[R&F] Great People Mechanism in Rise and Fall


May 25, 2017
In Rise and Fall I seldom care about great scientists since science victories don't need that.

But when I actually look at them I feel surprised that I'm experiencing 2.56x great people point penalty for recruiting GPs from advanced era instead of 1.3x.

For example, the first industrial great scientist may cost 1,075 GP points(base is 420), and the second one costs 545, and there's no 3rd one even if the world is only in Renaissance era. It just jump to Modern Era Great Scientist with 1,685 cost.

We know that before that the 1st industrial great scientist may cost 545 if the "world average era" is behind the GP era, and there's 3 GPs of the same type of the same era if "world average era" doesn't advance during the 3 GPs being recruited. The latter 2 costs 420 both with no penalty.

But now the mechanism seems strange. The 1st one costs 2.56x, the 2nd one costs 1.3x, and there's no 3rd one.
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