to lose Mithril Golem for not having proper religion
check meshabber of dis for same issue
remove over-spawn goblin archer
clear team contact list
remove hardhome wilboman
re-add the other more troop and settler due to version confused

make Braavos playable

change braavos assassin to lv 3 scout with Aerons chosen,Avatar,immortal,marksman,perfect sight,timor mask
change Yi Ti and Qarth 1 warrior to 1 archer to hold city from barbarian
change other civs capital 1 warrior to 1 archer for avoiding being early conquered

rename titan of braavos
change Pentos leader to FLAUROS,Lorath leader to ALEXIS
in order to keep from difference civ having the same leader,change leader for below civs:
House Karstark to DUIN
Volantis to KEELYN
Tyrosh to WEEVIL
Lys to FURIA

V7.3 Changelog(Oct. 20th, 2015):
Spoiler :
Change Esus holycity to Braavos.

remove Avatar of Wraith due to iras it summon are too powerful for early civ
disable world spell
remove archer of Castle Black
add more unit for civ according to start city number or locate on Middle/Eastern Essos
held barbarian city archer
give Asshai 1 more settler
add scout for each civ

add Eastern Essos Barbarian Stronghold Sheam theme
change mage of dragonstone from Sun II to Sun I/Shadow I/Mind I,and set level to 4
add an shaman with flying,potency,weak,Air I for Stark
add strong heavy to a warrior in Casterly Rock
add an adept with Body I,an adept with Fire I in King's Landing
add a beastman for Greyjoy
add a loyety amph warrior in Dragonstone
add a courage guardsman warrior in tarth
add a poisoned blade,light scout for Martell
add a drill IV warrior for Tyrell
add Life I,Bounty Hunter ecclesiastic and immortal,Bounty Hunter warrior for Tully
add a hero scout for Braavos
add winterborn for all Stark relate unit
add landmark for Craster's Keep,Yunkai and so on

V7.2 Changelog(Oct. 18th, 2015)
Spoiler :
Seven Pine do not show correctly

add a elvish scout and a dwarven warrior for Watch
add another Sea Channel
Rename Tully's Leader from Hoster to Edmure
Add diseased corpse to Valyria
Move Orthus from Valyria to Eastern Essos
change 7 Kingdoms color according to their banner

add black_rose's flag art for Westeros Kingdoms.

V7.1 changelog(Oct. 15th, 2015)
Spoiler :
barbarian city need more troop to avoid being conquered early
the Other need more troop and settler to storm the land beyond the wall,remove Hybo held promotion and add Meshabber of Dis to replace Hybo' Capital-defend role
Asshai/Greyjoy need a settler to encourage expanding

due to lack of AC, can't build Mithril Golem,use it replace Braavos Iron golem
add Orthus and hellfire to Valyria adventure
add more equip/mana node to shadow land
add unmovable AC unit to eastern Essos
add more mana node/resource to eastern Essos
add more world improvements
add Secret Sea Channel to connect Seas

V7 changelog(Oct. 13th, 2015)
Spoiler :
change Karstark color,the original one mess with Stark color

enlarge the area of beyond the wall and increase the wildling city number
give the other more tech
give Watch more tech to make them produce army earlier
place more barbarian city on Essos to make more pressure to these civilizations and give them more potential place to conquer
give several island kingdom(Lys/Tyrosh/Lorath) 1 settler for encouraging them to expand from sea

set map y-wrap to enlarge the area of beyond the wall
set map x-wrap to make more room for westeros's west coast
add an island west to westeros
place ivory and war elephant for wildling
give several island kingdom(Greyjoy/Barathoen) 1 settler for encouraging them to expand from sea
place 1 more city for Meereen civ to make revolt trouble when Targaryen conquer Meereen
place more troop for Targaryen to encourage their early conquer and make more flavor
add a hero beastman(Jon Snow) and a wolf for the Watch
add disciple for Castle Black and King's Landing
place fire mana and shipwreck around King's Landing
set Wildling city some religion which unit adopt can become mane after death
add a pirate coven and smugger port to Dragonstone,change adept to lv3 mage with sun II there,delete Heron Throne and reduce population to 1
add an ogre on skagos island
add Landmark for flavor
rename some unit for flavor

V1-V6 Version History
Spoiler :
V6 Jun. 26th, 2015: Draw all the known world and add many unvisited civilization
V5: Draw Middle Essos and add Meereen\Astapor(Targaryen)\Dothlaki\Lhazar\Qarth
V4: Draw West Essos and add Free Cities
V3: Add Vassal State(Bolton\Karstark\Frey)
V2: Add more cities for each kingdom
V1: Draw Westeros and add 7 Kingdom,Night Watch,Wildling,The Other



  • GameofThronesV8.2 with Banner.rar
    84.2 KB · Views: 449
  • GameofThronesV8.2.rar
    45.3 KB · Views: 426
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Future Plan
  1. find some unit art for special character.
  2. New Hero for each major house.
  3. add Age of Dragon game option in order to add new dragon into regular game
  4. add Wonder for ancient castles,certain castle enable train city watch.
  5. change Tower of Mastery victory and these team wonders to Iron Throne wonders like Schargiel's mod
  6. add new civic such as Reaving
Known Issues

Mod version history

V2.0.6 Changelogs(Jul. 14th, 2024)
1.Major change
  • Modify to Ice Theme Infernal civilization:
    • [Python]Tweak Rise Wight chance
    • [Python]increase the death penalty of White Walker/Night King which will cause the Other unit suffer 100-150% damage and reduce city population to 1
    • [Python]increase the death penalty of White Priest which will cause the undead unit in same plot suffer 100-150% damage
    • [Python]change illians civ to infernal civ in Bilizzard python
  • Modify to Season Mechanic and new Season Concept of AC:
    • remove Religion found and spread AC changes
  • change Mercurian civilization to more like Night's Watch:
    • add Mercurians new national Wandering Crow unit which can recruit units from other civs
    • Watch Ranger, Watch Steward, Watch Builder is never obsolete
    • change Watch Ranger art and group size
    • Watch Ranger can upgrade to Assassin as Hunter
    • Watch Steward can upgrade to Chariot and Royal Guard as Axeman(although Chariot is banned in this mod)
    • Watch Builder can upgrade to Horse Archer as Archer
    • reduce New Recruit product needed
    • reduce Watch Steward product needed, reduce move to 1
    • reduce Watch Builder product needed, reduce move to 1, increase defense to 5, remove weapons.
    • change Watch Builder prep Tech to Construction, remove Archery Range requirement
Unit NameTierStrength/DefenseMoveEnable TechnologyCan UpgradePromotion
Wandering CrowT23/3,only defend2Cartographycan upgrade by New RecruitWatch Recruiter, Loyalty, National unit 1 limited,
can travel without openborder, 20% withdraw chance
Senior RangerT36/52Animal Handling, need Hunter Lodgereplace RangerLoyalty, can use Bronze, Iron, Mithril Weapon
First RangerT412/112Animal Mastery, need Grovereplace Beastmaster
Loyalty, Valor, can use Bronze, Iron, Mithril Weapon, National unit
Senior StewardT35/61Iron Working, need Training Yardreplace ChampionLoyalty, can use Bronze, Iron, Mithril Weapon,
can build Camp, Farm, Pasture, Winery, Plantation, Cottage
First StewardT411/121Mithril Weapons, need Training Yardreplace PhalanxLoyalty, Courage, can use Bronze, Iron, Mithril Weapon,
can build Camp, Farm, Pasture, Winery, Plantation, Cottage, National unit
Senior BuilderT34/61Bowyersreplace LongbowmanLoyalty, can use Bronze, Iron Weapon,
can build Fort, Mine, Quarry, Lumbermill, Workshop, Windmill, Road/Valyrian Road, can cut trees and Jungle
First BuilderT47/121Machineryreplace CrossbowmanLoyalty, Flaming Arrows, can use Bronze, Iron Weapon,
can build Fort, Mine, Quarry, Lumbermill, Workshop, Windmill, Road/Valyrian Road, can cut trees and Jungle, National unit

Watch Recruitercan use Watch Recruit spell

Spell NameCast RequirementEffect
Watch Recruit1. haven't cast other spell this turn
2. in other civ‘s city, which population > 2 or city owner is Doviello civ
3.city don't has Watch Recruit building
Delay 3 turns then:
1. gain New Recruit at that city, they will have the same race promotion of that city's civ, the number of new recruit is 1/3 of city's population, if that city has City of a Thousand Slums double the number, if that city's owner is Doviello civ +1 .
2. add Watch Recruit building for that city, this building provide -10 Crime rate and -10% maintenance, lost after city lost.

ForestbornScenario only, Enable to build Fawn, Satyr, Yvain
  • add new Tech Forestborn give to Children of the Forest and other forest origin civ to produce Fawn, Satyr, Yvain
  • [Python]Destroy Undead spell won't affect its and ally's Undead unit
4.Minor change
  • add Forestborn tech to Children of the forest on HS01-04
  • add Forestborn tech to Ifeqevron on HS01-05
  • move the river south of Riverrun 1 plot west, use river to circle Riverrun on HS01-11, S0, advTech, S01-0801, TS00-02, Game of Thrones Westeros and Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • remove the Other extra start tech on HS03, S0, S01-08, TS00-02, AdvTech, Game of Thrones Westeros
  • change Night Watch Calendar Tech to Masonry on HS07-11, S0, S01-07, TS00-02, Game of Thrones Westeros and Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • add Walls to Nightfort on HS04-06
  • add Walls to Castle Black on HS07-11, S0, S01-07, TS00-02
  • add Walls to Shadow Tower and Eastwatch-by-the-Sea on Game of Thrones Westeros and Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • add road under the Wall feature on HS04-HS11, S0, S01-02, S04-06, TS00, TS02, AdvTech
  • add road under the Wall feature on Game of Thrones Westeros and Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • change Horse near Castle Black to Marble on Game of Thrones Westeros and Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • add Wandering Crow at Nightfort on HS06
  • rename Nightfort to Castle Black on HS07-08
  • add Wandering Crow at Castle Black on HS07-09
  • change all hightower's units and cities owner to Aegon II on HS09
  • add Wandering Crow with Weak named Yoren at Castle Black on HS10-11, S01, TS00
  • add Wandering Crow with Weak named Yoren at Castle Black on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • add Wandering Crow named Conwy at Castle Black on S0, AdvTech
  • add Wandering Crow named Conwy at Castle Black on S02-04, TS01-02
  • add Wandering Crow with Elf named Dareon at Castle Black on S05
  • add Arya Immune to Disease, Perfect Sight, Timor Mask, Jade Torc promotion on S07, S08, S0801
  • change Harry Stickland and Golden Company Flanking1 promotion to Drill1 on S08, S0801
  • remove Lannister archer at White Castle on S08
  • change Alliser and Qhorin to Senior Ranger, remove Watch Builder Iron Weapon on AdvTech
  • remove Watch Builder Iron Weapon on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • slight change position/promotion/unit type of Night Watch unit on Game of Thrones Westeros and Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • add Watch Ranger named Ser Denys Mallister with Squire, Knight, Guardsman at Shadow Tower, add Watch Ranger named Cotter Pyke with Amphibious at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, add Watch Steward named Bowen Marsh with Winterborn and Watch Builder named Othell Yarwyck with Dwarf at Castle Black, change Eddison Tollett to New Recruit on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • Night Watch openborder with all Westeros House and Targaryen when Daenerys arrived in Dragonstone on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • change swamp north of Oldstone to Grass on Game of Thrones Westeros and Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • rename Stark Lucian to Ser Rodric Cassel, and add Knight promotion on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • add Heron Throne wonder to Dragonstone on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • increase Caraxes' exp and add Meleys Mobility1 promotion on HS09 and Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]optimize the Civil war in the Reach Python event code on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]tweak event code that when human player join certain side on Dance of Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]change The Green Counsil event, Hightower surrender to Aegon on Dance of Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]change the Civil war in the Reach event, add unit from minor house support Greens to Aegon(or Tyrell if Tyrell human player choose join Greens) on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]change the Civil war in the Reach event, Rowan/Oakheart/Grimm keep to Tyrell's vassal if human Tyrell player choose to join Black on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]add Battle of the Honeywine event on Turn 65, this event only add description on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]add Plot to attack King's Landing event on Turn 70, this event only add description on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]add Daeron the Daring event on Turn 75, Rowan/Oakheart/Grimm change to Aegon's vassal on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]Seperate First Tumbleton event to 2 event: First Tumbleton on Turn 90 Greens: Vermithor/Silverwing's owner change to Aegon and move to north of Tumbleton; Mooton turns to the Greens on Turn 95 Mooton change to Aegon's vassal on Dance of Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]change Riots at King's Landing and Storming of the Dragonpit event on Turn 100, move garrison of King's Landing to Rosby and increase damage they taken, Barbarian take King's Landing and add 2 Warriors there on Dance of Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]move The Lads event to Turn 105 on Dance of Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]move Two Betrayers event to Turn 110 on Dance of Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]move Morning event to Turn 115 on Dance of Dragons Westeros
  • rename Eyrie to Gates of the Moon in Winter on Dance of Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]change add city religion to add disciple of that religion in order to avoid throwing exception on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]add num check of plot units in order to avoid throwing exception on Dance of Dragons Westeros and Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]change Renly‘s Coronation event, Swann won't break free from Renly on Turn 45 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]Separate The Rise of Kraken event to 2 event: The Rise of Kraken on Turn 65 remove Theon Greyjoy from Stark, Greyjoy declare war to Stark; Fall of Moat Cailin on Turn 75 Greyjoy capture Moat Cailin and kill all hostile units there, and move 80% Melee and Naval units to defend Moat Cailin on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]Separate Assassination of Renly event to 2 event: Assassination of Renly on Turn 70 Stannis get all except Storm's End Renly's units and cities, Caron, Florent, Fossoway, Meadows, Swann and Estermont become Stannis Vassal. remove Brienne of Tarth, Renly player continue play as Stannis; Fall of Storm's End on Turn 80 Storm's End and Renly remains unit and city surrender to Stannis on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Fall of Harrenhal event to Turn 80 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]combine Taking of Deepwood Motte and Capture of Winterfell event to Taking of Deepwood Motte and Capture of Winterfell and move to Turn 85, and not remove Hodor from Stark on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Lannister-Tyrell Alliance event to Turn 85 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Storming of the Crag event to Turn 90 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Battle of the Blackwater event to Turn 95, Stannis and his vassal unit will take damage in Lannister's and Tyrell's vassal land, Swann become Lannister's vassal on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Battle of Winterfell event to Turn 95 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]change Fight of the Fist event on Turn 100 tweak the chance Night Watch unit move to the Fist, Night Watch player can choose to play Wildling on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]rename Funeral of Hoster Tully event on Turn 105 to Return From The West on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Battle at Duskendale event to Turn 105 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move The Beheading of Rickard Karstark event to Turn 110 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Munity of Nightwatch and Death of Joer Morment event to Turn 110 and tweak munity chance on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Two Swords event to Turn 110 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]tweak Capture of Harrenhal event on Turn 115 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Fight at the Bridge of Skulls and Attack on Castle Black event to Turn 115, change Jon Snow unit type to Watch Steward, move some wildling unit to Gorge and Queenscrown, move Night Watch unit to Shadow Tower, Wildling player(Which choose to play Wildling after Fight of the Fist event on Turn 100) can choose play Night Watch on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Red Wedding event to Turn 120,and not remove Stark's direwolves on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Taking of Maidenpool event to Turn 125 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]add Piper Bend the Knee event, Pinkmaiden and its garrison surrender to Lannister on Turn 125 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Purple Wedding event to Turn 125 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Battle beneath the Wall event to Turn 130, Wildlings siege Castle Black, Night Watch at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea reinforces Castle Black, remove Stannis longbowman remove iron weapon promotion, won't add mercenaries on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Trial of Tyrion Lannister and Death of Tywin Lannister event to Turn 130 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Warden of The North event to Turn 130, Widow's Watch doesn't join Bolton on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Death of Lysa Arryn event to Turn 135 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Attacks of Lady Stoneheart event start from Turn 135 and tweak methon on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Death of Balon Greyjoy to Turn 140 and rename as Call for Kingsmoot on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Raid on Saltpans event to Turn 140 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Peace with Wildling event to Turn 140, add Karstark become Stannis's vassal on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Kingsmoot event to Turn 145 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Siege of Moat Cailin event to Turn 145 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Bran find Three-eyed Crow event to Turn 145 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Stannis North Campian event to Turn 150 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Rebirth of the Faith Militant event to Turn 150, add Fanaticism Tech to all Westeros houses on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Taking of the Shields event to Turn 150 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Surrender of Tully event to Turn 155 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Blizzard event to Turn 155 and tweek method on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Gate of the Moon event to Turn 155 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Siege of Dragonstone event to Turn 160 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]add Escape of Theon event which remove Reek from Bolton to Turn 160 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Hardhome event to Turn 160 and tweak wildling move chance on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Imprison of Cersi event to Turn 165 and rename to Walk of Atonement on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Death of Jon Snow event to Turn 165 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Death of Stannis Baratheon event to Turn 170 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Death of Doran Martell event to Turn 170 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Revive of Jon Snow event to Turn 170 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]rename Death of Three-eyed Crow event to Hold the Door and move to Turn 175, change Coldhand unit type to First Ranger on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Battle of Bastard event to Turn 180, Brienne won't join Stark ,and Night Watch player can choose to play Stark on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Sansa's Raven event to Turn 185, Brienne and Stark units which are south of Moat Cailin gather at Moat Cailin on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Wildfire of Great Sept Baelor event to Turn 190 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move King of the White Wolf event to Turn 195 and Stannis units which are north of Moat Cailin join to House Stark, Wildling become Stark's vassal on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Fall of Frey event to Turn 200 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Return of Daenerys event to Turn 200 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]conbine Alliance of Euron event and Death of Ellard Sand event to Alliance of Euron event, and move to Turn 205 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Fall of Tyrell event to Turn 210, kill all garrison of Highgarden and move Casterly Rock garrison to Highgarden, if Tyrell has Valyrian Steel Blade, send it to Nightwatch on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Attack beneath the Casterly Rock event toTurn 210 and move Greyjoy naval unit to west of Casterly Rock on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Return of Arya and Bran event to Turn 215 and add Perfect Sight, Immune Disease, Timor Mask, Jade Torc promotion to Arya on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move War of Spoiler event to Turn 215 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Return of Jorah Mormont event to Turn 220 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Beyond Wall event to Turn 220, and add Knight to Gendry, rename him to Ser Gendry on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Stark kneel for Targaryen event to Turn 225 and remove Dragon Viserion from House Targaryen on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Meeting at Dragonpit event to Turn 230, all westeros house and wildling make permanent peace and openborder with each other on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Death of Petyr Baelish event to Turn 230 on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]move Fall of Eastwatch by the Sea event to Turn 235, remove return of Theon Greyjoy and Melisandra, add Raised Viserion to the Other at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, Westeros units which are beyond the wall withdraw to Castle Black,add all Westeros houses Mithril Working Tech, add Mithril resource near Winterfell, King's Landing, Gates of the Moon on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]add The Long Night event at Turn 240, all Westeros house except Lannister and Dorne army gather to Winterfell, Night Watch, Wildling, Karstark retreat to Winterfell, Night King kill all livings at Last Hearth, Theon Greyjoy, Melisandra, Ser Jaime join Stark, add Knight promotion to Brienne of Tarth, add Lannister Ser Harry Stickland and Golden Company mercenaries at King's Landing, Lannister stop openborder to other houses on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]add The Bells event after Turn 245, (on condition when Night King is killed), the Other surrender to Barbarian, Nightwatch, Karstark, Wildling, Umber return to their castle, Stark remove Melisandre, Martell surrender to Yronwood, most Greyjoy unit move to King's Landing and change owner to Lannister, Yronwood, Dayne, Greyjoy become Targaryen's vassel, Targaryen declare war to Lannister, each house can declare war now on Game of Thrones Westeros
  • [Python]add The Iron Throne event after Turn 250, (on condition when the Other is surrender, Targaryen or its vassal capture King's Landing), Lannister and its vassal become Targaryen's vassal, Stark is no longer Targaryen's Vassal, old Stark's vassals and Wildlings become Stark's vassals again, Bran remove held promotion, Targaryen capture King's Landing and win this game on Game of Thrones Westeros
V2.0.5 Changelogs(Nov. 16th, 2022)
Spoiler :

