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GOTM and Hall of Fame


Mar 18, 2003
General GOTM Question : I play PTW but these GOTM scores do not seem to end up in the Hall of Fame. Is this always the case ?

May be you would like to start at the Chieftain level.;) There are many people including myself are trying to win our first game at the Chieftain level. We report our games in this following thread:


Note: I have never won the Chieftain level before, not even one! I'm hopping that this one will be my first.:)
Whenever the rules have been changed, they won't show up in your hall of fame. And there are some rule changes to the GOTM games (disabling of mobilization, taking out the rambo units, etc.)Plenty of people have given Firaxis grief over this.
The real problem in looking at the Hall of Fame and attempting to compare those games to the GOTM games is a fundamental difference in process.

We want to infer that the Hall of Fame games are the best played games but this is only valid if you look at the fundamental conditions of how the HOF scores are allowed. Since the games must be "randomly generated", top players in the HOF may spin up hundreds of different game starts looking for starting positions with lots of grasslands and food bonuses. The Holy Grail of HOF games is a start position with mucho cows on grassland with rivers and a high landmass Pangaea. This detracts nothing from the skill of the high level HOF players who must spend 100's of hour pushing an HOF attempt game to the ultimate limits, but you will not see games in the HOF that explore the diversity of start positions and terrain conditions that you will encounter in a GOTM type game.

Players who go for and complete fast victory conditions will generally not be listed in the Hall of Fame HOF tables of results because the standard Civ3 scoring system.

At some point in the future there may be a system that recognizes player performance weighted for the map conditions but for now the HOF games are a very high skill pursuit of score in world of grass and food.

You can easily look at any of the top GOTM games and say that these are as good if not better measures player performance because of the level of diverse skill that they represent.
Cracker and Moonsinger, I think Gervond was referring to the 'Hall of Fame' that is built into the game where you get to see your own personal high scores. With PTW, you can't see this on any games (or mods) that have had any rule changes from the default game.
yep Bamspeedy that is the one.


It is just I won GOTM18 (space race victory) with the higest score I got so far (2866) and was just a bit @#& it wasn't on top of the in-game HOF.


You can edit the HighScores file with Notepad and add your GOTM results yourself if you want. I only have a single result in my PTW HighScores file (a Realms Beyond comparison game), and like Moonsinger I still have to win my first game on Chieftain. ;)
Open up the HighScores.cv3 file and add a line like this:

Brennus 25 2866 3 4 1

[u]Name      Civ(Color)  Score  Difficulty  VictoryType   Victory/Loss[/u]
Brennus       25       2866       3            4             1

Color: 0-31, matches up to the way they are listed in the editor.
Difficulty: 0-5 Chieftain-Deity
VictoryType: Domination(0), Conquest(1), Cultural(2), Diplomatic(3), Spacerace(4), Retired(5), Histograph(6)
Victory: 1 Loss: 0
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