• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Happy Birthday Whomp!!

((Whomp-San, Otanjoubi omedetou!) Happy Birthday Mr. Whomp)

I bring you, the entire Panda Kiss Band!

You may now rock and roll all night long! :D
Despite having the avatar of a Panda crosses with a Brummie you are of the good guys.

Well one of the better guys at least.
Happy early birthday Whomp! Don't mind if I step into that lovely Chicago abode and help myself to your fridge.

Here are your gifts:

Spoiler :

(Fixed to a different picture in case it didn't show to other before.)

To be complete with a stock:

I will wear white socks in your honor!

Cheers to one of the friendliest mods around!

:bday: [party]
Happy birthday whomp.
Happy birthday Whomp! :bday: [party] :dance: :banana: :splat:
Happy Bday whompy!

Come celebrate in fiftychat!!! We bought you a hooker! If you dont claim her soon then Gogf is going to swoop in and hit that, so hurry up!
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