Gifting mana to affect relations


Oct 29, 2007
This is a funny trick that you can do to worsen a player's relationships with good players: gift them all of your death/entropy/chaos mana. Then, they will have -4 or -2 for each mana you gift with most of the good AI's. You could very easily add a -12 this way, which is a lot.
I think it's best for either Basium -- to get good civs to fight each other -- or for the evil crowd, such as Sheaim or Hyborem.

Note that there's a real price to pay here -- most maps have little mana.
True, but you might not need a particular node that much. Or, if it was someone that you wanted to DoW really soon, then gift it to them, get 3 good civs to DoW, then do it yourself, which would automatically cancel the deal.
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