  • remove extra Held promotion to Shrykos and Morghul on HS09 and Dance of the Dragons Westeros
2.Minor change
  • change Targaryen city's Ashen Viel religion to the Order, move Ashen Viel holycity to K'Dath on HS07-HS09
  • change Targaryen to worship the Order on HS07,HS08
  • move the Order holycity from King's Landing to Old Town on HS09
  • update dragon details corresponding to Dance of the Dragons Westeros on HS09
  • add dungeon to Dragonstone on HS09 and Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • replace Held promotion to immobile 999 turn for Barbarian Dragons on HS09 and Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • change Team color of Aegon and Hightower on HS09, Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • remove Daemon\Aemond great commander, Darksister valyrian steel blade, add Caraxes great commander, valyrian steel blade promotion, add Vhagar great commander promotion on HS09 and Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • change Sunhouse city owner to Hightower on Westeros and Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]revamp and optimize the Python event that it will happen at begining of certain player's turn on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]add a choice to join each side for Tully, Baratheon, Arryn, Tyrell, Martell, Stark player on the python event turn on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]when a Great house (except Greyjoy and Triarchy) join one side, they will change their war and peace toward other civs as same as Aegon or Rhaenyra which they side with on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]remove Defensive Pact before python event declare war on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]move Stark joins the war python event from Turn 40 to 45 on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]move the New Green Hand python event to Turn 50, and change Sunfyre\Ser Criston\Ser Arryk immobile turns from 45 to 50 on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]remove Vermithor\Silverwing Held promotion and change Dragonseeds python event on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]add Vermithor\Silverwing Crazed promotion in Dragonseeds python event on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • change Tessarion immobile turns from 60 to 65 on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]Greyjoy will declare war to Aegon and make peace to Rhaenyra in The Red Kraken event
  • [Python]move Triarchy python event to Turn 65 and rename as Battle of the Gullet, add Triarchy's fleet and melee unit and then move them to the Gullet and Driftmark on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]remove Dreamfyre\Shrykos\Morghul Held promotion and change Storming of the dragonpit python event to kill all dragon in King's Landing except Vhagar on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]rename Morning event to First Tumble event on Turn 90, Vermithor and Silverwing's owner change from Rhaenyra to Aegon and move to north of Tumbleton on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]add Two Betrayers event on Turn 105, Vermithor and Silverwing's owner change from Aegon to Barbarian and move to south of Tumbleton on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • [Python]move The Lads event to Turn 110 on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • move Weeping Town north 1 plot and renamed as Mistwood on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • move the Order holycity and Code of Junil wonder from King's Landing to Old Town on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • add King's Landing the Hall of Kings wonder on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • add Tyrosh Guild of the Nine wonder on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • Aegon/Rhaenyra is openborder with Greens/Blacks and all of Great House, Nightwatch is openborder with all of Westeros House, Great House are openborder with all of their vassals and other Great House from start on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • add Stepstones minor civ which declare war to All of civs on Dance of the Dragons Westeros
  • add House Tyrell, Hornfoot(Wildling) civ playable on Dance of the Dragons Westeros

V2.0.4 Changelogs(Oct. 19th,2022)
Spoiler :

  • correct the wrong player culture of Northern Mountains city on Westeros scenario
2.Major change
  • add Westeros: Dance of the Dragons scenario
4.Minor change
  • update HS09 The Dance of Dragons scenario corresponding to Westeros: Dance of the Dragons scenario. Such as update dragon unit, move Tessarion to Old Town, Aegon and Hightower openborder to each other
  • move sheep resource near Fairmarket on Westeros scenario

V2.0.3 Changelogs(Sept. 27th,2022)
Spoiler :

  • remove unit of MarshKing on HS03
  • make the Other not playable,set start Gold 500 on S05
  • change Royal Fleet owner to Stark on S08,S0801
  • remove the Other build in cities beyond the Wall on S0801
2.Due to More Naval AI version map's total team num limit increases from 35 to 51,add new civs.
  • add Ibben on HS04
3.Major change
  • Modify to Ice Theme Infernal civilization:
    • [Python]Tweek Manes and Wight rised method
    • change Hyborem basic strength from 7 to 9,remove Weapon
    • change Gela +2 Unholy strength to +2 Cold strength
    • remove Imp Cold Resistance,change Ice1 to Death1
    • change Balor art to War Elephant,increase move to 2
    • add Agnostic trait to Hyborem
    • [Python]remove Ashen Viel automatic spead to Infernal cities,Infernal cities will remove all 7 religion.
    • [Python]when Infernal city is captured,it's population will decrease to 1
    • block Guild of Nine and Royal Guard
    • block all sea unit
    • [Python]Hyborem's death will do 50%-150% damage to all his civ units and half his civ cities' population
    • [Python]Priest of Winter's death will do 50%-150% damage to all undead units at same plot.
  • Modify to Season Mechanic and new Season Concept of AC:
    • make Elegy of the Sheaims and Hollowing of the Elohims Ritual only can be finished 5 times and only can be built 1 after 1. the later ones cost more and more effective to AC one-time change.to avoid the Other using them abusively in late game.Each one required tech change to Knowledge of the Ether,Alteration,Sorcery,Arcane Lore,Strength of Will
    • [Python]change Spell effect and randon event,make their AC changes accord with season concept
    • fix Globe AC limited to 500 on HS01,HS02,HS04-HS08,HS10,HS11,S00-S04,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • change Mercurian civilization to more like Night's Watch:
    • [Python]now Mercurian palace will get free tech when at least 3 Westeros civs have(the Civ has at least 1 city on the same Continent with Mercurians cities)
    • Python]change Angel reborn method, non-Mercurians living unit died on Westeros(the plot unit died is on the same Continent with Mercurians cities) will chancely add a new recruit for Mercurians
    • [Python]change Start unit with Basium from Angel to New Recruit
    • block Angel,make new unit as new recruiter,ranger,builder,steward
    • remove block of T4 unit,remove all Angel unit
    • change Basium from Angel to Avatar,add Immute Cold and Vulnerable to fire,change 4 Holy strength to 2 Cold strength and 2 Holy strength
    • add Ingenuity for civ trait
    • [Python]When new recruit is built, it will gain random race or environment promotion,When new recruit is gained from killed unit or razed city, it will gain the same race or environment promotion of its old civ
    • use new Night‘s’ Watch unit to replace old Mercurian ones on HS03-HS11,S0-S07,TS00-TS02, AdvTech
Unit NameTierStrength/DefenseMoveEnable TechnologyCan UpgradePromotion
Watch Worker--2always can be builtreplace worker,can upgrade to Watch Steward or Watch Builderas worker
New RecruitT13/31always can be builtWatch Ranger, Watch Steward, Watch Builder, Wandering Crow, replace Warriorcan use Bronze Weapon,+25% City Defence
Watch RangerT24/32Hunting,need Hunter Lodgereplace hunter,can also upgrade by scout,New RecruitLoyalty, can use Bronze,Iron,Mithril Weapon,+20% strength on Snow terrain,only +20% strength vs animal,remove penalty to attack cities
Watch StewardT23/42Bronze Working,need Training YardLike Axeman,can upgrade by watch workerLoyalty, can use Bronze,Iron,Mithril Weapon,can build Camp,Farm,Pasture,Winery,Plantation,Cottage
Watch BuilderT22/42Constructionreplace Archer,can upgrade by watch workerLoyalty, can use Bronze,Iron Weapon,can build Fort,Mine,Quarry,Lumbermill,Workshop,Windmill,Road/Valyrian Road,can cut trees and Jungle

  • add Westeros scenario which only have enlarged Westeros map and Python Diplomacy control
  • change spells that cause War to not cause war due to this will break permanent peace and I failed to find out python code to modifier.
  • [PYTHON]event to declare war will also check it's master can declare war if the player is vassal.
  • block some Rituals such as Genesis,Bane Divine,Glory Everlasting,Birthright Regained,Rites of Oghma,Blood of the Phoenix,Natures Revolt
  • remove Illians Agnostic trait,make Illians can adopt religion
  • add Jungle feature 1 hammer to empower jungle civs such as Summer Isles,Yi Ti and Leng
  • change Pirate Coven/Harbor/Port back to original FFH version
  • move Counsil of Esus holycity see all Esus-adopt city sight function to Fellowship of Leaves presenting as Old Gods can see from Heart Tree's face.
  • change Jeor Mormont trait to Defender,Organized,change Alliser Thorne to Neutral with Defender Expansive trait
  • make Ancient Tower permanent
  • change Mithril Weapon +10% vs Iron Weapon to +50% vs Frostling,as Dragon glass Weapon, change Mithril bonus art to Iron,change Iron art to gunpower
  • block Arquebus and Cannon for all civ,change Man-o-War ship gunpowder resourse requirement to Iron
  • block Obsiden Gate and Nexus
  • Block Chariot for all civ
4.Minor change
  • modify scenarios city start population on S0
  • check reiligion sight for Fellowship of the Leaves and Counsil of Esus holy city on S0
  • remove Carcosa Imp Fire Resistance,change Demon to Frostling on HS01-HS09
  • set Illians civ state religion on HS01-HS11,S0-S7,S0801,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • change Fourteen Fires peak to plain and add Volcano there on HS01-HS06
  • change Hairy Man from Lannu to Khazad on HS01-HS03
  • add several plot 10 level required to enter such as Three-Eyes-Crow,Old Stone Ruins,Isle of Faces,HighHeart,HS02-HS11,S0-S801,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • change Unsullied promotion Courage to March on HS02-HS11,S0-S0801,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • change Unsullied from Mercenary to Swordsman on HS02-HS11,S0-S0801,TS00-TS02
  • change Basium from Angel to Avatar,add immute Cold and Vulnerable to fire on HS03-HS11,S0-S7,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • change Nightwatch unit with new unit on HS03-HS11,S0-S8,TS00-TS02,Adv Tech
  • set Night Watch start Tech as Stark's on HS03-HS11,S0-S07,TS00-TS02
  • add a worker for Night Watch on HS03-HS11,S0-S7,TS00-TS02
  • remove Night King Iron Weapon on HS03,S0-S8,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • make Night King can't move for 200 turns,to make Wildling live longer on HS03,S0-S8,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • remove the Other Imp Cold Resistance,change Ice1 to Death1 on HS03,S0-S8,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • remove the Other Settler on HS03,S0-S8,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • remove the Other State religion,remove Ashen Viel religion,remove Ashen Veil holy city on HS03
  • add Nightfort Bone Palace as The Wall,add Hunter Lodge on HS04-HS08
  • add Mistwood/Weeping Town City on HS05-HS09,HS11,S0-S0801,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • change Ibben from Lannu to Khazad on HS05-HS11,S0-S0801,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • add Ibben Port of Ibben city,remove settler on HS05
  • add 10 min lv requirement to Dragonmont on HS09
  • add Pyromancer Held promotion on HS09-HS11,S0-S0801,TS00-TS03,AdvTech
  • add Castle Black Bone Palace as The Wall,add Hunter Lodge on HS09-HS11,S0-S07,TS00-TS02
  • change Mistwood to Weeping Town on HS10
  • remove the Other State religion,remove Ashen Viel religion,move Ashen Veil holy city to K'Dath on S0-S8,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • change Storm's End religion from The Order to Empyrean on S0,advTech
  • change Daenerys' Three Dragon to Juvenile,on S0,S04,TS02
  • rename the Wall Caption to Shadow Tower and Eastwatch-by-the-Sea seperately on S03
  • remove held from Rhaegal and Viserion,add can't move for 10 turns on S05,S06
  • change Storm's End religion from The Empyrean to Order on S07,S08,S0801
  • move Infernal Grimoire and Stigmata on the Unborn to K'Dath on AdvTech
  • change the Other Eidolon to Champion on AdvTech
  • rename Brave Companion to Vargo Hoat, add Commando,Dark Elf promotion on AdvTech
  • change Unsullied from Mercenary to Champion and remove Strong promotion on AdvTech
  • add road to cottage,hamlet,village,fort,citadel on AdvTech

V2.0.2 Changelogs(May. 4th,2020)
Spoiler :

2.Due to More Naval AI version map's total team num limit increases from 35 to 51,add new civs.
Spoiler :

