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Graphics Editing Question


May 23, 2012
Hello all,

THis may be a dumb question, but I want to ask.

How does one convert a ToT unit into an MGE unit?

I ask because I want to update/change some of the unit graphics in some scenarios.

This is only for my personal tastes, as there are some unit styles I prefer more than others.

Any help would be awesome!

BTW, I have GIMP 2.6 as my editor.

Hey welcome to the forum!
Its really easy to convert MGE to ToT. First go through the unit file and mirror any images that are not facing towards the right. After you're done be sure to save the units.bmp as 24-bit .bmp instead of 8-bit .bmp:)
Little bit more complicated than this Erin; you should really load the custom MGE 8-bit palette into the units file in GIMP. Sorry, I no longer have civ2 installed and I don't have the palette....
Hey Gareth, long time no see! How are you doing? Whats new?
Hey welcome to the forum!
Its really easy to convert MGE to ToT. First go through the unit file and mirror any images that are not facing towards the right. After you're done be sure to save the units.bmp as 24-bit .bmp instead of 8-bit .bmp:)

I really appreciate the help, but I wanted to do the reverse, convert ToT graphics to MGE.

And where exactly is this palate that Fairline speaks of? I probably used to remember, but it has been years since I did any graphics editing. Just getting back into Civ 2 after a several year absence.


Hi plainsfire - if you open any MGE units file in a graphics editor you can save the colour palette as a file which can then be loaded up into your ToT units file. Haven't used GIMP for this, but it's easy enough in Photoshop and PSP (menu - colours - save palette / load palette). GIMPs's pretty powerful and has most of the same features as PSP, so there should be a way to do this.

You obviously know that ToT units have a larger height than MGE unit slots. Perhaps the easiest (!) way to convert is to individually cut and paste each unit from the ToT file into an MGE units file (having previously made the MGE file 16-bit colour). When you've done, load the MGE palette into the new MGE file and save as 8-bit colours.

EDIT: Check this http://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-palette-dialog.html#gimp-palette-new

EDIT # 2: Here's the mge units palette I've jus extracted


  • civ2 palette.zip
    988 bytes · Views: 78
Thanks, Fairline.

I was thinking of taking the ToT units, resizing them from 64 by 64 to 48 by 64. Attached the re-sized images to an MGE unit file, then change palettes. Sound ok?

BTW, Fairline, do you have any idea where your graphics update to Nemo's American Civil War scenario is? I can't find it anywhere online. THanks!
Thanks, Fairline.
I was thinking of taking the ToT units, resizing them from 64 by 64 to 48 by 64. Attached the re-sized images to an MGE unit file, then change palettes. Sound ok?
Better to crop than to resize (where possible), otherwise the image will appear distorted.

Very well thanks mate. Yourself? :)
Caught the modding bug again, so I'm back to see what's going on.
I've caught the bug again as well:) I've been busy; I decided to return to school to finish a mechanical engineering degree. As you can imagine, it hasn't been kind to my free time for civilization!
Mech Eng Eh? Good luck mate :)

Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics still bring me out in a cold sweat :hammer2:
plainsfire: follow EZ's advice and cut and crop where possible, to avoid 'squashing' your units
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