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Gotm 141

Ali Ardavan

Retired Moderator
May 29, 2002
Michigan, USA
Game of the Month 141: March 2013

Game Settings:
Difficulty: Emperor, Respawn on, Roving Bands (-25)
Civilization: Persians
Rivals: Egyptian, Greek, Mongol

Map: Small (40x50) round game-generated map with the following characteristics: small land mass, archipelago, normal climate, temperate temperature, old in age.
My experience shows that the map generator creates just one large continent at smaller map sizes. I picked small land mass and archipelago to partially offset that, however, we are still quite likely to get one big continent. Also, at smaller sizes the map generator creates a higher than usual amount of mountains.

Victory: Spaceship or Conquest
Deadline: April 22

Please be sure to follow the submission guidelines when submitting your game (please do not send your files in a .zip file. Attach them directly to your e-mail with your name in the save file). No extra save is needed.

Please sent the savegames only to civ2gotm@gmail.com.

Have fun.

You can find the save file here.

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Resource seed is 2. Two tiles SE of starting location is 4-specials with an additional fish and a fish type on land.
Good choice for me; for the log, writing Arbela is easier than Aberystwyth, Atzcapotzalco or Aldeigjuborg.

Although maybe the Vikings weren't in contention this time - because of their colour - with the ones here there is a key civ in the game for every power rating.

Which might mean some people will manage with just one city name of their own?
Finished! Much lower Civilization score than last month, and I only ended 20 years earlier than last month. I don't think I improved. Well, whenever the spoiler page goes up I can tell you all the whole, sad, sordid story. I took copious notes this time. Maybe some of you nice folks can show me where it all went so horribly, horribly wrong.
Scott, unlike the game thread which is put up by the moderator (Magic) or his designated helpers (which includes many of us old timers here), anyone can start the spoiler thread. So, go ahead and do it. Just make sure you name the thread consistent with other such threads.

However, do not expect quick feedback. Those of us who have not yet started but intend to do so, will not look at it till we get somewhat into the game. Typically, we will not look at the spoiler till we have met some of the rivals and exchanged maps with them.
Scott, unlike the game thread which is put up by the moderator (Magic) or his designated helpers (which includes many of us old timers here), anyone can start the spoiler thread. So, go ahead and do it. Just make sure you name the thread consistent with other such threads.

However, do not expect quick feedback. Those of us who have not yet started but intend to do so, will not look at it till we get somewhat into the game. Typically, we will not look at the spoiler till we have met some of the rivals and exchanged maps with them.

Okay, started the spoiler thread, and I'll be patient about it. (Hurry up, people!)
Oh, could you stickie it? I don't know how to do that. Thanks.
I see it but I will not read it for a while. Only Magic can make it sticky. I am sure he will tend to that soon enough.
Okay, started the spoiler thread, and I'll be patient about it. (Hurry up, people!)

I know just how you feel! ;) It's kind of customary not to peek into the spoiler thread until 1 AD, so it might take some waiting-time for those who already are there. I am at -250, so probably I will post there tomorrow.
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