  • add House Glover of Deepwood Motte,seperate from House Stark on S08
3.Major change
  • Modify to Ice Theme Infernal civilization:
    • add Hyborem Immune to Fire promotion
    • block the Other to build Siege weapon:catapult and cannon
    • change 1 hammer,1 commerce from Ice terrian and 1 more commerce by river for Infernal to 2 commerce from Ice terrian and 1 more commerce by river for Infernal
    • change White Hand ritual prerequisite tech from Philosophy to Priesthood
    • block Infernal to produce Priest of Winter,They still get them by finish White Hand Ritual(3 hero Priest of Winter) and kill opponent priest and raised as a Priest of Winter
    • block infernal all Ashen Veil unit
    • [Python]T2 UNITCOMBAT_DISCIPLE will raised as Frostling instead of Disciple of Ashen Veil
    • [Python]when Infernal seized a city will not build Elder Council,Forge,Training Yard,Odsidain Gate,Mage Guild free building
  • Modify to Season Mechanic and new Season Concept of AC:
    • finish Purge the Unfaithful ritual won't change AC
    • remove armaggeddon event
    • remove random event's AC change
  • change Mercurian civilization to more like Night Watch:
    • remove block of Marksman,block Angel of Death
    • can build warrior and scout again
  • add S0801 scenario
  • move start a golden age effect from Bone Palace to Three Bells, change Bone Palace perequist Tech from Philosoph to Sorcery,reduce Bone Palace culture +10 to +2, add 25% defense and 25% defense toward bombard
  • rust spell now can't remove Mithril Weapon promotion
  • reduce pirate harber to +1 food and +1 commerce,pirate port to +1 food,+1 hammer and +1 commerce
  • change Lady Stoneheart leader from Doviello civ to Bannor civ
  • Enchanted Blade spell now can also effect Mounted unit
  • Pyre of the Seraphic now can't explorer
  • Public Baths reduce Happy from +3 to +2,add +2 Gold
  • add Sider Angel of Death unit,remove Angel promotion need Counsil of Esus state religion,change 3 holy combat strength to 3 death combat strength,as a special shadow unit
4.Minor change
  • add Hyborem Immune to Fire promotion on HS03,S01-S08,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • remove Elder Council,Forge,Training Yard,Odsidain Gate,Mage Guild building from the Other city except White Castle on HS03,S02-S08,TS01,TS02
  • change Dungeon where Greenseer is to Ancient Forest on HS05-HS11,S0-S6,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • change Greenseer and Children of the Forest owner to Nightwatch on HS05-HS09
  • make Small Council present by several build on HS08-HS11,S0-S8,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
    • Hand of the King/Queen : Basilica
    • Grand Maester : Herblist
    • Master of Laws : Courthouse
    • Master of Coins : Market
    • Master of Ship : Harbor
    • Master of Whisper : Eyes and Ears Network
  • change many characters details,upgrade veteran soldier to higher tie on HS08-HS11,S0-S8,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • change Three-Eye-Crow and Children of the Forest owner to Nightwatch on HS10,HS11,S0-S6,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • change all Melisandre sun1 promotion to fire1,mind1 to enchantment1 on HS10,HS11,S02-S08,AdvTech
  • add Donal Noye as a Forge at Storm's End on HS10
  • add Donal Noye as a Forge at Castle Black on HS11,S0-S4,TS00-TS02
  • add Nymeria at Oldstone on S0-S6,TS00,TS01,AdvTech
  • add Public Baths as Petyr Baelish at King's Landing on S0,AdvTech
  • add Sandor Clegane at Harrenhal on S0,AdvTech
  • add Castle Black Bone Palace as The Wall on S0
  • rename Stark leader to Sansa Stark,add Jon Snow at Winterfell,remove Longclaw on S07
  • remove Brother without banner civ,change Thoros of Myr and Sandor Clegane owner to Night Watch,add Lord Beric Dondarrion with them,remove Sandor Clegane bronze weapon promotion on S07
  • move stark warrior from Eastwatch-by-Sea to Shadow Tower,move 1 Nightwatch Angel from Shadow Tower to Eastwatch-by-Sea on S07
  • move 1 Targaryen warrior from Astapor to Yunkai,add Held promotion on S07,S08
  • reduce Dreadfort population from 2 to 1 on S07,S08
  • remove winterborn promotion from Benjen Stark,add Vulnerable to Fire and Cold Resistance to him on S07,TS02
  • remove Night Watch civ,change Castle Black city to Citadel Improvement,add Eddison Tollett for Stark on S08
  • change Rhaegal owner to Stark on S08
  • move Targaryen-Stark army to Winterfell,move Jaime Lannister to Moat Cailin on S08
  • add a forge to Winterfell as Gendry on S08
  • add Targaryen Yara Greyjoy and a galley near Dragonstone,move Theon Greyjoy with Yara change Theon Greyjoy owner to Stark on S08
  • move Melisandre to Widow's Watch immoveable 5 turns,change owner to Stark on S08
  • add Stark a Trebuchet at Winterfell on S08
  • remove Heartsbane,add Jorah Mormont Valyrian Steel Blade promotion on S08
  • add held promotion to Stark beastman(Umber) south from the Wall on S08
  • add 1 Mounted Mercenary with Mobility1,Flanking1,Knight as Ser Harry Strickland , 1 Mercenary with Mobility1 and Flanking1 as Golden Company at King's Landing on S08
  • add 1 archer named Scorpion with held and dragon slaying promotion for Lannister at King's Landing on S08
  • change Viserion from white juvenile to white wyvern due to wight system weaken origin unit and lost of Dragon race promotion on S08
  • add held promotion to Night Watch unit at Shadow Tower and Eastwatch by sea on TS01
  • change Lady Stoneheart from Doviello civ to Bannor civ,Start with Crusade civic,and rename civ as House Tully,change all tully's unit and Riverrun to Lady Stoneheart,add Brynden Tully at Riverrun on TS02
  • add plot start culture as noble house sworn to certain great house on AdvTech
  • remove temple of Viel from White Castle,because Block building on AdvTech
  • add Donal Noye as a Great Engineer specialist at Castle Black on Adv Tech
  • move Bone Palace from Dragonstone to Castle Black on Adv Tech
  • make scenairos change corresponding to major change

V2.0.1 Changelogs(Nov. 27th,2017)
Spoiler :
1.Major change
  • Modify to Ice Theme Infernal civilization:
    • add Frostling promotion immune to fear and Poison damage,is not alive(in order to avoid when Frostling be killed it reborn as manes and/or undead)
    • remove Hyboerm Barbarian trait(in order to change wild animal/barbarian into undead,and confict with last children of forest in scenario),add Sundered trait
    • [Python]decrease chances of reborn to undead on Snow terrain
    • [Python]Undead raise by Wight mechanic won't add Stigmata promotion
    • [Python]T4 unit died on Snow terrain will reborn as T3 undead with the same combat type
    • add Hyborem,High Priest of Winter,Priest of Winter Prophecy Mark promotion
    • [Python]add Hyborem Immortal promotion when summoned by Infernal Pact
    • [Python]Infernal won't use Scorch spell on Snow
  • Modify to Season Mechanic and new Season Concept of AC:
    • [Python]when game option no global counter is on,no save and load of Season Variable
    • [Python]Peak and Hill will become colder more quicker than flat terrain,especially in winter, and become warmer more slowly than flat terrain
    • [Python]Marsh will become Swallow in winter
    • remove free Stigmata promotion from Stigmata of the Unborn
    • remove Sundered Trait from Sheaim civ
    • change Stigmata promotion require race from Demon to Undead
    • change Sundered promotion require race from Demon to Frostling
    • remove Meshabber of Dis AC requirement and AC modify,add Divine Essence technology requirement
    • remove Mithril Golem AC requirement,add Held promotion,change +60% city attack to +60% city defense
    • [Python]Planar Gate now summon unit max is fixed 1 unit per Gate,non-based on AC
    • remove AC modify from Rosier the Fallen,Avatar of Wrath,Beast of Agares,Eidolon,Ars,Mardero,Sphener,Valin Phanuel,change Basium AC modify from +5 to -5,add Hyborem and Ice Golem +5 AC modify
    • [Python]when Ice Golem and Hyborem without Immortal promotion is killed -5 AC,when Basium is killed +5 AC
    • remove buildings,such as Stigmata of the Unborn,AC modify,build Temple of Hand will add 3 AC
  • Modify to New Dragon Race:
    • add Dragon Race to All Dragon units,reduce Fire combat damage by 1(Dragon Race provided another 1 Fire combat damage)
    • remove Dragon Race promotion Immune to Fear,Cause Fear,Roar,Breath Fire,add Dragon Race promotion +1 Fire combat damage, +20% combat on Broken Lands terrain and +25% on Volcano feature
    • reduce Wild promotion betrayal chance from 2% to 1%
    • add Roar promotion which can use Roar spell
    • add Breath Fire promotion which can use Breath Fire spell
    • add Roar,Breath Fire promotion to T4 Dragon Hero
    • remove T2 Dragon certain element damage resistance promotion
    • change Dragon Slaying promotion from +20% Combat vs Beast unit to +40% to Dragon Race promotion,reduce Fire resistance from 25% to 10%
  • [Python]raised undead by Mokka's Cauldron won't has Stigmata promotion
  • [Python]Burn Harrenhal event will also remove all five Harrenhall Towers
  • Harrenhal wonder require 4 cities to build
  • re-add Training Yard,Champion,Berserker,Immortal,Phalanx to Sheaim,change Pyre Zombie to swordsman
  • change Daenerys Targaryen permanent trait to Philosophical
  • change Sheaim palace Death mana to Entropy mana
  • change Kuriotates palace Spirit mana to Earth mana
  • reduce Pirate Cove and Pirate Harber commercial to 1,Pirate Port to 2
  • Philosophical leader can build Academy with Sorcery technology
  • change workboat to non-military unit
  • Royal Guard need lv 6 Melee unit to upgrade,and won't abandon when civic changes,change unit type from Mounted to Melee,increase Combat Strength from 4 to 5,reduce move from 3 to 1,remove Horse/Nightmare resource requirement,change unit art to Paladin,change Spirit2 promotion to Loyalty,can upgrade as Champion,increase max instance of Royal Guard from 4 to 7 per player
  • Champion can upgrade to Royal Guard
  • Grigori can build Pagan Temple
  • add more choice of great specialist to build Shrine,Great Prophet can build all 7 Shrines,Great Engineer can build Tablets of Bambur,Great Commander can build Code of Junil,Great Artist can build Song of Autumn,Great Merchant can build Nox Noctis and Dies Diei,Great Scientist can build Stigmata of the Unborn and Necronomicon
2.Minor change
  • make scenairos change corresponding to major change
  • change rice which near bitterbridge to wheat
  • change landmark the Thousand Islands to Drowned Kingdom on HS01
  • add Dragon Urrax and Serwyn of the Mirror Shield,a lv 2 warrior of House Gardener with Dragon Slaying and Black Mirror on HS02
  • add Hyborem Immortal promotion on HS03,S01-S08
  • remove Undead Stigmata promotion on HS03,S02-S08
  • add Faith Militant for House Gardener at Old Town on HS06,HS07
  • add Faith Militant for House Hightower at Old Town on HS08
  • add warrior for House Targaryen at Sharp Point on HS08
  • add Feudalism technology to House Targaryen on HS08
  • add 1 Hunter to Stark,Arryn,Gardener,Durrandon,add 1 Horseman to Martell,add 1 Dwarven Slinger to Lannister on HS08
  • change Kingsguard/Queensguard to Royal Guard on AdvTech

V2.0.0 Changelogs(Oct. 22th,2017)
Spoiler :
  • clear leader traits promotion after civ leader trait change
  • [Python]fix python bug that when a civ gain a disciple from religion tech,all civs have the same FFH civ type will gain a same type disciple at same time
2.Major change
  • Re-design Infernal civ as The Other Ice theme:
    • [Python]living unit killed on the Snow Terrain will rise as a unit of same unitCombatType and Tier with Undead and Vulnerable to Fire,Weak,Cold Resistance,Stigmata promotion,will also reborn as a manes,both to random Infernal city for Infernal if they are active,change chance of unit reborn as manes
    • Default race change to Frostling
    • add 1 hammer,1 commerce from Ice terrian and 1 more commerce by river for Infernal
    • change Infernal palace free resource to Ice mana,Death mana,Iron
    • re-design Hyborem to a Mounted unit with 7 combat,2 movement,can use Bronze/Iron/Mithril weapon,+2 ice mana Affinity,Hero,Loyalty,Sentry,Gela,Fear,Magic Immune,Divine,Channeling1-3,Ice1,Death1,Entropy1,Frostling,Sundered promotion,with Ars as unit art
    • add Frostling,Frostling Archer,Frostling Wolf Rider,Priest of Winter(need Priesthood Tech to produce),block Scout,Archer,Horseman,Chariot,Beastmaster,Phalanx
    • block Guild of the Nine,all Temples but Temple of the Hand
    • move Illians Temple of the Hand to Infernals
    • [Python]change AI build Temple of the Hand min requirement
    • move Illians Samhain,the White Hand,the Deepening,Stir from Slumber Ritual to Infernal
    • move Illians Drifa the White Dragon,Priest of Winter,High Priest of Winter unit to Infernal
    • add Frostling promotion get +50% combat from AC
    • change Death Knight from Demon to Frostling,add Ice1,Entropy1,Fear promotion,remove 2 cold combat,add 1 Ice mana Affinity
    • add Priest of Winter and High Priest of Winter Frostling,Death1,Entropy1,Sundered promotion,add +1/+2 ice mana affinity,remove Immune Cold,Winterborn,remove cold combat(add 1 from Frostling),Priest of Winter can also upgrade to Death Knight
    • add new unit Giant Ice Spider(replace Assassin) with 3+2 Combat(+1 Poison and +1 Cold from Frostling),with Marksman,Frostling promotion and Whiteout ability(can go into invisible until attack on Snow terrain)
    • change Manes from Demon to Frostling,only can upgrade to Warrior
    • [Python]add Hero promotion to 3 Priest of Winter which get from the White Hand Ritual and increase cost of the Ritual
    • [Python]change infernal start plot choose method,and change start 2 champion to 2 priest of winter,add Hyborem 'White Walker Leader' name,remove Immortal promotion,infernal civ will declare permanent war to all non-Infernal civs
    • add Frostling unitArtStyle and Undead unitArtStyle by combine several unit art
    • change Imp from Demon to Frostling,add Ice1,change Fire Resistance to Cold Resistance,remove 1 Unholy Combat(but +1 Cold from Frostling),Imp only can upgrade to Priest of Winter
    • change Hellhound from Demon to Frostling,add Giantsized promotion,remove 1 Unholy Combat(but +1 Cold from Frostling),can't upgrade
    • change Balor from Demon to Frostling,remove Fire Resistance,Stigmata promotion,add Biltz,Giantsized promotion,add Ivory bonus requirement
    • add new world unit Ice Golem,20 combat(10+10 Cold),2 Ice mana Affinity,1 move,+60% City Attack,with Golem,Stigmata,Immute Cold,Vulnerable to Fire,Sentry
  • Season System with change AC running method:
    • [Python]AC now present Season Counter,shows how long next season will come,Start of every turn Season Counter will add/minus several point,0-40 as Summer, 40-50 as Autumn/Spring and 50-100 shows Winter.Several rare season will effect Season Counter change length and change rate per turn,even reverse Season circle,such as Long Summer,Fierce Winter,False Spring.A full normal Season Circle will last 150 turn at standard speed
    • [Python]add new Plot Counter method to control plot colder/warmer according to the Season Counter, only work for map which top is polar region and botton is tropic.
    • [Python]death of a civ don't change AC(original death of Evil civ will increase AC,death of Good civ will decrease AC)
    • remove old AC Armageddon Event
    • [Python]remove old Plot Counter method
    • move Elegy of the Sheaim ritual to Infernal
    • move Hallowing of the Elohim ritual to Ljosalfar
    • [Python]change End of Winter to a new simple method used SeasonSystem mechanic
    • remove Game Option No Global Counter on HS04-HS08,HS10-S04
    • remove Game Option No Plot Counter on HS01,HS02,HS04-HS08,HS10-S04
    • remove Game Option Double Global Counter on HS01,HS02
  • [Python]change Mokkas Cauldron wonder rise dead unit as a unit of same unitCombatType and Tier with Undead and Vulnerable to Fire,Weak,Cold Resistance,Stigmata promotion
  • [Python]When a civ which has DragonTaming Tech capture a city with Harrenhal Wonder,will change Harrenhal Wonder to Harrenhal Ruin Wonder
  • [Python]move Elohim civ's reveal unique improvement plot ability to Ljosalfar civ as Citadel
  • [Python]when a unit promote Knight promotion,give add 'Ser' before original name or generate a random name
  • [Python]create a Westeros unit nameGenerating method
  • add Juvenile 5% withdraw chance,collateral damage
  • reduce dragon combat strength/defense to add Fire damage of the same amount: Hatchling 1,Juvenile 2,Wyvern 4,Dragon 6,Hero Dragon 8
  • change Dragon Slaying promotion to +20% combat vs Beast and +25% resist to Fire
  • [Python]unit with Fellowship,Order,Rune religion killed on non-Snow Terrain and from non-illians civ will chancely reborn as a angel to random Mercurians city for Mercurians if they are active,change chance of unit reborn as angel
  • change Citadel improvement to permanent
  • move Balseraph Hall of Mirrors and Mimic to Sider
  • move Elohim Reliquary to Fellowship of Leaves religion building with Hidden Paths tech to enable
  • change Valyrian Steel Blade promotion +50% combat vs Demon to +100% combat vs Frostling and +20% combat vs Melee unit
  • now Eastessosi Twilight Brotherhood need Temple of Body building to produce and can't ungrade to Druid,add Body2 promotion
  • add Eastessosi Medic Water2,Water Walking,Channeling2 promotion
  • add Marshdweller promotion double movement on Marsh terrain,remove no penalty when attacks cross river
  • add Jungledweller promotion double movement on Jungle feature,change work rate to +15%
  • add New Eastessosi Fujo unit
3.Minor change
  • Geograph change near Asshai
  • add pirate cove near Iron Island,The Arbor,Tarth,Dragonstone
  • clear elohim civs team view of Unique Improvement
  • remove K'Dath Sheaim palace on HS01,HS02,HS04-S08
  • add AC Horseman and Avatar of Wrath on HS01,HS02
  • change Drifa which at polar area to Whitedragon on HS02-S08
  • change Wildling frostling unit to normal unit on HS02,HS04-S08
  • change Marsh King and House Frey's scout to goblin on HS02-HS04,HS08-S06
  • build Winter Town city for Stark,remove Stark settler,disciple of leaves on HS02
  • rename House Hightower and House Redwyne leader to Lord Hightower and Lord Redwyne on HS03-HS05
  • add barbarian warrior with held at crackclaw point on HS03,HS04
  • remove 1 White Walker settler and remove some tech on HS03,S01-S08
  • change archer/horseman/scout Demon promotion to Undead,Vulnerable to Fire,Weak,Cold Resistance,Stigmata promotion on HS03,S01-S08
  • rename the Other Leader and change Hyborem name and promotion on HS03,S01-S08
  • change Meshabber to Ice Golem on HS03,S01-S08
  • add the Other Winter Town city on HS03
  • remove Marsh King,change Greywater Watch to Night Watch,move Night Watch unit to Greywater Watch and remove settler on HS03
  • add Leng Ma Temple of Mind building on HS04-S08
  • make Andal of Andalo contact with Andal of Myr,Andal of Lorath,Andal of Norvos on HS04
  • change Stonebridge religion to Fellowship of Leaves on HS04
  • add Yin Temple of Body building on HS06-S08
  • add Ser Willum Royce with Knight,Valyrian Steel Blade Lamentation at Gull Town for House Arryn on HS09
  • remove Wildling city Ashen Veil religon on S01-S05
  • add Valyrian Steel Dagger at Winterfell to House Baratheon of King's Landing on S01
  • add Valyrian Steel Dagger at Winterfell to House Baelish on TS00,S07
  • add Manes to White Walker city on S02-S08
  • add Valyrian Steel Dagger at Harrenhal to House Baelish on S04,TS02
  • add Valyrian Steel Dagger at Gates of the Moon to House Baelish on S05,S06
  • change Arya Stark invisible promotion to stealth on S07,S08
  • remove Aeron Greyjoy on S07,S08
  • add Fujo at Leng Ma of Leng and add Twilight Brotherhood at Yin of Yi Ti on AdvTech
  • move Prophecy of Ragnarok from K'Dath to White Castle on AdvTech

