For now, the biggest problem to me is those seapeople axemen spawning, by stacks of 4, in your core every 5 turns. I don’t know if Leoreth has something planned to fix it, but if we have to deal with it you need to go for barrack and like 5-6 hoplites immediatly in your core cities, wich sometimes is not even suficient. It’s a huge drain for your economy.
On one try, by founding a city NW of athene as capital and Sparte as 2nd city, I didn’t get any axemen.
Egypt is quite easy to conquer, almost only militia to defend, maybe 1 archer and 1 war chariot (and it was on Paragon). You can conquer the three cities without losing any of the 3 starting hoplites. Next go for barracks and unlimited hoplites in those 3 cities to rush ME, while your core cities build infrastructures and wonders. However your first army should go for Babylonia asap after Egypt, ignoring levant and Assyria on the path, bc they are the main competitor.
Normaly Egypt will have the pyramids so you can get your 3 first GP every 5-10 turns, bulbing the techs you need. Focus your captured workers on building roads to reach Persia asap.
Stability should be a problem at one time, you need your starting cities to build 2 settlers to found 2 cities in core area in Anatolia.