Greek World for BtS


Feb 24, 2007

There it is. I've done a fair amount of playing around with this scenario, playing as various civs and seeing what needs to be added or not for a more equal play.

Seems like at least for the Phoenician empire and Babylonian empire, when i enter the world builder half the civs are gone and there's cities missing on the world builder map. Does anyone have any idea of what might be causing this? Same cities and civs gone through normal game playing too. I wanted a go as the Phoenician empire too!!
I looked up the python exception on here (attached, plus you should enable those btw) and this user had the same problem:
I opened up the game with both Phoenicia and Babylon, and found that the two cities Ziz and Larsa, respectively, were causing the issue. No clue why because they seem to be in the same format as all other cities in the WBS file and I didn't see any typos. Anyways, if you delete those cities in the WBS using notepad or a similar program, the scenario runs just fine, and you could probably just re-add the two cities in the worldbuilder afterwards.


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Ok thanks for the speedy reply. I'll delete them or re add them close by. Im guessing that's the only two civs with this problem, i havent tried all of them yet. Thanks again!
[...] Anyways, if you delete those cities in the WBS using notepad or a similar program, the scenario runs just fine, and you could probably just re-add the two cities in the worldbuilder afterwards.
That's a good low-tech solution, just adding them back, wish I had thought of that. I've debugged the problem in the meantime, which was probably somewhat more effort. Anyway, goody huts within the borders of those cities were causing the crashes when the game tried to display a message about the hut outcome. Those huts already exist in the original scenario, but Phoenicia and Babylon aren't playable in that one.

I've also noticed some failing assertions in the DLL, mostly caused by comments in XML. I'll post all my bugfixes in the GW BtS thread. Edit: done
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Anyway, goody huts within the borders of those cities were causing the crashes when the game tried to display a message about the hut outcome. Those huts already exist in the original scenario, but Phoenicia and Babylon aren't playable in that one.
Oh weird, though I guess that explains the goody hut noises when the scenario starts up.
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