V1.0.8 Changelogs(Sep.19th,2017)
Spoiler :
  • clear leader traits promotion after civ leader trait change
2.Due to More Naval AI version map's total team num limit increases from 35 to 51,add new civs.
  • add House Manderly as House Stark's Vassal,and Openborder with House Stark on HS07-S03,S07
  • add House Baratheon of Dragonstone as House Baratheon of King's Landing's Vassal on S01
  • add House Baratheon of Storm's End as House Baratheon of King's Landing's Vassal on S01
3.Major change
  • Geography minor change
  • add Mercenary Bounty Hunter promotion
  • add Abashi,Arthendain,Losha,Brigit,Mary,Devout,Illusionist,Mobius,Nyxkin,Succubus, Valkyrie Sixsense promotion
  • add Knight and Squire promotion for the Order religion
  • add Sixsense promotion,which will give several unit type an new female art
  • add the Other Starting Gold,change start technology on HS03,S01-S07
  • change details of Season 7 scenario according to new season on air
  • add S08 Game of Thrones Scenario
  • add TS00 Chaos is Ladder Theme Scenario based on S01
4.Minor change
  • change several civ colour
  • now unit with Winterborn or Nomad will not change unit artstyle
  • add SaibotLieh's female unit art
  • add Sixsense promotion to several female characters such as Brienne,Arya,Sand Snakes,Asha/Yara,Ygritte,Melisandre,Lady,Nymeria,and add to history female figure such as Visenya Targaryen,Rhaenyrs Targaryen,Meraxes,Vhagar,Silverwing,Dreamfyre,Meleys,Syrax,Tessarion,Moondancer,Shrykos,Ursula Upcliff,Doshi the Witch Queen
  • add Squire and Knight promotion to several unit,and rename them begin with Ser or Lord to show their society status
  • change Bear on the Bear Island to Polar Bear on HS01-S07
  • add sheut stone as star fall from sky near location of later Starfall city on HS01
  • add unit at Moat Cailin Held promotion on HS02-S07
  • add Lord of Night starting gold on HS03
  • add Flint's Finger Overlord religion on HS04-S07
  • add unit at Bloody Gate Held promotion on HS04-S07
  • remove Asshai 2 settler on HS05-S07
  • remove Tyrosh,Lys settler on HS06-S07
  • add All Karstark unit Giantsized promotion on HS07-S06
  • add All Stark children's Wolf Giantsized promotion on S01-S07
  • add Wildling settler on S02-S05
  • change Stark,Bolton,Karstark start unit and move some of them on S02-S03
  • change Tyrion Lannister to Disciple of Kilmorph with Spirit1,Earth1,Potency on S02,TS01
  • rename Both Baratheon House on S02,TS01
  • change Wall improvement to Hill with Citedal and road,rename the Wall sign to Shadow Tower and Eastwatch-by-Sea respectively on TS01,S03,S07
  • add 1 Angel with held to Guard Shadow Tower and Eastwatch by Sea on TS01,S03
  • Split The Other and Wildling into 2 team on TS01
  • change The Other to minor nation on TS01
  • move Qhorin Halfhand to Shadow Tower,move Dwarf warrior and Elf scout to Eastwatch by sea on TS01
  • add permanet peace between Arryn and Baelish on S04,TS02
  • remove permanet peace between Tully and Manderly on S04
  • change Nymeria to Wolf Pack on TS02
  • move Stannis palace to War Camp,change Dragonstone owner to barbarian on S05
  • move archer from Dragonstone,scout and worker from Storm's End to War Camp, immobile for 10 turns,move Dragonstone fishboat to Storm's End on S05
  • move pirate cove near Dragonstone to Eastwatch by sea on S05
  • Clear water way from Dragonstone to Eastwatch by sea on S06,S07
  • change Dragonstone owner to Barbarian,move Baratheon palace to Storm's End,remove Dragonstone Archer and fishboat,remove Storm's End Scout and Worker on S06
  • add Jorah Mormont and Daario Naharis near Meereen on S06
  • change Tyrion Lannister to Adept with Dwarf,Spirit1,Earth1,Potency on S07
  • add Meereen and Casterly Rock Forbidden City on S07

V1.0.7 Changelogs(Jul.9th,2017)
Spoiler :
  • clear leader traits promotion after civ leader trait change
2.Due to More Naval AI version map's total team num limit increases from 35 to 51,add new civs.
  • add House Umber with Fellowship of the Leaves religion on HS02
  • add House Casterly on HS02
3.Major change
  • add more population to Harrenhal,Summerhall and cities beyond Westeros
  • move Bitterbridge/Stonebridge 1 plot east,redesign plot in Tumbleton and Blackhaven area
  • redesign Dorne area
4.Minor change
  • add more cottage of noble house
  • remove Westeros road between kingdoms and road sign on HS01-HS08
  • import schargiel's Mod Flag Art
  • add more resourse for seven kingdoms
  • change plot where Dragonstone,Highgarden and Sharp Point at to hill
  • add Dye near Tyrosh
  • add Naath a hill,and a silk,a wine
  • change Forest at Isle of Faces to Ancient Forest
  • add forest north of Pyke on HS01-HS04, HS06-S07
  • rename Shield Islands to Misty Islands on HS01-HS03
  • add a worker named Naathi with Diseased,Immune to Disease,Heroic Defense I & II at grassland of Naath on HS01-HS04
  • change Lion Clans of First Man start technology to Exploration,to make Grass Clans of First Man became the only First Man Clans which start with Agriculture technology on HS01
  • move Wolf Clans of First Man and Stag Clans of First Man start plot on HS01
  • rename leader of Grass Clans of First Man to Garth Greenhand on HS01
  • add inland sea of Dorne on HS01
  • add Forest around High Heart,between Cape Kraken and Cape Wraith on HS01
  • add Dungeon to Casterly Rock on HS02-S07
  • add Fawn with held at Isle of Faces to Children of the Forest on HS02-HS04
  • rename House Greyiron to Ironborn, change Grey King to Great Prophet, change Garth Greenhand to Great Scientist on HS02
  • add Barbarian Sea Serpent named Nagga with Held, Giantsized on HS02
  • rename House Leaders which decent from Garth Greenhand on HS02
  • give all House Lannister belongings to House Casterly,add Loki to House Lannister near Casterly Rock on HS02
  • add barbarian warrior with held for petty kings of seven kingdoms on HS02
  • add barbarian Hill Giant within Stormland on HS02
  • add graveyard near Barrowton on HS03-S07
  • increase Yronwood culture and population on HS03-HS06
  • make Yronwood playable on HS03-HS05
  • add Elder Council to Ironborn capital on HS03,HS04
  • rename House Greyiron to Ironborn, rename their leader to High King Qhored I Hoare, add 1 disciple of octopus overlords on HS03
  • change Flint's Finger owner to the Others on HS03
  • add House Oakheart as House Gardener's vassal on HS03
  • add House Hightower,House Redwyne as Ironborn's vassal on HS03
  • add Blackhaven/Summerhall Archery Range on HS04-S07
  • remove the Boneway pass road on HS04-HS09
  • add Stonebridge to House Gardener on HS04-HS06
  • change House Umber religion to Fellowship of the Leaves on HS04,HS05
  • add House Hightower,House Redwyne as House Gardener's vassal on HS04,HS05
  • remove Mountain Tribe and dungeon on HS04
  • add House Royce playable, add Royce Ursula Upcliff,warrior of Longbow Hall, Strongsong, Coldwater Burn, Redfort,Galley on HS04
  • add Andal Artys Arryn the Falcon Knight, Torgold Tollett, Qyle Corbray, The Hammer of the Hills on HS04
  • improve Andal relation to House Massey,rename House Massey leader to King Josua Softspear Massey,make House Durrandon permanent war vs House Massey on HS04
  • rename House Yronwood leader to King Olyvar Yronwood on HS04
  • rename House Greyiron to Ironborn, rename their leader to High King Harrag Hoare on HS04
  • change Flint's Finger to House Greyiron,remove Deepwood Motte,add Bear Island to House Greyiron,decrease relation from Stark to Greyiron on HS04
  • add barbarian Fawn with held at Isle of Faces on HS05-S07
  • add a worker named Naathi with Diseased,Immune to Disease,Held,Heroic Defense I & II at hill of Naath on HS05-S07
  • add 1 Ghiscari Warrior at Naath with Diseased on HS05
  • rename House Greyiron leader to King Rognar II Greyiron on HS05
  • change House Uller to House Yronwood,change House Allyrion to House Martell on HS05
  • add Valyrian Warrior at Naath Diseased promotion on HS06
  • rename House Hoare leader to King Harmund Hoare, change start religion to The Order,add city Castle Hoare The Order religion,improve attitude between Hoare and mainland civs on HS06
  • change owner of Old Town,The Arbor to House Gardener on HS06
  • change owner of Flint's Finger to House Stark,remove Bear Island city,add House Stark's Deepwood Motte city on HS06
  • rename House Dayne leader to King Vorian Dayne on HS06
  • change Deepwood Motte cottage to fort on HS06
  • remove Lannister's Brightroar on HS06
  • change Dragonstone to Broken Lands on HS07-S07
  • add Lannister Brightroar and rename Lannister leader to King Tommen II Lannister on HS07
  • rename House Hoare leader to King Halleck Hoare on HS07
  • change House Greyjoy city Great Wyk to Pyke on HS08
  • remove summerhall hamlet and sign on HS09
  • add more warrior of noble house support each Council on HS09
  • rename House Martell leader to Prince Qoren Martell on HS09
  • add Golden Hammer to Baratheon on HS10
  • add a Grafton warrior named Lord Corbray with Valyrian Steel Blade at Gull Town on HS10
  • add Mountain That Rides fear promotion on HS10-S04
  • add Yohn Royce Loyalty on HS10-S04
  • add the Prince's Pass road on HS10-S07
  • rename Arryn warrior to Lyn Corbray add Courage,Valyrian Steel Blade on HS11-S07
  • change Hodor to worker with Giantsized,Heroic Defense I & II on S01,S02
  • add Pact of Nilhorn to Wildling and Jon Snow on S01-S07
  • add Withered to Theon Greyjoy/Reek on S04,S05,S07
  • add Robert Strong fear,giantsized promotion on S06,S07
  • add Arryn a Champion with Courage,Valyrian Steel Blade named Lyn Corbray on AdvTech
  • change several civ start civic on AdvTech
  • increase each city start culture on AdvTech
  • change several axeman to other unitclass according to their orgion on AdvTech

V1.0.6 Changelogs(Apr.26th,2017)
Spoiler :
  • clear leader traits promotion after civ leader trait change
  • change Guild of Nine from +2 research to +2 Gold
  • remove float ice to make Sisterton and Lorath reachable by sea on HS03
  • remove House Hoare worker's Orc promotion on HS06-HS08
  • change several plot misplaced railroad to road on AdvTech
2.Major change
  • remove Aggressive AI,Permanent Alliances game option
  • reduce Wild promotion betray chance to 2% per turn
  • improve Hill Giant cost,reduce Hill Giant strength to 6
  • change Golden Hammer to Valyrian Steel Blade on HS05-S07
  • add Qarth Walls on HS08-S07
  • add House Hoare 1 warrior,1 catapult,change scout to horseman,increase Harrenhal population to 3,make House Hoare playable on HS08
  • add Harrenhal wonder,Tower of Dread,Widow's Tower,Wailing Tower,Tower of Ghosts,Kingspyre Tower and their required buildings to Harrenhal on HS08
  • add Harrenhal Ruin wonder to Harrenhal on HS09,HS11-S07
  • add Harrenhal Ruin wonder to Riverrun on HS10
  • change road Which built by Valyria to Valyrian Road route on AdvTech
  • change Meereen's Prophecy of Ragnarok to Great Pyramid,move Prophecy of Ragnarok to K'Dath on AdvTech
  • Add Dracarys Technology which enable Valyrian Roads route,Valyrian Roads wonder,Valyrian Steel Blade equipment
  • add Norvos Cave of Ancestors on HS01-S07
  • add Wonders made by man
    • add Valyrian Roads route,Valyrian Roads wonder
    • change the Wall from Peak to Walls Feature
    • add Triple Walls wonder
    • add Three Bells wonder
    • add Long Bridge wonder
    • add Palace With a Thousand Rooms wonder
    • add Harrenhal wonder,Harrenhal Ruin wonder,Tower of Dread,Widow's Tower,Wailing Tower,Tower of Ghosts,Kingspyre Tower
    • add Great Pyramid wonder
    • add The Festival wonder
3.Minor change
  • move Ghoyan Drohe 1 plot south
  • move Ghis sheep 1 plot east on HS01-HS05
  • move Pyre of the Seraphic to Ghis on HS01-HS05
  • remove five fort steady as mountain Iron Weapons promotion on HS01,HS02,HS04-HS09
  • move Andal archer and palace to Andalo,remove hawk on HS03
  • move Andal palace to Gates of the Moon on HS04
  • add Naath fort and a Valyrian Warrior with Held on HS06
  • add Held to barbarian's scout and warrior which original belong to Stark on S04-S06

V1.0.5 Changelogs(Apr.9th,2017)
Spoiler :
  • clear leader traits promotion after civ leader trait change
  • change Wyvern(Black) from National unit to common unit
2.Due to vanilla version map's total team num limit to 35,had to remove certain already added civs from several scenarios.now re-add them.
  • add Essaria on HS06,HS07
  • Dothraki civil war on HS06,HS08-HS11,S0,S02-S06
  • add Sarnor lesser king on HS07
3.Major change
  • add more music
  • change enable Ocean trade technology to Optics
  • change Dragon Slaying promotion to +40% vs Beast
  • rename Juvenile,Wyvern,Dragon with their color
  • change Achorn/Drifa Dragon promotion to Fear
  • change Dragon(Red) requirement technology to Feral Bond,change Dragon(Yellow) requirement technology to Mercantilism,change Dragon(White) requirement technology to Religious Law
  • Add Raised in Volcano promotion,add to hatchling
  • Increase Grove's beast unit free exp to 8,add Raised in Cage to beast unit,and unit which end turn in the city with this building will remove Raised in Volcano
  • add Dungeon building:unit which end turn in the city with this building will remove Raised in Volcano
  • reduce Juvenile minlevel requirement to 2,reduce Wyvern minlevel requirement to 4,reduce Dragon minlevel requirement to 6,Tweak AI Flavor
  • change dragon unit exp on HS01,HS04-HS09,S05-S07
  • add grove to King's Landing,and add Raised in Cage promotion to all dragon unit except Vhagar,add exp at least to 10 on HS09
  • add New Eastern Essos Civ Eastessosi
  • add New Eastern Essos Civ unit style Eastessosi
  • add New Eastern Essos Civ diplomacy sound,soundtrack
  • change Dawn,Yi Ti,Leng,Trader Town leader to Eastessosi leader
  • change Dawn,Yi Ti,Leng,Trader Town civ to Eastessosi
  • remove Dawn,Yi Ti,Leng,Trader Town unit Dark Elf race
  • replace Carcosa unit's Dark Elf to Jungledweller
  • change Dawn,Yi Ti,Leng,Trader Town palace and mana resource
  • replace Dawn,Yi Ti,Leng,Trader Town new unit
  • add New Eastern Essos Civ Eastessosi unit/hero and buildling
4.Minor change
  • change several civ colour
  • unit with Winterborn will use Illians unit artstyle,unit with Nomad will use Malakim unit artstyle
  • change Stannis diplomacy sound to Asshai
  • change Rickard Karstark trait to Aggressive,Giantsized
  • add House Umber Giantsized trait,add House Mud Marshdweller trait
  • add Copper near Yin
  • add Incense near Tiqui
  • add Reagents near Jinqi
  • add Cotton near Trader Town
  • add Tiger,Gorilla Jungledweller,add Scorpion Nomad
  • add Giant promotion,change Hill Giant&Wilboman Sentry to Giant promotion
  • add Giantsized Promotion,add to Umber,Karstark,Mountain that Ride,The Hound,Brienne of Tarth
  • add Giant Slaying Promotion,add this promotion to Dwarven Slinger and Tormund Giantsbane
  • add Fear promotion immunity to fear
  • remove Avatar of Wrath on HS01,HS02
  • add Marshdweller promotion,add to unit of Oldstones Mud king and unit of Greywater Watch on HS02-S07
  • move Yi Ti's capital Si Qo 1 square north on HS04
  • add Andal 1 disciple of order at Gates of the Moon,change all warrior to Axeman with Iron Weapon,change Scout to Hunter on HS04
  • add Valyria Freehold permanent peace to Astapor,Meereen on HS06
  • add Dungeon building to Meereen on S05,S06

