I am playing the Alexander the Great scenario for the first time. I'm on Noble. Things started out well until I got into the middle east. I managed to take Tyre and Sidon and BAM!, I started getting hammered with big stacks of units. It took forever to fight my way east and take the next two cities; now I'm down to less than 80 turns left and dont even have half of the cities on the map taken!
Have you beaten this scenario? What strategy did you use?
I am using a mix of phalanx, swordsmen, cats, and the unpronouncable replacement for the axeman. I just cant generate enough units to keep up with the onslaught that Persia is throwing at me AND defend my cities.

Have you beaten this scenario? What strategy did you use?
I am using a mix of phalanx, swordsmen, cats, and the unpronouncable replacement for the axeman. I just cant generate enough units to keep up with the onslaught that Persia is throwing at me AND defend my cities.