Gods of Old Instant-Win


Oct 2, 2007
If your Gods of Old game runs long, do the following for an instant win:
1) Propose "Free Religion" in the UN.
2) The AIs all vote for it, you defy it.
3) You now have the only state religion left, which the scenario interprets as a Religious Victory, and you instantly win the game.

I discovered this rather by accident, laughing when I suddenly and unexpectedly won a very tough game.

IMO, maybe the AI in Gods of Old shouldn't like Free Religion as much as they do in normal Civ. =)
Did you actually do this? Because this just shouldn't happen:
1. If you defy it, nobody switches to free religion. Defying a resolution is more like a veto than actually defying it.
2. A religious victory is to have the last holy city, not state religion.
Actually, what I did was vote for it (since I didn't know this would happen), and the scenario gave me the win. I can post the save if you want. It seemed to me like defying would be a little bit more satisfying way to win.

But either way, I can confirm it does give you an instant win.
Well... actually the problem is THIS:

If the AI switches to Free religion, it takes all religions to be non-state religions. Yes, thats right. All religions are non-state religions.

Now, in Gods of Old, non-state religions are bad, so... they use the inquisitor to create a total VOID of religions!! I saw this in one of my games, and I was shocked when the AI spammed inquisitors and proceeded to destroy all traces of religion from thier cities. All religions.

If the AI deleted all the holy cities while in Free religion, its a very easy (and quite disappointing) win. When I played that game, I took my victory when the AI refused to build milatery, and instead tried to build ONLY inquisitors to destroy all religions. That, and the amount of :) in the cities hit nearly rock bottom.
If the AI deleted all the holy cities while in Free religion, its a very easy (and quite disappointing) win. When I played that game, I took my victory when the AI refused to build milatery, and instead tried to build ONLY inquisitors to destroy all religions. That, and the amount of :) in the cities hit nearly rock bottom.
There wasn't any time for them to wipe out religion... as soon as the UN Free Religion vote went through, BAM, instant win. And they all voted for it. =)
Never relized that
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