V1.0.4 Changelogs(Mar.18th,2017)
Spoiler :
  • re-add Night Watch unit missing Loyalty promotion on HS03
2.Due to vanilla version map's total team num limit to 35,had to remove certain already added civs from several scenarios.now re-add them.
  • add Giant of Velvet Hills on HS01
  • add Skagos on HS02,HS04,HS05
  • add New Ghis on HS07-S06
3.Major change
  • change Guild of Nine to National Wonder and reduce defense bonus to 10%,reduce culture per turn to 2,add 2 gold per turn
  • add Stoneborn Technology for Giant in order to produce Giant unit on HS01-HS11
  • add Dragontaming Technology for Dragon in order to produce new base dragon unit(Hatchling)
  • add Hunting Lodge +2 exp to Beast unit,add Grove +3 exp to Beast unit
  • change Valyria Planar Portal and Grove to Hunting Lodge on HS04-HS06
  • add Hunting Lodge to Dragonstone or King's Landing on HS07-HS09
  • add Dragon upgrade route(T1 Hatchling->choose one of T2 Juvenile(Black,Red,Yellow,White)->T3 Wyvern of that color->T4 Dragon of that color)
  • replace old dragon unit(Griffon,Manticore,Beast of Agares) to new dragon unit on HS01,HS04-HS09,S02-S07
  • add new Dragon unit

V1.0.3 Changelogs(Dec.23th 2016)
Spoiler :
  • remove too many Bright leaving only one
  • remove Vaes Leisi wrong team culture on HS02-HS05
2.Due to vanilla version map's total team num limit to 35,had to remove certain already added civs from several scenarios.now re-add them.
  • add Giant to Ib on HS01
  • add Drowned Kingdom to Thousand Island on HS01
  • add Frost Giant on HS01
  • add Ax Island on HS01
  • add Isle of Tears on HS01
  • add Adakhakileki on HS01-HS02
  • add Ancient Myr on HS01-HS03
  • add Yeen on HS02
  • add Seal Rock on HS02
  • add Ancient Norvos on HS02-HS03
  • add Vaes Leisi on HS02-HS05
  • add Lotus Point&Ebonhead on HS03-S07
  • add Andal of Norvos on HS04-HS05
  • add Stone Giant on HS04-HS06
  • add Sarnor lesser kings on HS05
  • add Norvos free city on HS06
  • add House Martell on HS06
  • add Trader Town-Yi Ti rebels on HS10-S07
  • add House Flint on S06
  • add House Glover on S06
3.Major change
  • change Hykroon to Major civ and make peace with other civs
  • add New Great Empire of Dawn,Yi Ti,Leng leader
  • change Rhoynar FFH2 civ to Lanun
  • add Nymeria Leader to Rhoynar
  • change Dorne first men petty kings to Malakim
  • change several scenario playable civs

V1.0.2 Changelogs(Nov.16th 2016)
Spoiler :
add missing flag art to S07​
several special characters(Jaqen,Mountain,Oberyn) have wrong strength when both strength and defense is more than common unit and equal,need fix.​
remove Jogos Nhai unit orc promotion,add missing settlers and worker​
clear leader traits and alignment​
2.Due to vanilla version map's total team num limit to 35,had to remove certain already added civs from several scenarios.now re-add them.
  • re-add Hyrkoon to HS07-11,S02,S04,TS01,TS02
  • re-add Jogos Nhai to HS08-11
  • re-add Leng to HS08-11
  • re-add Wildling tribes to HS02,HS04-10
3.Major change
due to AI Grigori doesn't adopt state religion,Scenarios need set Grigori civ adopt state religion from beginning.​
set most of civs state religion from beginning to avoid after start 2 rounds adopted state religion change their leader's alignment,and balance to Grigori's state religion preset(see above)​

V1.0.1 Changelogs(Nov.5th 2016)
Spoiler :
update 2 files to solve 'GFC error: failed to initialize the primary control theme' problem when load this mod from BTS and don't have Fall From Heaven II mod in your mod document.

V1.0 Changelogs(Oct. 26th 2016)
Spoiler :
Update all scenario to More Naval AI scenario file.
Add New leader/leaderhead/sound for each scenario.
Change Neck map plot,so from south must pass Moat Cailin to reach Flint's Finger by land.
Add Peaks to main island of IB for balance issue.
move the North's copper and IB copper's,add volantis ivory.
make Tully as vassal of Stark after Robb become king.
History scenario Aegon's Conquest and The Dance of Dragons, make Houses who are Targaryen supporter as Targaryen vassal,such as Tully to Aegon I,Caswell&Frey to Rhaenrys I,Hightower&Redwyne to Aegon II
other minor change
Last edited:
New Season System
Spoiler :
When no Globe Counter(Long Summer) and no Plot Counter(No season plot change) Game Option is off,then new Season System will work,this new System replace old AC and Hell Terrain mechanic.AC will use as Season change clock.When AC is higher,plot will become colder and when AC is lower,plot will become warmer.
Warm-Cold Terrain Change Route(from Warmer to Colder):
  • Grassland -> Plain( -> Tundra in Winter)
  • Plain -> Tundra( -> Snow in Winter)
  • Tundra -> Snow
  • Snow
  • (Marsh -> Swallow in Winter)
on Standard Game Speed,a full normal Season circle will last 150 turns
Standard game and most Scenario start with Summer Solstice,AC will below 10 and become bigger each turn and at 75 turn(Standard Game Speed) Winter Solstice,weather is coldest,and then AC will become smaller each turn after 75 turn.until 150 turn Summer Solstice,weather is warmest and AC will become bigger again
  • at 40 AC,Season change Announced: Summer will become Autumn when AC keep increasing and Spring will become Summer when AC keep decreasing
  • at 50 AC,Season change Announced: Autumn will become Winter when AC keep increasing and Winter will become Spring when AC keep decreasing
Plot change begin from North border and go more south according to AC,First Grassland become Plain,then Plain become Tundra,last Tundra become Snow.In Summer Solstice -> Winter Solstice half Season Circle,Peak will become cold quick than Hill and Hill will become cold quicker than flat plot;In Winter Solstice -> Summer Solstice half Season Circle,Peak will become warm more slowly than Hill and Hill will become warm more slowly than flat plot.When in Spring\Summer\Autumn Plot only change 1 step in Warm-Cold Terrain change route,and in Winter, plot will change 2 step and Marsh will become Swallow.
There are several Special Season Variety when Season Change Announced:
  • False Spring:When Spring Announced,10% chance this Spring is False Spring,Winter not end and season changes as Autumn become Winter,so,after a full winter,another full winter come again
  • Long Summer:Summer will double length between Summer Begins to Summer Solstice
  • Dry Summer:Summer will double warmth speed between Summer Begins to Summer Solstice
  • Long Winter:Winter will double length between Winter Begins to Winter Solstice
  • Fierce Winter:Winter will double cold speed between Winter Begins to Winter Solstice
Game Option about Season System
  • Long Summer:when this game option is on,no Season System in this game
  • No season plot change:when this game option is on,plot won't change when AC changes
  • Quick Season Change:when this game option is on,Double AC changes,including AC changes per turn by Season System and other 1 time AC changes
  • End of Winter:Game start from Winter Solstice
Scenarios with Season System:
  • Standard,advTech
  • HS01,HS02,HS04-HS08,HS10(End of Winter),HS11
  • S01-S04
  • TS00-TS02
  • Westeros
  • Dance of the Dragons Westeros

New Civilization Eastessosi
Spoiler :

Civ NameBlock UnitBlock BuildingSpecial
EastessosiMage,Archmage,ImmortalPagan Temple,all religion templesJungledweller default race,can build improvements over Jungles,so no need waiting for Jungle remove technology

Unit NameBase UnitAbility Change
Terracotta WarriorHero,ImmortalEastessosi only,Combat Strength 20,1 move,Golem,Earth2,Stoneskin,Resistance to Fire,Magic Resistance
SwordmanAxemanCommon Swordman,+Jungledweller
Aggressive as FireChampionEastessosi only,+2 First Strike,Drill1,Jungledweller
Steady as MountainLongbowmanEastessosi only,-1 combat attack,+1 combat defense,Jungledweller
Swift as WindHorse ArcherEastessosi only,ignore terrain movement cost,+1 First Strike,-Immunity to First Strike,Jungledweller
Gently as WoodsRangerEastessosi only,+25%Jungle attack,10% Withdraw chance,Jungledweller
Quietly as ShadeAssassinEastessosi only,Hidden,Stealth,Jungledweller
Devastating as ThunderCatapultEastessosi only,+50% vs Melee
Twilight BrotherhoodMonkEastessosi only,-Demon Slaying,+Shadow2,+Sun2,+Body2,change required technology to Fanaticism,Jungledweller,require Temple of Body building
Fujo-Combat 5,move 1,Eastessosi only,require Priesthood Technology/Temple of Mind building, Medic1,Medic2,Spirit2,Divine,Channeling2,Sixsense,Jungledweller,only defend
Eastessosi Medic-Eastessosi only,require Medicine Technology/Temple of Spirit building,Medic1,Medic2,Medic3,Water2,Water Walking,Channeling2,Jungledweller,only defend,can move impassable plot,50% Withdraw chance
Repeating CrossbowmanMarksmanEastessosi only,+1 First Strick,+Collateral damage,Jungledweller

Building NameRequired TechnologyDescription
Eastessosi Palace-Eastessosi only,National Wonder,Spirit,Mind,Body,+2 Great Commander Rate,+15% great people rate,+8 Commerial,+1 Production,+1 Happyness,+2 Culture
Temple of SpiritReligious LawEastessosi only,free Valor,unit which end turn in the city with this building will remove Withered,+2 exp to Disciple unit,+1 Culture,+1 Priest slot
Temple of MindDivinationEastessosi only,free Loyalty,unit which end turn in the city with this building will remove Charmed,+2 exp to Disciple unit,+1 Culture,+1 Priest slot
Temple of BodyAlterationEastessosi only,free Courage,unit which end turn in the city with this building will remove Poisoned,+2 exp to Disciple unit,+1 Culture,+1 Priest slot

Promotion NameDescription
Jungledweller+20% Jungle defense,+15% workrate,-25% Fire Resistance,double movement on Jungle feature,unit with this promotion will use Eastessosi unit artstyle

New Leaders
Spoiler :
Main Leaders
Leader NameFFH CivAlignmentTraitsAdded to Mod
Robb StarkDovielloGoodOrganized,Raidersdone
Mance RayderIlliansNeutralCharismatic,Barbariandone
Balon GreyjoyLanunEvilRaiders,Creativedone
Edmure TullyBannorGoodExpansive,Foolishdone
Lysa ArrynElohimNeutralDefender,Guardsmandone
Tywin LannisterKhazedEvilFinancial,Industriousdone
Stannis BaratheonGrigoriNeutralOrganized,Aggressivedone
Mace TyrellLjosalfarNeutralExpansive,Organizeddone
Doran MartellMalakimNeutralSpiritual,Philosophicaldone
Jeor MormontMercuriansGoodDefender,Organizeddone
The OtherInfernalsEvil,
VolantisBalseraphsEvilFFH Keelyn
TyroshBalseraphsNeutralFFH Weevil
MyrBalseraphsNeutralFFH Melisandre
LysBalseraphsNeutralFFH Furia
Illyrio MopatisCalabimNeutralFFH Flauros
LorathSheaimNeutralFFH Gosea
Roose BoltonCalabimEvilAggressive,Creativedone
Rickard KarstarkDovielloNeutralAggressive,Giantsizeddone
Walder FreyClan of EmbersEvilExpansive,Creativedone
Daenerys TargaryenKuriotatesGoodPhilosophical,Adaptive (Creative)done
Khal DrogoHippusEvil,
QarthSiderNeutralFFH Shekinah
Tall Trees TownLjosalfarNeutralFFH Amelanchier
Azura Emperor of Yi TiEastessosiGoodExpansive,Philosophicaldone
God Empress of LengEastessosiNeutralExpansive,Spiritualdone
Jogos NhaiHippusEvilFFH Rhoanna
HyrkoonElohimNeutralFFH Thessalonica
Orange EmperorEastessosiEvilExpansive,Aggressivedone
Lotus PointLjosalfarNeutralFFH Amelanchier
EbonheadLjosalfarNeutralFFH Amelanchier
Wyman ManderlyLjosalfarGoodFinancial,Philosophicaldone

Scenario Leaders
Leader NameFFH CivAlignmentTraitsAdded to Mod
Eddard StarkDovielloGoodOrganized,Ingenuitydone
Lady StoneheartDovielloNeutralAggressive,Raidersdone
Jon SnowMercurians,Illians,DovielloGoodOrganized,Charismaticdone
Euron GreyjoyLanunEvilRaiders,Charismaticdone
Brynden TullyBannorGoodDefender,Charismaticdone
Beric DondarrionBannorGoodAggressive,Raidersdone
Jon ArrynElohimGoodOrganized,Philosophicaldone
Petyr BaelishElohimEvilCreative,Adaptive (Financial)done
Kevan LannisterKhazedNeutralOrganized,Industriousdone
Cersei LannisterKhazedEvilArcane,Aggressivedone
Robert BaratheonGrigoriNeutralCharismatic,Aggressivedone
Renly BaratheonGrigoriGoodExpansive,Organizeddone
Olenna TyrellLjosalfarNeutralExpansive,Philosophicaldone
Ellaria SandMalakimNeutralAggressive,Raidersdone
Alliser ThorneMercuriansNeutralDefender,Expansivedone
Eddison TollettMercuriansGoodDefender,Guardsmandone
Ramsay BoltonCalabimEvilAggressive,Raidersdone
Tyrion LannisterKuriotatesGoodPhilosophical,Adaptive (Financial)done
Aegon I TargaryenSheaimEvilArcane,Industrious,Tolerantdone
Aegon II TargaryenSheaimEvilArcane,Expansive,Tolerantdone
Rhaenyra I TargaryenSheaimEvilArcane,Raiders,Tolerantdone
Aerys II TargaryenSheaimEvilArcane,Creative,Charismatic,Insanedone
Princess NymeriaLanunGoodSpiritual,Charismaticdone
Pearl Emperor of DawnEastessosiGoodExpansive,Charismaticdone
Scarlet Emperor of Yi TiEastessosiNeutralExpansive,Raidersdone
Yellow Emperor of Yi TiEastessosiNeutralExpansive,Arcanedone
Sea Green Emperor of Yi TiEastessosiGoodExpansive,Creativedone
Maroon Emperor of Yi TiEastessosiGoodExpansive,Defenderdone
Purple Emperor of Yi TiEastessosiGoodExpansive,Spiritualdone

New Traits
Giantsizedadd Melee,Recon unit Giantsized promotion
Marshdwelleradd Melee,Recon unit Marshdweller promotion

Promotion NameDescription
Giantsized+20% Strength,+1 First Strike chance,can be granted by mutate
Marshdweller+20% Marsh strength,+10% Poison Resistance,double movement on Marsh terrain

New Dragon Units:
Spoiler :
From left to right:Hatchling,Juvenile(4 colors),Wyvern(4 colors),Dragon(4 colors),Dragon Hero(4 colors)

Unit NameTierStrength/DefenseMoveEnable TechnologyUpgrade RequirementPromotion
HatchlingT13/0(+1 Fire from Dragon promotion)1(2 with Flying)Dragontamingcan buildDragon,Flying,Raised in Volcano
Black JuvenileT23/0 +1 Fire +1 Death(+1 Fire from Dragon promotion),Collateral Damage,Withdraw1(2 with Flying)Knowledge of the EtherHatchling,Lv 2+,has Death,Entropy,Shadow or Earth manaDragon,Flying,Channeling1,Entropy 1
Red JuvenileT23/0 +2 Fire(+1 Fire from Dragon promotion),Collateral Damage,Withdraw1(2 with Flying)Knowledge of the EtherHatchling,Lv 2+,has Fire,Chaos,Mind or Nature manaDragon,Flying,Channeling1,Fire 1
Yellow JuvenileT23/0 +1 Fire +1 Lightning(+1 Fire from Dragon promotion),Collateral Damage,Withdraw1(2 with Flying)Knowledge of the EtherHatchling,Lv 2+,has Air,Sun,Life or Spirit manaDragon,Flying,Channeling1,Spirit 1
White JuvenileT23/0 +1 Fire +1 Cold(+1 Fire from Dragon promotion),Collateral Damage,Withdraw1(2 with Flying)Knowledge of the EtherHatchling,Lv 2+,has Water,Law,Body or Enchantment manaDragon,Flying,Channeling1,Ice 1
Black WyvernT33/1 +3 Fire +2 Death(+1 Fire from Dragon promotion),Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw2(3 with Flying)NecromancyBlack Juvenile,Lv 4+,has Death,Entropy,Shadow or Earth manaDragon,Flying,Resistance of Poison,Shadow 2
Red WyvernT33/1 +5 Fire(+1 Fire from Dragon promotion),Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw2(3 with Flying)ElementalismRed Juvenile,Lv 4+,has Fire,Chaos,Mind or Nature manaDragon,Flying,Resistance of Fire,Fire 2
Yellow WyvernT33/1 +3 Fire +2 Lightning(+1 Fire from Dragon promotion),Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw2(3 with Flying)DivinationYellow Juvenile,Lv 4+,has Air,Sun,Life or Spirit manaDragon,Flying,Resistance of Lightning,Sun 2
White WyvernT33/1 +3 Fire +2 Cold(+1 Fire from Dragon promotion),Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw2(3 with Flying)AlterationWhite Juvenile,Lv 4+,has Water,Law,Body or Enchantment manaDragon,Flying,Resistance of Cold,Body 2
Black DragonT4,National4/3 +5 Fire +4 Death(+1 Fire from Dragon promotion),Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw2(3 with Flying)Arcane LoreBlack Wyvern,Lv 6+,has Death,Entropy,Shadow or Earth manaDragon,Fear,Flying,Sentry,Magic Resistance,Resistance of Poison,Entropy 3
Red DragonT4,National4/3 +9 Fire(+1 Fire from Dragon promotion),Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw2(3 with Flying)Feral BondRed Wyvern,Lv 6+,has Fire,Chaos,Mind or Nature manaDragon,Fear,Flying,Sentry,Magic Resistance,Resistance of Fire,Mind 3
Yellow DragonT4,National4/3 +5 Fire +4 Lightning(+1 Fire from Dragon promotion),Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw2(3 with Flying)MercantilismYellow Wyvern,Lv 6+,has Air,Sun,Life or Spirit manaDragon,Fear,Flying,Sentry,Magic Resistance,Resistance of Lightning,Air 3
White DragonT4,National4/3 +5 Fire +4 Cold(+1 Fire from Dragon promotion),Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw2(3 with Flying)Religious LawWhite Wyvern,Lv 6+,has Water,Law,Body or Enchantment manaDragon,Fear,Flying,Sentry,Magic Resistance,Resistance of Cold,Ice 3
Abashi the Black DragonT4,World6/6 +7 Fire +7 Death(+1 Fire from Dragon promotion),Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw3(4 with Flying)Divine EssenceSheaim only,can build/Black DragonDragon,Fear,Flying,Sentry,Magic Immune,Immune to Disease,Sixsense,Roar,Breath Fire
Acheron the Red DragonT4,World6/6 +14 Fire(+1 Fire from Dragon promotion)3(4 with Flying)-Barbarian only,can buildDragon,Fear,Flying,Sentry,Sentry2,Magic Immune,Immune to Fire,Stoneskin,Roar,Breath Fire
Eurabatres the Gold DragonT4,World6/6 +7 Fire +7 Lightning(+1 Fire from Dragon promotion),Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw3(4 with Flying)Divine EssenceKuriotates only,can build/Yellow DragonDragon,Fear,Flying,Sentry,Magic Immune,Immune to Lightning,Roar,Breath Fire
Drifa the White DragonT4,World6/6 +7 Fire +7 Cold(+1 Fire from Dragon promotion),Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw3(4 with Flying)Divine EssenceIllians only,can build by RitualDragon,Fear,Flying,Sentry,Magic Immune,Immune to Cold,Vulnerable to Fire,Roar,Breath Fire

