Getting stuff from defeated civs???

Jason Fox

Jan 22, 2002
When I'm pounding a rival civ into extinction I have now made a habit of stopping with two or three cities left to go. At this point I'll offer peace and they'll generally give me anything for it, techs, gold, even the one or two non-capital cities they have. Then I have to go finish the job, usually on the next turn.

Is there a better way? If I just eliminate them will I lose any techs they may have that I don't? I'm afraid to try 'cause this generally comes up fairly early in the game and I really need those techs or I'll fall hopelessly behind.
The only thing wrong with this tatic is that all of the other nations in the world will be cautious when making deals with you in the future since you broke a peace treaty after only one turn. Depending on the point of the game this may or may not be a factor.
Originally posted by Jason Fox
When I'm pounding a rival civ into extinction I have now made a habit of stopping with two or three cities left to go...

Not really. I do the same thing early on in the game to get extra cash and techs. I wish Fraxis didn't take away the CIV2 ability to take a technology when you sack a 2+ town.
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