Getting sick of the AI's inaccurate unit strengths

Originally posted by Lord_Vetinari
I have to go along with the "it's just a game" people here. If we took all realistic aspects into consiceration cavalry and infantry would never be able to conquer a city with city walls with out the aid of seige weapons. Ever seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail? Altough Lancelot manages a few stabs at the castle wall I seriously doubt that they would have taken the castle (even if the french hadn't counter attack with the deadly catapult-cow weapon)

Also, I haven't played civ2 for ages, but I seem to recal the manual mentioning something about units with firearms and/or massive steel armour (ships-tanks) gaining significant combat bonuses against other units. Anyone else remembering this? If my memory is working corectly, and if this system existed in civ2, why removing it civ3? Sounds like devolution to me.

just my .02$:) :)

That's definitely one thing that's missing in Civ 3: specific unit bonuses against specific units. In my opinion, pikemen should get a decent bonus against knights, as that was their main function, no? Longbows and archers should get an advantage over pikes and spears (due to all the free shots the archers would get against the very slow troops), and so on... Of course, it would make Civ III a little more like Age of Kings, but it would deepen the war aspect of the game if there were counterbalancing units in the game. As it stands now, the war sim part of Civ is pretty subpar compared to most games, be they RTS or turn-based. I know Civ ain't a war sim, but it's a huge aspect of play that should be given more depth...

- Windwalker
Originally posted by Zouave

I disagree. Cavalry's offensive prowess is way overrated in the game.

Are you kidding? They have a 6 attack rating!!! They fight against units with at least that (riflemen) and against units vastly superior (infantry - 10). How is this overpowered?
Originally posted by Windwalker
That's definitely one thing that's missing in Civ 3: specific unit bonuses against specific units.

I can't see that happening - such a big change is unlikely to happen in patch. And unless a massive petition is handed over to Firaxis, they won't add it into an add-on either.

Behold, however, if it ever is added then the forum will be flooded by hundreds of threads complaining about the bonuses some units have over others... :eek:
Originally posted by Panda

Behold, however, if it ever is added then the forum will be flooded by hundreds of threads complaining about the bonuses some units have over others... :eek:

Oh yes, I can already hear it... but there`s a simple fix to it: make different unit classes and then assign each unit up to 4 classes. Allow that to be changed in the editor as well as the bonuses a unit gets for fighting against a unit of a certain class. Like a pikeman fights very well offensive and defensive againt mounted, close distance units (Knights), fares worse against close range ground troops (Swordsmen - this is realistic since Pikemen go for the Knights Horse that can`t defend itself), and do miserably against stand off units (mounted or on foot) like Archers.....

That capability in the editor would give everyone the ability to tweak an existing, general combat system to his/her own historc interpretation and also playability.....
Originally posted by Killer

Oh yes, I can already hear it... but there`s a simple fix to it: make different unit classes and then assign each unit up to 4 classes. Allow that to be changed in the editor as well as the bonuses a unit gets for fighting against a unit of a certain class. Like a pikeman fights very well offensive and defensive againt mounted, close distance units (Knights), fares worse against close range ground troops (Swordsmen - this is realistic since Pikemen go for the Knights Horse that can`t defend itself), and do miserably against stand off units (mounted or on foot) like Archers.....

That capability in the editor would give everyone the ability to tweak an existing, general combat system to his/her own historc interpretation and also playability.....

Nice idea, and would indeed be relatively easy to implement (it seems so, anyway, though without knowing the precise code structure nobody can be sure of that). If anybody does get up a petition suggesting this, I'm in.
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