Technology NameDescription
DragontamingScenario only,Enable to build Hatchling

Promotion NameDescription
Raised in Cageonly for beast unit,-20% combat strength,-25% exp get by combat,reduce heal rate
Raised in Volcanoonly for beast unit,+10% combat strength,+25% Volcano feature defense,3% chance per turn grant Wild promotion to this unit
Wild+20% combat strength,Immunity to Fear,1% chance per turn become barbarian,10% chance per turn to wear off
Roaruse Roar ability
Breath Fireuse Breath Fire ability
Dragon Slayingrequire Combat5,+40% to Dragon Race promotion and +10% resist to Fire
DragonRace,+1 Fire combat damage, +20% combat on Broken Lands terrain and +25% on Volcano feature

New Wonders
Spoiler :

DracarysDragontaming,Sorcery/Mathematicsenable Valyrian Roads,Valyrian Steel Blade Equipment

Valyrian RoadsDracarys,InnWorld Wonder,free Inn in all owner civ city,+2 trade route,+25% trade route yield,+8 culture,+1 free merchant specialist,+2 to Great Merchant
Triple WallsCalendar,next to water,Palisade,WallsWorld Wonder,+6 culture,center map,+25% city defense,-25% damage made by bombard,+2 trade route,+50% foreign trade,+1 commerce to water tiles,+2 to Great Merchant
Three BellsCode of Laws,Monument,Elder Council,MarketWorld Wonder,+2 gold,+2 research,+4 culture,+10% military production,+1 priest specialist slot,+1 engineer specialist slot,+1 artist specialist slot,+1 to Great Commander
Long BridgeConstruction,next to riverWorld Wonder,enable all Economy civics,+2 gold,+6 culture,+2 merchant specialist slot,+2 to Great Merchant
Palace With a Thousand RoomsCode of Laws,CourthouseWorld Wonder,enable all Government civics,+8 culture,+50% Golden Age length,+20% maintenance,-25% owner city's War Weariness,-10 Crime rate
HarrenhalWarfare,Construction,Training Yard,Archery Range,StableWorld Wonder,+4 culture,+25% city defense,-25% damage made by bombard,+20% military production,+10% heal rate,+1 to Great Commander,+20% maintenance
Harrenhal RuinNeverWorld Wonder,+2 culture,+10% city defense,-10% damage made by bombard,+20% maintenance,+10 crime rate,-10% heal rate
Tower of DreadSmelting,Harrenhal,Forge+10% city defense,+10% military production,+10% production
Widow's TowerMasonry,Harrenhal,Dungeon+10% city defense,+10% military production,-10% War Wearness,-5 crime rate
Wailing TowerFestivals,Construction,Harrenhal,Siege Workshop,Carnival+10% city defense,+10% military production,-10% damage made by bombard,+2 culture
Tower of GhostsMysticism,Harrenhal,Smokehouse,Pagan Temple+10% city defense,+10% military production,+1 health,+2 culture
Kingspyre TowerSanitation,Code of Laws,Harrenhal,Public Bath,Courthouse+10% city defense,+10% military production,+1 happiness,-10% maintenance
Five FortsMasonryWorld Wonder,+25% City Defense,-25% damage made by bombard,+1 Great Commander Rate,+8 Culture,Teams'all cities free Wall,Prevent barbarian unit from entering Culture border
Great PyramidMasonry,Pagan TempleWorld Wonder,enable all Labor civics,+6 culture,+2 priest specialist slot,+2 to Great Prophet
The FestivalFestivals,total 3 monumentsWorld Wonder,enable all Cultural Values civics,+8 culture,+2 bard specialist slot,+2 to Great Bard

Valyrian RoadsDracarysWorker can build,cost 1/4 movement,need 5 Gold/plot,+1 plot commerce

Valyrian Steel BladeDracarys,Forgecan be taken by unit,give unit Valyrian Steel Blade promotion

Valyrian Steel Bladegrant by taking Valyrian Steel Blade equipment,+1 Combat Strength,+100% vs Frostling,+20% vs Melee,pass Rusted to attack target

Valyrian Roads
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Triple Walls
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Three Bells
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Long Bridge
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Palace with a Thousand Rooms
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Harrenhal Ruin
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Five Forts
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Great Pyramid of Ghis
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The Festival
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change Mercurian civilization to more like Night's Watch
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Unit NameTierStrength/DefenseMoveEnable TechnologyCan UpgradePromotion
Watch Worker--2always can be builtreplace worker,can upgrade to Watch Steward or Watch Builderas worker
New RecruitT13/31always can be builtWatch Ranger, Watch Steward, Watch Builder, Wandering Crow, replace Warriorcan use Bronze Weapon,+25% City Defence
Watch RangerT24/32Hunting,need Hunter Lodgereplace hunter,can also upgrade by scout,New RecruitLoyalty, can use Bronze,Iron,Mithril Weapon,+20% strength on Snow terrain,only +20% strength vs animal,remove penalty to attack cities
Watch StewardT23/41Bronze Working,need Training YardLike Axeman,can upgrade by watch workerLoyalty, can use Bronze,Iron,Mithril Weapon,can build Camp,Farm,Pasture,Winery,Plantation,Cottage
Watch BuilderT22/51Constructionreplace Archer,can upgrade by watch workerLoyalty, can build Fort,Mine,Quarry,Lumbermill,Workshop,Windmill,Road/Valyrian Road,can cut trees and Jungle
Wandering CrowT23/3,only defend2Cartographycan upgrade by New RecruitWatch Recruiter, Loyalty, National unit 1 limited,
can travel without openborder, 20% withdraw chance
Senior RangerT36/52Animal Handling, need Hunter Lodgereplace RangerLoyalty, can use Bronze, Iron, Mithril Weapon
First RangerT412/112Animal Mastery, need Grovereplace Beastmaster
Loyalty, Valor, can use Bronze, Iron, Mithril Weapon, National unit
Senior StewardT35/61Iron Working, need Training Yardreplace ChampionLoyalty, can use Bronze, Iron, Mithril Weapon,
can build Camp, Farm, Pasture, Winery, Plantation, Cottage
First StewardT411/121Mithril Weapons, need Training Yardreplace PhalanxLoyalty, Courage, can use Bronze, Iron, Mithril Weapon,
can build Camp, Farm, Pasture, Winery, Plantation, Cottage, National unit
Senior BuilderT34/61Bowyersreplace LongbowmanLoyalty, can use Bronze, Iron Weapon,
can build Fort, Mine, Quarry, Lumbermill, Workshop, Windmill, Road/Valyrian Road, can cut trees and Jungle
First BuilderT47/121Machineryreplace CrossbowmanLoyalty, Flaming Arrows, can use Bronze, Iron Weapon,
can build Fort, Mine, Quarry, Lumbermill, Workshop, Windmill, Road/Valyrian Road, can cut trees and Jungle, National unit

Watch Recruitercan use Watch Recruit spell

Spell NameCast RequirementEffect
Watch Recruit1. haven't cast other spell this turn
2. in other civ‘s city, which population > 2 or city owner is Doviello civ
3.city don't has Watch Recruit building
Delay 3 turns then:
1. gain New Recruit at that city, they will have the same race promotion of that city's civ, the number of new recruit is 1/3 of city's population, if that city has City of a Thousand Slums double the number, if that city's owner is Doviello civ +1 .
2. add Watch Recruit building for that city, this building provide -10 Crime rate and -10% maintenance, lost after city lost.

Other New Feature
Spoiler :

Technology NameDescription
StonebornScenario only,Enable to build Giant
ForestbornScenario only, Enable to build Fawn, Satyr, Yvain

Promotion NameRequirementDescription
GiantRace,+30% Strength,+1 First Strike,+1 terrain move cost,+1 vision sight
Giant SlayingCombat1 or Dwarf+40% vs Giant
SixsenseScenario only-10% Combat Strength,+2 First strike chance,+10% Withdraw chance,change unit art to a female counterpart for several unit type,can gain from mutation
SquireOrders from Heaven Technology,The Order State Religion,Only for Melee,Mounted,Archer,Disciple combat type+10% combat,+25% experience from combat
KnightOrders from Heaven Technology,Mobility1 and (Combat 3 or Squire),The Order State Religion,Only for Melee,Mounted,Archer,Disciple combat type+10% combat,5% heal after combat,+5% same tile heal,+20% chance to defend,20% Holy damage resist,add 'Ser' before unit name or general a random house name of player's civ type when unit don't has a name
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Standard Scenario Map
Westeros/East & Middle Essos
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Standard Scenario Civilization

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Civ name|FFH Civ|Human Playable
House Stark|Doviello|Playable
House Lannister|Khazed|Playable
House Greyjoy|Lanun|Playable
House Tully|Bannor|Playable
House Tyrell|Ljosalfar|Playable
House Martell|Malakim|Playable
House Baratheon|Grigori|Playable
House Arryn|Elohim|Playable
House Bolton|Calabim|
House Karstark|Doviello|
House Frey|Clan of Embers|

Wall and beyond:
Civ name|FFH Civ|Human Playable
Night Watch|Mercurians|Playable
The Other|Infernals|

Free Cities:
Civ name|FFH Civ|Human Playable

Middle Essos:
Civ name|FFH Civ|Human Playable
House Targaryen|Kuriotates|Playable

Unvisited Land:
Civ name|FFH Civ|Human Playable
Jogos Nhai|Hippus|
Tall Trees Town|Ljosalfar|
Lotus Point|Ljosalfar|
Yi Ti|Eastessosi|Playable
Trader Town|Eastessosi|


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House Stark
Spoiler :
They are Doviello because "Every Stark children has a Wolf". :D

They has 5 cities:
Winterfell[Capital][Fellowship of Leaves Holycity]
White Harbor
Flint's Finger
Deepwood Motte

Religion:Fellowship of Leaves(but White Harbor is Order)

Vassal civilization:
House Bolton/House Karstark

Special Unit:
Bran Stark: lv 1 lightbringer with weak,heroic defense,spirit guide,heavy,channelling 1,nature 1,potency
Grey Wind: lv 1 wolf
Summer: lv 1 wolf
Shaggydog: lv 1 wolf

Stark have many small/poor cities and vassals, the poor land of tundra and too many city from start,will make their tech far below from the other Southern Kingdoms.

House Lannister
Spoiler :
They are Khazad because they has a dwarf and they has many gold. :D

They has 2 cities:
Casterly Rock[Capital][Runes of Kilmorph Holycity]
King's Landing[Wonder:The Eyes and Ears Network/City of a Thousand Slums][Order Holycity][1 free merchant as Petyr Baelish][Herbalist as Grand Maester Pycelle]

Religion:Runes of Kilmorph(King's Landing has four more religion: Order,Fellowship of Leaves,Empyrean,Octopus Overlords,Casterly Rock has Order)

Special Unit:
Widow's Wail: item Golden Hammer
Jaime Lannister: lv 1 radiant guard with Heroic Defense,Weak,Guardsman,Loyalty,Defensive
Mountain That Rides: lv 1 warrior with Giantsized,strong and heavy
Kevan Lannister: lv 1 warrior with homeland
Qyburn: lv 2 disciple of Kilmorph with Body I,channelling 1
Hallyne the Pyromancer: lv 2 disciple of Kilmorph with Fire I,channelling 1

Lannister has most gold and controls Westeros Capital King's Landing which has network and slums wonder, they can make a great Tech lead from the beginning.The birds of the spider network let you know every civ researching tech.due to preset diplomacy penalty for surrounding civs,Lannister need to bribe or sail to Essos for open border with more than 3 civs to get free tech from network.

House Targaryen
Spoiler :
They are Kuriotates because they has knight from westeros,Horseman from dothraki,and dragon. :D

They only has 1 cities:


Special Unit:
Grey Worm: lv 1 mercenary with loyalty,courage
Barristan Selmy: lv 1 radiant guard with guardsman,loyalty,defensive
Jorah Mormont: lv 3 beastman with city raider1,commando,loyalty,guardsman,winterborn
Remnants Khalasar: lv 1 horseman with weak,horselord,combat1,commando
Drogon: lv1 Hatchling
Rhaegal: lv1 Hatchling
Viserion: lv1 Hatchling

Targaryen is on the Essos,far from 7 kingdoms,they only has 1 city from start,but use your start troops to conquer Meereen early,you will have 2 3-rings city to play. Targaryen has known the route of Dani from Pentos to Astapor, so they can locate many civilization from early.

Night Watch
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They are Mercurians because each solder can wear black and join the brotherhood. :D

They only has 1 cities:
Castle Black[Capital][1 free Sage as Samwell Tarly][Herbalist as Maester Aemon]

Religion:Order,also has Rune,Leaves,Overlord

Special Unit:
Jon Snow: lv 1 beastman with Hero,Winterborn,Loyalty,Golden Hammer(Longclaw)
Qhorin Halfhand: lv 1 hunter with Loyalty
Alliser Thorne: lv 2 warrior with City Garrison1,Loyalty
Eddison Tollett: lv 2 warrior with defensive,Loyalty
Ghost: lv 1 wolf with Winterborn

Watch bar the gate between wildling and 7 kingdoms,they can't build soldier during early section but after will get Angel reinforcements when good people died.make good use of Jon Snow before T2 unit available.

House Tully
Spoiler :
They are Bannor because eh,they are ordinary.

They has 2 cities:
Harrenhal[Wonder:Harrenhal Ruin]


Vassal Civilization:
House Frey

Special Unit:
Brynden Tully: lv 1 warrior with homeland
Jason Mallister: lv2 warrior with defensive
Beric Dondarrion: lv 2 warrior with bounty hunter,immortal,light
Thoros of Myr: lv 5 disciple of Order with bounty hunter,Life I,Sun I,Enchantment I,homeland,enchanted blade,channelling 1

Tully guard the cross road of Westeros,surround by stark/frey by north,greyjoy by west,arryn by east and lannister/baratheon by south. They should fight a way out then take a breath.

House Arryn
Spoiler :
They are Elohim because they never get out of arryn vale.

They has 2 cities:
The Eyrie[Capital]
Gull Town


Special Unit:
Yohn Royce: lv1 warrior with bronze weapons

The large Mountain Range Separate Arryn from other kingdom, guard the mountain pass you will be safe during most of your game.

House Greyjoy
Spoiler :
They are Lanun because they worship drown god and they are sea-born.

They has 2 cities:
Pyke[Capital][Octopus Overlords Holycity]
Lonely Light

Religion:Octopus Overlords

Special Unit:
Asha Greyjoy: lv 2 warrior with Amphibious
Theon Greyjoy: lv 1 Beastman with Winterborn
Victarion Greyjoy: lv 1 Drown
Aeron Greyjoy: lv 1 Disciple of Overlord
Iron Fleet: Galley
1 Settler

Greyjoy has 2 island city,they should seize west shore of the North early which is lack defense . Lanun's pirate coven will make these coast city large and rich.They start with 1 settler,you can use it do what Victarian does-settle Essos

House Baratheon
Spoiler :
They are Grigori because they has many great hero leader.

They has 3 cities:
Storm's End

Religion: Empyrean(Storm's End and Blackhaven is Order)

Special Unit:
Melisandre: lv 3 wizard with potency,spellstaff,sun I,mind I and shadow I,Jade Torc
Davos Seaworth: lv 2 warrior with loyalty and amphibious
Brienne of Tarth: lv 1 warrior with courage,guardsman,Golden Hammer(Oathkeeper),Giantsized
Royal Fleet: Galley
1 Settler

Baratheon has many hero,use them carefully then they will rule the world. Dragonstone guards estuary which is a great outpost to conquer King's Landing.Start with a mage,use it well.
Also start with a settler,you can march beyond the Wall from sea as Stannis does

House Tyrell
Spoiler :
They are Ljosalfar because their garden land and gay champion :D.

