How to add your own custom units
Beware that at the moment no one can create an actual new model but only new units with their own unique skins and/or stats. This can be added in very easily. This guide also doesn't cover changing unit stats, for that go to : for a list of tags and what they mean.
In our example we will be creating a new unit using the Warrior model with a new skin. This unit will be called Terry. Use common sense where applicable and tell me if something is wrong/missing or you just plain can't understand it.
To prepare, go to your customs assets folder or create a new mod. All files in the following guide will use the assets folder as the root. So if i say create a new folder, this folder will be created in the assets folder.
PART 1 - Getting ready
First of all you must unpak the Art0.fpk file using the PakBuild Utility to get the unit. Since new models can't be created you will have to use an existing one. Copy the whole
...arts/units/warrior folder from the unpaked .fpk file and paste it in your assets folder (either of your mod or the custom one) keeping the file structure.
Rename the folder to
Terry but keep all the files inside intact i.e. do not touch them otherwise your game will crash and do funny stuff with you RAM. Get the new skin if you have one and replace it over the The new skin has to take this name (in this example).
Next copy over your
.../assets/xml/units/CIV4UnitClassInfos.xml and
CIV4UnitInfos.xml to your assets folder using the same file structure.
Copy the
CIV4GameTextInfos_Objects.xml and
CIV4GameText_Civililopedia_Units.xml to your new assets folder - again keeping the file structure.
Copy the
.../assets/xml/art/CIV4ArtDefines_Unit.xml over.
Now you should be ready.