Help please: dealing with Barbs on new patch as Siam


Dec 19, 2013
Returning player, trying Siam on latest patch. There are a lot more barbarians than I remember! As Siam, I want to take them out for the CS quests. My current plan is to beeline either archers or spearmen, depending on what luxuries are in my area. This means putting of other first-level techs (e.g. Pottery). Is this the best plan? Also, I'd probably go progress with Siam normally. Is it worth going Authority, just for help with the barbs?
Returning player, trying Siam on latest patch. There are a lot more barbarians than I remember! As Siam, I want to take them out for the CS quests. My current plan is to beeline either archers or spearmen, depending on what luxuries are in my area. This means putting of other first-level techs (e.g. Pottery). Is this the best plan? Also, I'd probably go progress with Siam normally. Is it worth going Authority, just for help with the barbs?
For someone dealing with the “new barbs” it can be daunting at first, but with some practice you get the hang of it.

On most starts I go monument + shrine, and then either a warrior or a slinger. So that plus your first warrior and your pathfinder (which is more durable than it used to be), can often take out Barb camps nearby pretty well.

Now if the barbs are really swarming I’ll add in one more unit (so 2 warriors + 1 slinger). This puts you behind a little but the gold from Barb camps will get you bsck on track.

Tech wise I don’t make any adjustments until Barb spears coke out, then you really need archers or spears or your own to be competitive.

Authority is certainly an option but not required. Insoikdnt go authority on barbs alone…but if there are some CS near by for trouble/conquest or a close AI, then i might switch my play to authority
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