They has 4 cities:
Old Town[Herbalist as Maester]
The Arbor


Special Unit:
Loras Tyrell: lv 3 radiant guard with Drill I&II,Guardsman,Loyalty
Randyll Tarly: lv 2 warrior with City Raider I,Golden Hammer(Heartsbane)
Paxter Redwyne: lv 2 warrior with Amphibious
Redwyne Fleet: Galley
Guardian Vines with Held

Tyrell is full of food and large city,they don't have hostile neighborhood and can play peacefully.

House Martell
Spoiler :
They are Malakim because their nomad life and sand.

They has 3 cities:


Special Unit:
Oberyn Martell: lv 1 scout with poisoned blade and light
Obara Sand: lv 1 scout with poisoned blade and weak
Nymeria Sand: lv 1 scout with poisoned blade and weak
Tyene Sand: lv 1 scout with poisoned blade and weak
Scorpion with Held

Martell is southeast of Westeros. Guard the Mountain pass and use the mirror of heaven near capital,they can get involved the struggle of Stepstones.

Spoiler :
They are Sider because house of white and black and their assassin.

They has only 1 cities:
Braavos[Capital][Council of Esus holycity]

Religion: Council of Esus,also has Empyrean,Order

Special Unit:
Jaqen H'ghar: lv 3 scout with Aerons chosen,Avatar,immortal,marksman,perfect sight,timor mask,Magic Resistance,Immune Disease,Jade Torc
Arya Stark: lv 1 scout with hero and winterborn
Titan of Braavos: iron golem with held

Braavos start with Titan of Braavos for defence,you can use all your unit to explore early without city-losing.Start of market,gambling house,moneychanger,holycity and state religion is Esus,you will know all the Essos civilization city location,you can earn a lot coins from early. Jaqen and Arya will become excellent assassin as time goes by, use them carefully and avoid early death.

Yi Ti
Spoiler :
They are Eastessosi because they looks like ancient Asia.

They has 3 cities:

Religion: Council of Esus

Special Unit:
Steady as Mountain with Held *5: They are Guardian of Five Forts
2 Settlers

Yi Ti surrounded by jungle but as Eastessoi,they can build improvement over jungle. Although Defense of Five Forts will delay K'Dath Orthus's barbarian horde and Soul Eater's Summon beasts, Yi Ti still need face barbarians from Mountains of the Moan,Rebel army of Trader Town and Raiders of Jogos Nhai.



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In Westeros scenario make some difference from other scenarios
  • [Summer to Winter]:AC will increase from 0 to 100 during the Whole 600 turns, like the Weather in TV Shows. Which means only Summer(Turn 0-240) -Autumn(Turn 240-300) - Winter(Turn300-600) half season Circle.
  • [Dynamic world]use scenario Python code to make some War/Alliance change on fixed turns acording to TV Shows.such as Robb Coronation,Iron Throne Claimant Wars,Red Wedding(this won't involved charactor because AI won't keep them alive for a long time)
  • [Start in middle of Season 1]different from Game of Throne V8.2 scenario which settling partly based after Battle of Blackwater in order to make Daenerys taken Astapor and left only 1 Baratheon, Westeros start game setting is hust before King Robert I Baratheon's Hunting Accident.
  • Block Council of Esus and Ashen Veil religion, and can't win by Tower or Religion or Altar or Culture victory, leave Conquest, Domination, Diplomacy, Time victory
the Main power of Westeros start as below:
Spoiler :

  • House Stark
    • House Manderly of White Harbor​
    • House Reed of Greywater Watch​
    • House Bolton of Dreadfort(died by event on Turn 195)​
    • House Karstark of Karhold​
    • House Umber of Last Hearth​
    • House Wull of Northern Mountain Clans​
    • House Magnar of Skagos​
  • House Greyjoy
  • House Tully(died by event on Turn 155)​
    • House Frey of Twins(died by event on Turn 200)​
    • House Whent of Harrenhal(died by event on Turn 35)​
  • House Arryn(died by event on Turn 135)​
    • House Baelish of the Finger​
    • House Sunderland of Three Sisters​
  • House Lannister
    • House Westerling of The Crag​
    • House Rykker of Duskendale​
    • House Staunton of Rook's Rest​
    • House Buckwell of Antlers​
  • House Baratheon of Dragonstone(died by event on Turn 200)​
    • House Celtigar of Claw Isle​
  • House Baratheon of Storm's End(died by event on Turn 80)​
    • House Swann of Stonehelm​
    • House Estermont of Greenstone(died by event on Turn 200)​
    • House Caron of Nightsong(died by event on Turn 95)​
  • House Tyrell(died by event on Turn 210)
    • House Hightower of Old Town
    • House Redwyne of The Arbor
    • House Florent of Brightwater Keep(died by event on Turn 95)
    • House Fossoway of Cider Hall
    • Hosue Meadows of Grassy Vale
  • House Martell(died by event after Turn 245)
    • House Yronwood of Yronwood
    • House Dayne of Starfall
  • House Targaryen(Start by event on Turn 200)
  • Conflict beyond the Wall
    • Nightwatch
    • Wildling
    • The Other(died by event after Turn 245)

the Python Diplomacy change is list below. if I find proper way to change leaderhead during the game,I will add some change on certain turn.
Spoiler :

  • Turn 20: Lannister Riverland Invasion, Lannister declare war to Tully, Frey break free from Tully's Vassal
  • Turn 25: Battle near the Golden Tooth, Jaime Lannister lead Lannister army gathered at Golden Tooth
  • Turn 30: Northmen go south, Stark declare war to Lannister
  • Turn 35: Conquering the riverlands, Whent surrender all cities and all units to Lannister,add Mountain tribes to Lannister at Harrenhal. Lannister also capture Maidenpool.
  • Turn 40: Marriage contracts to Frey, Frey become Stark's Vassal and openborder to Stark,Stark and their vassal army gathered at Twins.
  • Turn 45: Renly‘s Coronation, Renly/Tyrell,Lannister declare war to each other
  • Turn 50: The Wolf and the Lion, divided Stark and their vassal army south from Twins to 2 parts, West of Twins party gather at Riverrun, East of Twins party gather at Twins,Remove Jaime Lannister.
  • Turn 55: Robb's Coronation, Tully become Stark's Vassal
  • Turn 60: Stannis' Coronation, Stannis declare war to Renly/Tyrell and Lannister.
  • Turn 65: The Rise of Kraken, remove Theon Greyjoy from Stark, Greyjoy declare war to Stark
  • Turn 70: Assassination of Renly, Stannis get all except Storm's End Renly's units and cities, Caron, Florent, Fossoway, Meadows, Swann and Estermont become Stannis Vassal. remove Brienne of Tarth, Renly player continue play as Stannis
  • Turn 75: Fall of Moat Cailin, Greyjoy capture Moat Cailin and kill all hostile units there,and move 80% Melee and Naval units to defend Moat Cailin
  • Turn 75: Departure of Princess Myrcella and Riot of King's Landing, Lannister make permanent peace with Martell, King's Landing riot 2 turns, reduce King's Landing population by 1 and cause 0-20% damage to garrison
  • Turn 80: Fall of Storm's End, Storm's End and Renly remains unit and city surrender to Stannis
  • Turn 80: Fall of Harrenhal, Bolton capture Harrenhal and Maidenpool and kill all hostile units there,and move all Stark and his vassal unit southeast of Twins to Harrenhal, Qyburn join Bolton/Stark as a Adept
  • Turn 85: Taking of Deepwood Motte and Capture of Winterfell, Greyjoy capture Deepwood Motte, kill all hostile units there,and move 20% unit there, move all Winterfell garrison to Torrhen's Square, Greyjoy capture Winterfell and kill all hostile units there,and add a Archer as Theon Greyjoy to defend
  • Turn 85: Lannister-Tyrell Alliance, Lannister and Tyrell make permanent Peace
  • Turn 90: Storming of the Crag, Frey break free from Stark and make permanent Peace with Lannister, Frey cancel openborder with Stark, Westerling become Stark's Vassal. move all Stark and their vassal unit southwest of Twins to the Crag.
  • Turn 95: Battle of Winterfell, Bolton capture Winterfell and kill all units there,and add a Archer to defend. Greyjoy will capture Torrhen's Square. remove Stark Lucian
  • Turn 95: Battle of the Blackwater, Stannis and their vassal unit with in Lannister or Tyrell and their vassals border suffer 75%-175% fire damege which could kill them, then Fossoway become Tyrell vassal again, Florent surrender to Tyrell, Caron surrender to Lannister, Estermont, Swann and Celtigar become Lannister's vassal. remove Sandor Clegane from Lannister
  • Turn 100: Fight of the Fist, Most Ranger and Steward gather at Fist of the First Man,facing large Wight army lead by the Other, Jon Snow and Ghost join Wildling side, Night Watch player can choose to play Wildling
  • Turn 105: Return From The West, move all Stark,Karstark,Umber units southwest of Twins to Riverrun
  • Turn 105: Battle at Duskendale, Tyrell defend Duskendale from Northmen army, move all Stark and his vassal unit southeast of Twins retreat to Harrenhal
  • Turn 110: Munity of Nightwatch and Death of Joer Morment, several Nightwatch units especial Steward become held barbarian at Craster's Keep(in future version and rest suffer physical damage which could kill them)
  • Turn 110: The Beheading of Rickard Karstark, Karstark break free from Stark
  • Turn 110: Two Swords, remove 1 Lannister Valyrian Steel Blade unit or promotion,add 1 Valyrian Steel Blade unit(Widow's Wail) at King's Landing
  • Turn 115: Capture of Harrenhal, Baelish get Harrenhal and break free from Arryn and keep neutral to wars, Northmen army cross Ruby Ford, remove Qyburn, Barbarian Mercenary sack Maidenpool.
  • Turn 115: Fight at the Bridge of Skulls and Attack on Castle Black, Wildling reduce city population to 1 and add new city Hardhome with all reduced population, move rest unit there add 1 settler per old city. Jon Snow and Ghost rejoin Night's Watch side. move some wildling unit to Gorge and Queenscrown, move Night Watch unit to Shadow Tower, Wildling player(Which choose to play Wildling after Fight of the Fist event on Turn 100) can choose play Night Watch
  • Turn 120: Red Wedding, Bolton break free from Stark,declare permanent war to Stark and make permanent peace to Lannister/Tyrell ,Frey and Westerling become Lannister's vassal,Stark and its vassal unit south of Twins gather at Twins, suffer 90%-190% physical damage which could kill them.
  • Turn 125: Taking of Maidenpool, Tyrell capture Maidenpool
  • Turn 125: Piper Bend the Knee, Pinkmaiden and its garrison surrender to Lannister
  • Turn 125: Purple Wedding, Jaime Lannister and Qyburn is back at capital of House Lannister. remove Lord Beric Dondarrion.
  • Turn 130: Battle beneath the Wall, Stannis declare war to Wildling,move most their unit to the Eastwatch by the Sea, add city "War Camp" south of the Wall, Wildlings siege Castle Black, Night Watch at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea reinforces Castle Black.
  • Turn 130: Trial of Tyrion Lannister and Death of Tywin Lannister, Remove Gregor Clegane, Oberyn Martell.
  • Turn 130: Warden of The North, Bolton get most old Stark strength and vassal, declare permanent war to Greyjoy, add 1 worker named Reek.
  • Turn 135: Death of Lysa Arryn, Baelish get all Arryn units and cities. Arryn player continue play as Baelish
  • Turn 135 to 200: Attacks of Lady Stoneheart, a Frey or Lannister unit which is outside city in Riverland has a chance to receive 50%-150% physical damage.
  • Turn 140: Call for Kingsmoot, a third Greyjoy army in Main land return to Pyke
  • Turn 140: Raid on Saltpans, barbarian sack Saltspan
  • Turn 140: Peace with Wildling, Stannis and Nightwatch make permanent peace to Wildling, Nightwatch openborder with Wildling. Karstark become Stannis's vassal
  • Turn 145: Kingsmoot, add Dragon Hoard wonder to Pyke, Greyjoy declare war to Tyrell.
  • Turn 145: Siege of Moat Cailin, Bolton capture Moat Cailin, Bolton's unit south of Moat Cailin gathered there.
  • Turn 145: Bran find Three-eyed Crow, add Bran and Summer at Three-eyed Crow Cave
  • Turn 150: Stannis North Campian, Stannis make permanet war to Bolton,Old Stark vassal divided support both side, Stannis capture Deepwood Motte and gathered army there. add city "Wildling Settlement" south of the Wall
  • Turn 150: Rebirth of the Faith Militant, add Crusader at King's Landing, add Fanaticism Tech to all Westeros houses
  • Turn 150: Taking of the Shields, Greyjoy capture Shield Islands
  • Turn 155: Surrender of Tully, Frey get Riverrun, Tully surrender to Lannister, Tully player continue play as Frey(or Lannister if Frey is dead)
  • Turn 155: Blizzard, Stannis army caught by blizzard
  • Turn 155: Gate of the Moon, The Eyrie city rename to Gate of the Moon
  • Turn 160: Siege of Dragonstone, Tyrell capture Dragonstone
  • Turn 160: Escape of Theon, Bolton remove Reek
  • Turn 160: Hardhome, Wildling settles south of the Wall at War Camp, the Other gather at Hardhome.
  • Turn 165: Walk of Atonement, add Ser Robert Strong to King's Landing
  • Turn 165: Death of Jon Snow, Night watch remove Jon Snow
  • Turn 170: Death of Stannis Baratheon, north vassals abandon Stannis.
  • Turn 170: Death of Doran Martell, Martell declare permanent war to Lannister and Tyrell
  • Turn 170: Revive of Jon Snow, kill part garrison of Castle Black
  • Turn 175: Hold the Door, kill Three-eyed Crow units move part the Other units there, add Coldhand north of Castle Black.
  • Turn 180: Battle of Bastard, Wildling become Stark's vassal, Umber become Bolton's vassal. add Jon Snow(with Longclaw if Nightwatch has Valyrian Steel Blade), Ghost, Ser Davos Seaworth to Stark, remove Melisandre from Stannis, Night Watch player can choose to play Stark
  • Turn 185: Sansa's Raven, Baelish declare permanent war to Bolton and make permanent peace to Stark, Baelish capture Moat Cailin and gather army there, add Brienne of Tarth with Oathkeeper and Stark units which are south of Moat Cailin gather at Moat Cailin
  • Turn 190: Wildfire of Great Sept Baelor, Tyrell and their vassal unit within Lannister border will suffer 50-150% fire damege which could kill them,Tyrell declare permanent war to Lannister and make permanent peace to Martell. Kill all disciple unit in King's Landing
  • Turn 195: King of the White Wolf, Stark regain strength of North and old vassal.Bolton surrender to Stark, Bolton player continue play as Stark, Stannis units which are north of Moat Cailin join to House Stark
  • Turn 200: Fall of Frey, kill all Frey unit,Lannister gain their empty city. Frey player continue play as Lannister
  • Turn 200: Return of Daenerys, Daenerys returned to Dragonstone with massive army,Tyrell and Martell with their vassal become Targaryen's Vassal. Stannis and Estermont surrender to Targaryen, player can choose to play as Targaryen instead
  • Turn 205: Alliance of Euron, Greyjoy become Lannister's Vassal and gather army at King's Landing, Martell,Yronwood and Dayne break from Targaryen and make peace to Lannister
  • Turn 210: Fall of Tyrell, kill all garrison of Highgarden and move Casterly Rock garrison to Highgarden, Lannister get all Tyrell units, cities and vassals, Tyrell player continue play as Lannister, if Tyrell has Valyrian Steel Blade, send it to Nightwatch
  • Turn 210:Attack beneath the Casterly Rock, Targaryen capture Casterly Rock, move Greyjoy naval unit to west of Casterly Rock
  • Turn 215: Return of Arya and Bran, add Arya Stark(Shadow unit with Hero and other promotion) and Bran Stark(Druid unit with Held and other promotion,also with a Hawk unit) to Stark at Winterfell
  • Turn 215: War of Spoiler, Lannister and their vassal unit within Lannister border and at outside city,will suffer 75%-175% fire damege which could kill them
  • Turn 220: Return of Jorah Mormont, add Targaryen Ser Jorah Mormont(with Heartsbane if Nightwatch has Valyrian Steel Blade) at Dragonstone
  • Turn 220: Beyond Wall, add Stark Thoros of Myr, Sandor Clegane, Ser Gendry at Winterfell
  • Turn 225: Stark kneel for Targaryen, Stark with their vassal become Targaryen's Vassal, remove Dragon Viserion from House Targaryen.
  • Turn 230: Meeting at Dragonpit, all westeros house and wildling make permanent peace and openborder with each other.
  • Turn 230: Death of Petyr Baelish, Baelish with their vassal become Targaryen's Vassal. kill Petyr Baelish unit and if he has Valyrian Steel Blade promtion,this weapon will transfer to Arya Stark or capital of House Stark if Arya is lost
  • Turn 235: Fall of Eastwatch by the Sea, The Other raze Eastwatch by the Sea and gather there, add Raised Viserion to the Other at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, Westeros units which are beyond the wall withdraw to Castle Black,add all Westeros houses Mithril Working Tech, add Mithril resource near Winterfell, King's Landing, Gates of the Moon
  • Turn 240: The Long Night, all Westeros house except Lannister and Dorne army gather to Winterfell, Night Watch, Wildling, Karstark retreat to Winterfell, Night King kill all livings at Last Hearth, Theon Greyjoy, Melisandra, Ser Jaime join Stark, add Knight promotion to Brienne of Tarth, add Lannister Ser Harry Stickland and Golden Company mercenaries at King's Landing, Lannister stop openborder to other houses
  • After Turn 245(on condition when Night King is killed): The Bells, the Other surrender to Barbarian, Nightwatch, Karstark, Wildling, Umber return to their castle, Stark remove Melisandre, Martell surrender to Yronwood, most Greyjoy unit move to King's Landing and change owner to Lannister, Yronwood, Dayne, Greyjoy become Targaryen's vassel, Targaryen declare war to Lannister, each house can declare war now
  • After Turn 250(on condition when the Other is surrender, Targaryen or its vassal capture King's Landing): The Iron Throne, Lannister and its vassal become Targaryen's vassal, Stark is no longer Targaryen's Vassal, old Stark's vassals and Wildlings become Stark's vassals again, Bran remove held promotion, Targaryen capture King's Landing and win this game

