Happiness, what need to be known


Apr 12, 2014
Hi my name is Gokudo, I am french ( i already beg your pardon for my grammar level ) and i have recently started to play apollo.

I think happiness(health) isn't super intuitive so i think it deserves some explanations.

The first thing everybody should notice, is that there are positive health ( or health) and negative health.

Negative health has got no restriction and adds up from every sources from your empire ( Petroleum, Factory , cities, citizens, rebellions etc ... )

On the other hand, there are two kind of health :

-Local : it's the health which comes from buildings and improvements
-Global : it's the other sources of health ( virtues or colonists for example )

So what the difference ?

. Global works exactly like Negative health, it just adds up from every sources from your Empire.

. Local has got some restriction and it's the most interesting mechanism.
A city can never generate more happiness than the number of its citizens.

Ex : let's say you improve one tile with biowell while your outpost is still growing.
When your outpost will become a city, you'll get one happiness if you work this tile.
Now if you rush-buy a clinic for example, you should have noticed that you won't get any health bonus.
That's exactly the way it suppose to work. When your city will grow, you will unlock the city's new cap and the bonus will be updated to 2.

So the question, many of us, has been wondering :

How can i expand without sinking into unhappiness ?

First, you need to know some basic rules :
The main source of unhappiness are new cities ( 4 unhappiness) and population
you get 0.75 unhappiness from population.

You can notice one citizen generate 0.75 unhappiness but allows you to generate 1 more happiness from buildings or improvements.

Provided that you can get 1 health for every citizens in a town without any petroleum or factory, the city is "balanced" at 16 citizens
because 16 citizens can potentially generate 16 positive health but only generate 12 negative health. If you add 4 from the city, you've got the same amount of positive and negative health generated by the city.

After 16 citizens, provided that you can keep to add health for each citizen, you can now add more positive than negative health to your Empire

If you pick Artist or Aristocrat , you only need 12 citizens and 12 local health

If you get profiteering/prosperity's kicker 2(+1 health per city) + artist, it's now only 8 citizens and 8 local health.

If you get the three, you only need to get 4 citizens and 4 local health.

You can do your own little math and you should be able to know when it's the right time to expand without running -10 or -20 and how to get back in the green.

But what is the conclusion ?

Sadly to get become healthy again, you need to not work manufactory and petroleum ant to GROW while keeping the local health equals to your cities' population.

It means that it's getting super harder at -20 because your growth potential is really weaker.

Before finishing, i want to point two things :

First, it's Manufactory. It adds 2 unhealth. If you don't get the upgrade from industry, you should only build some in the cities that have got the potential to get big.
If you do get the upgrade, you will later get magnasanti which will allow you to get two or three per town without any health issue, so ecology, pollute like a mad man. all you cities will get every building and you will finish the game with agriculture/science/cultural project in most of them.

Second is about annex vs puppet. When you puppet a city, you don't suffer from the base unhappiness from the cities but once pacify, you still suffer from the population.

You can't choose which tiles are worked and the governor focus on gold. He will dodge your biowell. But he will pick your petroleum ( it gives gold).
So if you want to stay healthy, here some tips.

I almost always annex cities with two petroleum.
I always annex cities with 15 + citizens.
Destroy manufactories if your health can't suppose the weird.
Of course, raze silly cities with no strategic resources, puppet small good one BUT try to control the growth ( generator on plain, destroy the ones on grassland, for example, put some array/node to get some little extra science)
you can bait the governor with the right improvements, else he will work some trader slots ...

Voilà, I hope it will help you keep your health positive.
Merci !

Very good summary.

May I suggest a few additions ?

--> I believe you should add the specialist impact on health which needs to be accounted for and is higher

--> Can you confirm that the 20%+ health building impacts the city's health and is extra local health vs global health.

In any case, I believe that how the game is currently, made - wide empires just have better IGNORE all health related buildings and virtues. In my current domination game, I ended up with -75 health after steamrolling my continent. I have no will to try to mitigate that before attacking the 2nd continent tbh and I believe that the -20% malus is not worth the pain of biowelling so many tiles.

I start also to believe that this IS a design choice from devs. I mean, human nature tends to expand at the expanse of health so it makes sense that a conquered, burned and pillaged land is unealthy (or unhappy) and as such generates less science and culture (balancing the result of the pillage itself). It also make domination wins less a drag.

I just hope they don't bring back the civ V penatlies as these WOULD definetly make the game much less enjoyable.
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