Goody hut question

Mar 17, 2007
I took a look at the probabilities from goody huts in the War Academy and saw "city" listed. Do barbs ever turn their settlement into a town for you? I've never had it happen. Is it a vanilla feature, are there certain conditions to have it happen or am I just unlucky? Interestingly enough, I don't think I've ever got nothing from a hut either. Thanks!
Yeah it does happen. I think it was added in Conquests. The conditions (I believe) are the same as those for a settler popping from a hut.

Sorry to be so vague but I've rarely seen it. Id much rather have the settler than the city.
Its like a barbarian village turning into your city!?
Its like a barbarian village turning into your city!?
I assume that's a misphrase, what is probably meant is getting a free town from a goody hut. Happens often. It annoys me, really, those towns that pop up 1 tile from a river or 1 tile from a coast. Grrr! :mad: It's like having the AI govern your city placement; NO!
It is called an advanced city, not sure why. IIRC is was in CivII as well. They tend to not be close enough to be useful and sometimes, I just abandon them.
You are right, vmxa, they were in Civ II. And sometimes the advanced tribe would do its name justice by being size 2 or even 3, and having one or the other basic improvement like a market or temple. Not sure if that is in C3C though.
Interestingly enough, I don't think I've ever got nothing from a hut either. Thanks!

I'd call that lucky.

My worst game ever, I counted 9 huts turned over (more than usual, but): 6 produced barbs, two were "deserted", one gave maps. [pissed]

Best games I'd say tied between a regent game with the Germans where I popped two settlers and a bunch of gold, and monarch Aztecs game where I popped one settler and a bunch of techs.
"Deserted"? I think I may actually have seen it once.

Deserted = empty :)

Seems to happen more the later you go in the game. On occasion I'll tip a hut on some remote island sometime in the late MA or early IA before the AI gets there. I'd say 50% of the time they're deserted, probably the ones that were flagged to give you an AA tech. Otherwise they only give you maps, gold, or barbs.
capnvonbaron said:
My worst game ever, I counted 9 huts turned over (more than usual, but): 6 produced barbs, two were "deserted", one gave maps.

For a high level map with a non-expansionist tribe, that actually seems from what I remember of Oystein's tables.
You are right, vmxa, they were in Civ II. And sometimes the advanced tribe would do its name justice by being size 2 or even 3, and having one or the other basic improvement like a market or temple. Not sure if that is in C3C though.
I remember playing on a world map, and having El-Amarna mysteriously appear in a perfect location, size 3, with a marketplace, temple, and barracks. I quite literally cheered.

You do get free cities (advanced tribes) fairly often, but that's not necessarily a good thing. If you play the Europe map, starting in Rome's position, the hut in Sicily will almost always produce a city if you go there ASAP. It will also ALWAYS flip to whoever is in Carthage's position, unless you rush a temple. I mean that, every single damn time, no matter the difficulty setting.
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