There are 8 Valyrian Steel Blades when game start,list below,and at Turn 185 If Lannister has 1 Valyrian Steel Blade they will change it into Widow's Veil and Oathkeeper,make total number of Valyrian Steel Blades to 9
Spoiler :

  • Longclaw: Jon Snow of Nightwatch at Castle Black
  • Ice: at King's Landing of House Lannister
  • Heartsbane: Lord Randyll Tarly of House Tyrell at Highgarden
  • Lady Forlorn: Ser Lyn Corbary of House Arryn at The Eyrie
  • Nightfall: a warrior of House Greyjoy at Ten Towers
  • Red Rain: a warrior of House Greyjoy at Hammerhorn
  • an Axe: at Claw Isle of House Celtigar
  • a Dagger: Petyr Baelish of House Baelish at King's Landing

Here are the early version map of Westeros scenario
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  • Beyond the Wall
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  • The North
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  • Neck,Iron Island,Riverland,Vale
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  • Westland and Crownland
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  • Reach,Stormland and Dorne
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In Dance of the Dragons Westeros scenario make some difference from other scenarios
  • [Autumn to Winter]:AC increases from 40 to 100 during the Whole 600 turns. Which means only Autumn(Turn 0-60) - Winter(Turn60-600) - Spring(Turn 600) half Season Circle.
  • [Dynamic World]use scenario Python code to make some War/Alliance change on fixed turns according to the Book. such as The Green Council, The Black Queen(this won't involved charactor move or city capture, because AI won't keep them alive for a long time and powerful dragons was the key unit for each side). Most event happens in the begin of certain civs turn, so it will happen on the fixed turn or next turn depends on each player's order in a turn.
  • Block Ashen Veil religion, and can't win by Tower or Religion or Altar or Culture victory, leave Conquest, Domination, Diplomacy, Time victory
  • using Overcouncil as Black Council and Undercouncil as Green Council, every Civ start with Honor and Deception tech and already join council (except those defectors). Alignment used to control civs's choice of each council.
  • More Wonders has been built in proper city.
the Main power of Dance of the Dragons: Westeros start as below:
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  • House Targaryen of King's Landing
    • House Stokeworth of Stokeworth
    • House Darklyn of Duskendale​
    • House Staunton of Rook's Rest​
  • House Targaryen of Dragonstone
    • House Celtigar of Claw Isle
    • House Massey of Stonedance​
  • House Stark
    • House Manderly of White Harbor​
    • House Reed of Greywater Watch​
    • House Bolton of Dreadfort​
    • House Karstark of Karhold​
    • House Umber of Last Hearth​
    • House Wull of Northern Mountain Clans​
    • House Magnar of Skagos​
  • House Greyjoy
  • House Tully
    • House Frey of Twins​
    • House Blackwood of Raventree Hall​
    • House Piper of Pinkmaiden​
    • House Strong of Harrenhal​
    • House Bracken of Stone Hedge
    • House Mooton of Maidenpool
  • House Arryn
    • House Sunderland of Three Sisters​
  • House Lannister
  • House Baratheon
    • House Wylde of Rain House
    • House Fell of Felwood​
  • House Tyrell
    • House Hightower of Old Town​
    • House Redwyne of The Arbor​
    • House Fossoway of Cider Hall
    • House Footly of Tumbleton​
    • House Caswell of Bitterbridge​
    • House Rowan of Goldengrove​
    • House Oakheart of Old Oak​
    • House Grimm of Greyshield​
  • House Martell
  • Triarchy
  • Stepstones
  • Conflict beyond the Wall
    • Nightwatch
    • Hornfoot
    • Thenns
    • Giant
    • Ice River Clans
    • Frozen Shore Clans

the Dragons of Dance of the Dragons: Westeros start as below:
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Blacks Dragons at Dragonstone
NameRiderDragon unit TypeStart Status
Vermithor-T4 Yellowimmobilized 60 turns due to no rider
Silverwing-T4 Whiteimmobilized 60 turns due to no rider
CaraxesPrince Daemon Targaryen T3 Redimmobilized 25 turns
MeleysPrincess Rhaenys TargaryenT3 Redimmobilized 25 turns
SyraxQueen Rhaenyra TargaryenT3 Yellowimmobilized 70 turns due to Rhaenyra in recovery
Seasmoke-T2 Whiteimmobilized 60 turns due to no rider
VermaxPrince Jacaerys TargaryenT2 Blackimmobilized 25 turns
ArraxPrince Lucerys Targaryen T2 Whiteimmobilized 25 turns
TyraxesPrince Joffrey TargaryenT2 Redimmobilized 60 turns
MoondancerLady Baela TargaryenT1immobilized 50 turns due to not large enough
StormcloudPrince Aegon TargaryenT1immobilized 60 turns due to not large enough

Greens Dragons at King's Landing
NameRiderDragon unit typeStart Status
VhagarPrince Aemond TargaryenT4 Yellow World unitimmobilized 20 turns
DreamfyreQueen Helaena TargaryenT4 Whiteimmobilized 999 turns due to never be ridden by Helaena in Dance of the Dragons
SunfyreKing Aegon II TargaryenT2 Yellowimmobilized 50 turns
ShrykosPrince Jaehaerys TargaryenT1immobilized 999 turns due to never be ridden by Jaehaerys
MorghulPrincess Jaehaera TargaryenT1immobilized 999 turns due to never be ridden by Jaehaera

Greens Dragons at Old Town
NameRiderDragon unit typeStart Status
TessarionPrince Daeron TargaryenT2 Blackimmobilized 65 turns

Wild Dragons at Dragonmont
NameRiderDragon unit typeStart Status
Cannibal-T4 Blackimmobilized 999 turns due to no rider
Sheepstealer-T3 Yellowimmobilized 999 turns due to no rider
Grey Ghost-T2 Whiteimmobilized 999 turns due to no rider

the Python Diplomacy change is list below. Most event happens in the begin of certain civs turn, so it will happen on the fixed turn or next turn depends on each player's order in a turn.
Spoiler :

  • Turn 20: The Green Council
    • Greens: Hightower surrender to Aegon, Strong/Wylde change to Aegon's vassal, Vhagar can be used by Aegon
  • Turn 25: The Black Queen
    • Queen Rhaenyra I declare war to King Aegon II
    • Blacks: Darklyn/Staunton/Stokeworth/Caswell/Fell change to Rhaenyra's vassal. add Ser Steffon Darklyn Kingsguard to Dragonstone. Add unit for small house Blacks supporter in the Crownland or leader arrested in King's Landing by Greens, Caraxes\Meleys\Vermax\Arrax can be used by Rhaenyra
  • Turn 30: The Dance over Shipbreaker Bay
    • Greens: Baratheon declare war to Blacks. Wylde surrender to Baratheon (Join with their Lord). Human Baratheon player can choose Aegon\Rhaenyra\Neutral. Wylde or Fell surrender to Baratheon (depending on side you choose).
  • Turn 30: Assault on Harrenhal
    • Blacks: Strong surrender to Rhaenyra
  • Turn 30: Civil war in the Riverland
    • Greens: Bracken change to Aegon's vassal. Add unit for small house Greens supporter in the Riverland
    • Blacks: Blackwood/Piper/Frey change to Rhaenyra's vassal. Add unit for small house Blacks supporter in the Riverland
    • Human Tully player can choose Aegon\Rhaenyra\Neutral. Piper surrender to Tully (if choose Rhaenyra)
  • Turn 35: Battle of the Burning Mill and Taking of Stone Hedge
    • Blacks: Bracken/Mooton change to Rhaenyra's vassal. add unit for small house Blacks supporter in the Riverland
  • Turn 35: Warden of the West
    • Greens: Lannister declare war to Blacks, add unit for small house Greens supporter in the Westerland.
  • Turn 35: The Maiden of the Vale
    • Blacks: Arryn declare war to Greens. add unit for small house Blacks supporter in the Vale.
    • Human Arryn player can choose Aegon\Rhaenyra\Neutral
  • Turn 40: Civil war in the Reach
    • Greens: Redwyne/Fossoway change to Aegon's vassal, add unit for small house Greens supporter in the Reach
    • Blacks: Footly/Rowan/Oakheart/Grimm change to Rhaenyra's vassal, add unit for small house Blacks supporter in the Reach
    • Human Tyrell player can choose Aegon\Rhaenyra\Neutral. Fossoway or Footly/Caswell surrender to Tyrell, Rowan/Oakheart/Grimm become Tyrell's vassal (depending on side you choose).
  • Turn 40: Prince of Dorne
    • Martell make permanent peace with Aegon\Rhaenyra and all of the Great House.
    • Human Martell player can choose Aegon\Rhaenyra\Neutral
  • Turn 45: the Pact of Ice and Fire
    • Blacks: Stark declare war to Greens, add unit for small house Blacks supporter in the North.
    • Human Stark player can choose Aegon\Rhaenyra\Neutral
  • Turn 50: The New Green Hand
    • Greens: Stokeworth change to Aegon's vassal, Sunfyre\Ser Criston Cole\Ser Arryk Cargyll can be used by Aegon
  • Turn 60: The Dragonseeds
    • Blacks: Seasmoke\Tyraxes\Stormcloud can be used by Rhaenyra. add Vermithor/Silverwing with Crazed promotion, move Sheepstealer to Dragonstone and change owner to Rhaenyra. Cause 0-20% damage to non-dragon garrison.
  • Turn 65: Battle of the Gullet
    • Greens: Triarchy declare war to Rhaenyra. Add Triarchy's fleet and melee unit and then move them to the Gullet and Driftmark
  • Turn 65: Battle of the Honeywine
    • Greens: Tessarion can be used by Aegon.
  • Turn 70: Plot to attack King's Landing
    • Blacks: Syrax can be used by Rhaenyra.
  • Turn 75: Daeron the Daring
    • Greens: Rowan/Oakheart/Grimm change to Aegon's vassal(or surrender to Tyrell if they declare for Greens)
  • Turn 80: Red Kraken
    • Blacks: Greyjoy declare war to Aegon/Lannister/Tyrell
  • Turn 90: First Tumbleton
    • Greens: Vermithor/Silverwing's owner change to Aegon and move to north of Tumbleton
  • Turn 95: Mooton turns to the Greens
    • Mooton change to Aegon's vassal
  • Turn 100: Riots at King's Landing and Storming of the Dragonpit
    • King's Landing riot 2 turns, reduce King's Landing population by 2 and cause 0-50% damage to garrison, remove Grove building, kill all Dragon except Vhagar in King's Landing, no matter who controls the capital. move garrison of King's Landing to Rosby, Barbarian take King's Landing and add 2 Warriors there
  • Turn 105:The Lads
    • Blacks: Tully declare war to Greens, Frey\Blackwood\Bracken change to Tully's vassal, Piper surrender to Tully (Join with their Lord)(Tully need choose side with Blacks or Neutral)
    • add Tully Oscar, Ser Kermit, and unit for minor house supporter
  • Turn 110: Two Betrayers
    • Vermithor/Silverwing's owner change to Barbarian and move to south of Tumbleton
  • Turn 115: Morning
    • Black: add a Hatchling name Morning held at The Eyrie. (or at Dragonstone if Arryn declare for Greens)


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this map work well with more naval ai modmod
map version: V6
this screen shot is after 300turn aiautorun

Tech monster Lannister storms riverland capture Tully's\Frey's\Barathoen's land
Stark lead the score during early game,then lost half land to Bolton and Karstark
Tyrell's druid/werewolf/tiger conquergroup then take out Bolton and Karstark

Beyond the Wall
the Watch act well as I designed-get a large angel army
the Wildling and the other kept low score through the game,they need a boost
the Wildling should be stronger,perhaps need more city to produce army
due to lack of Infernal play-through experience,the other's tech kept be bottom and can't make enough pressure to the wildling

the Owner of free city Myr has change over 4 times
Targaryen/Dothraki/Lhazar's combine siege to Meereen last decades,but failed at last
these Island kingdom can't launch a effective naval invade,perhaps due to no settler setting.

Thanks to more naval ai modmod for improving this map into a Epic Battle


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use More Naval AI modmod for testing again
Found strange thing:
with ffh 0.41o the relation of vassal is right
but with mnai , the relation of vassal reversed
don't know what has changed by mnai,i should make a more naval ai version.

and another strange thing
with More Naval AI modmod,all civ's palace resourse has doubled for example banner have 2 law/2 earth/2spirit.Don't know the reason,but i will leave this unchanged.
use More Naval AI modmod for testing again
Found strange thing:
with ffh 0.41o the relation of vassal is right
but with mnai , the relation of vassal reversed
don't know what has changed by mnai,i should make a more naval ai version.

and another strange thing
with More Naval AI modmod,all civ's palace resourse has doubled for example banner have 2 law/2 earth/2spirit.Don't know the reason,but i will leave this unchanged.

It is a bit sad that nobody has left a comment, this really looks interesting and obviously you are putting a lot of work in it.

Now I don't play FFH and don't intend to try this, but I just read this and wanted to tell you that the 2 strange behaviours of the WBSave are due to bugs in Platy's World Builder.

In the meantime, he corrected them in the newest version. If you are unsure about merging it with your scenario, I'm pretty sure that just swapping the file Python/pyWB/CvWBDesc.py will be enough to correct the problems (vassals and double bonus).
It is a bit sad that nobody has left a comment, this really looks interesting and obviously you are putting a lot of work in it.

First reply!Thanks to you.Tell truth,I have lurked CFC over 6 years,from play RFC to FFH2,just register one month ago, what a shame!:crazyeye:

although not many people play FFH now,still have some people persist in. When i got this idea to make a map for fun,after several weeks read map/background story/map editing/playtesting,I want to share my joy with other people.

You might want to publicize your scenario a bit more, in the scenarios overall section, or even when you find it polished enough in the Announce thread.
here is V7.1 for More Naval AI modmod aiautorun test screenshot

turn 100
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0-100turn are the time to build and prepare for war
after 20 turn stasis (sucks) and 2 wave of river of blood,all city reduce to 1 ppl, and Stark's 6 cities start kept score leading
no war happens,only one thing to mention is Greyjoy settle on west shore of Starks

turn 200
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war begins and Lannister conquered entire riverland;after grap from Starks,Tyrell/Stannis/Greyjoy each has controled the Neck for several years,at last,Stark's bannerman Bolton has taken the neck back

turn 300
North Westeros
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Stark has driven Greyjoy out of the North and put down the Bolton's rebellion
and to my surprise,the other/wildling be wiped out,guess by whom?
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House Tyrell

Middle Westeros
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Tyrell has taken Twins and the Vale,Greyjoy and Stannis squeezed on island.

South Westeros
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Tyrell and Lannister form an Alliance and share the Dorne,their team is on the way to win
and brave Stark taken Storm's End and hold for a long time

Slaver's Bay
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no more words for this area.Ibben has conquered Meereen,this must be a long long expedition.and Island kingdom resettled the remains of Valyria.Don't blame Dani for doing nothing,she has grap many barbarian cities on Eastern Essos


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300 turn's
due to ashen vail civ are minor one and at war with all the civs,they are poorly spread
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Victory Condition
If no one stop Lannister/Tyrell team,they are obviously on the way to win (they has four tower and 6th alter-one step left to win by both side)
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start with Night Watch
first 50 turns use Jon Snow and Ghost to hunt wilding,even ghost(a wolf) catch several victims;Benja go South to meet the Lord of 7 Kingdom to open bolder and trade.due to double palace mana bug, use earth exchange for Enchantment,life exchange for Law.
after Bronze working Castle Black began to produce Axeman,and Jon(a Beastman from Dovello) can upgrade to Axeman with Iron Weapon,he lead a army and capture Hardhome easily.

at turn 90
What happened?
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Jon Snow killed a Frost Giant by 1vs1.

at turn 100
oh my god what i have done!
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ira release by Avatar of Wraith storm easten Essos and overrun several kingdom,last time not happened i swear:crazyeye:

now at turn 120
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Jon's conquer slowed by the Others Hybo come and hunt.even Jon combat odd below 0.1%:eek: we now retreat to Castle Black waiting for new tech to boost
it is strange that,Hybo just wandering and hunt unit,never taken a city.
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and for flavor, War of Four King(Say Sorry for Renly) begins:king:
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test V7.2 use Lannister
the ira that Avatar of Wraith summoned are too powerful.This time around turn 60,they has wiped out half civ of Essos,even slaver's bay has fallen.omg!

another bug i found is eye and ear wonder only make you see other civ researching tech,can't bring free tech which is researched by over 3 civ. is there any one know the reason?
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