help an sql noob?


Aug 12, 2016
i'm way out of practice using sql... not a true noob but might as well be. my housemates and i run a marathon hotseat game using VP mod, that can run anywhere from 6-12 months, with the next one almost ready to start.

Thing is, during the last one, we ended up making database changes directly.. small ones here and there that eventually accumulated into a bit of a list. I've just moved it all into sql as best I know how, as a sort of mod mod to apply on top of VP for future games, and maybe upload in case anyone else is interested...

Only some of the sql insert values and deletes are showing up as I want them to. I've tweaked dependencies and loadorder and a few other settings in modbuddy without success. My logs show 0 errors, but clearly I'm doing something wrong. I just don't know what. I wonder if some benevolent civ 5 sql vet might have a look? It seems most likely that I've made a mistake somewhere in here, possibly around the helicopter gunship (its all one file right now):
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